, JAKARTA - Sejumlah industri perbankan belum berencana untu翻訳 -, JAKARTA - Sejumlah industri perbankan belum berencana untu英語言う方法, JAKARTA - Sejumlah indu, JAKARTA - Sejumlah industri perbankan belum berencana untuk menurunkan tingkat suku bunga dasar kredit (SBDK).

Direktur Utama PT Bank Mayapada International Tbk Hariyono Tjahjarijadi mengatakan penurunan suku bunga Bank Indonesia atai BI Rate 25 basis poin dari 7,7% menjadi 7,5% tersebut tidak serta merta dapat mengubah SBDK.

"BI rate itu suku bunga acuan yang lebih berefek psikologis dibanding bisnis," ujarnya kepada, baru-baru ini.

Dengan adanya penurunan BI rate diharapkan pasar dapat merespons dengan menurunkan tensi persaingan dalam penghimpunan dana sehingga diharapkan suku bunga deposito juga akan mengalami penurunan.

"Apabila suku bunga dana bisa turun maka SBDK diharapkan juga mengikuti," ucap Hariyono.

Tingkat bunga kredit Bank Mayapada berkisar dari 14,30% hingga 16,60%.

Direktur Utama PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Tbk Gatot M Suwondo menuturkan pihaknya masih enggan untuk menurunkan bunga kredit.

Untuk menetapkan suku bunga kredit perbankan sangat berkaitan erat dengan risiko yang dihadapi bank yakni high risk high return dan low risk low return.

Adanya penurunan BI rate itu karena keinginan bank sentral untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia.

"Kami lihat kondisi pasar dulu. BI rate adalah rate acuan yang memberikan sinyal," tutur Gatot.

Sejak September tahun lalu, tingkat suku bunga perseroan berada direntang 10,00% hingga 12,25%.

Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Bank Mandiri Tbk Rohan Hafas menuturkan perseroan juga belum berencana untuk menurunkan tingkat SBDK.

"Suku bunga Mandiri masih cukup rendah saat ini. Waktu BI rate naik pada November lalu 25 bps, kami tidak menaikkan SBDK sehingga suku bunga Mandiri masih sangat kompetitif," katanya.

Saat ini, tingkat SBDK bank berkode emiten BMRI ini berada di kisaran 10,00% hingga 22,00%.

Selain itu suku bunga yang belum akan diturunkan dikarenakan mata uang dolar Amerika Serikat yang masih menguat membuat nilai tukar rupiah melemah sehingga apabila kondisi ini berlangsung lama maka dipastikan akan berdampak pada suku bunga perbankan.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
コピーしました!, JAKARTA-a number of banking industry has not planned to lower interest rate credit primary (SBDK).President Director of PT Bank Mayapada International Tbk Sunkanmi Israel Tjahjarijadi said the drop in the interest rates of Bank Indonesia or BI Rate 25 basis points from 7.7% to 7.5% will not necessarily be able to change the SBDK."The BI rate is the reference interest rate is more psychological than arthritis businesses," he said to the, recently.With the decline of the BI rate expected the market could respond by lowering tensi competition in gathering together the funds so expect interest rates on deposits will also decline."When interest rates could come down then SBDK funds are expected to also follow," said Sunkanmi Israel.Interest rate of credit Bank Mayapada ranged from 14.30 to 16.60%.President Director of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Tbk Gatot Suwondo said his side still M reluctant to lower the mortgage interest.To set the interest rates of credit banking is very closely related to the risks faced by the bank which are high risk high return and low risk low return.The decline of the BI rate was due to the central bank's desire to encourage economic growth in Indonesia."We see market conditions first. The BI rate is a rate of reference which gives the signal, "said Gatot.Since September last year, the company's interest rate is 10.00% to strung on each side 12.25%.The Corporate Secretary of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk Rohan Hafas said the company also has plans to reduce the level of SBDK."Interest rates are still low enough Independently at this time. The BI rate rise on November 25 bps, we won't raise interest rates Independently so that SBDK is still very competitive, "he said.Currently, the level of SBDK coded bank issuers BMRI is in range from 10.00% to 22.00%.In addition to interest rates that have yet to be taken down because the United States dollar currency still strengthened rupiah exchange rate weakened making so that when this condition lasts a long time then it certainly will have an impact on the banking interest rates.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
コピーしました!, JAKARTA - A banking industry has no plan to lower the prime lending rate (prime lending rate). Director of PT Bank Mayapada International Tbk Hariyono Tjahjarijadi said a rate cut by Bank Indonesia atai BI Rate by 25 basis points from 7.7% to 7 , 5% is not necessarily able to change the prime lending rate. "BI rate the benchmark interest rate more than the psychological effect on the business," he told, recently. With the BI rate is expected to decrease the market may respond to lower the tension of competition in raising funds so expect the deposit rate will also decline. "If interest rates go down, the prime lending rate funds can be expected to follow," said Hariyono. Mayapada Bank loan interest rates ranging from 14.30% to 16.60%. Director of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Tbk Gatot M Suwondo said it was still reluctant to lower mortgage interest. To set the bank lending rates very closely related to the risks faced by banks that high risk high return and low risk low return. A decrease in the BI rate was due The central bank's desire to encourage economic growth in Indonesia. "We see the market conditions first. BI rate is the reference rate that gives a signal, "said Billy. Since September last year, the interest rate the company was extended to 10.00% to 12.25%. Corporate Secretary of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk Hafas Rohan said the company also has no plan to reduce the level of prime lending rate. "Self Interest rates are still quite low at this time. Time BI rate rose in November 25 bps, so that we do not raise the prime lending interest rates Mandiri is still very competitive, "he said. At present, the bank prime lending rate coded BMRI issuer is in the range of 10.00% to 22.00%. In addition, interest rates will not be lowered because the US dollar is still stronger makes the rupiah weakened so that if this condition lasts long it will certainly have an impact on bank interest rates.

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