29 September 1996 menandakan dimulainya sebuah era baru bagi perkembangan rock underground di Jakarta. Tepat pada hari itulah digelar acara musik indie untuk pertama kalinya di Poster Café. Acara bernama “Underground Session” ini digelar tiap dua minggu sekali pada malam hari kerja. Café legendaris yang dimiliki rocker gaek
Ahmad Albar ini banyak melahirkan dan membesarkan scene musik indie baru yang memainkan genre musik berbeda dan lebih variatif. Lahirnya scene Brit/indie pop, ledakan musik ska yang fenomenal era 1997 – 2000 sampai tawuran massal bersejarah antara sebagian kecil massa Jakarta dengan Bandung terjadi juga di tempat ini. Getah,
Brain The Machine, Stepforward, Dead Pits, Bloody Gore, Straight Answer, Frontside, RU Sucks, Fudge, Jun Fan Gung Foo, Be Quiet, Bandempo, Kindergarten, RGB, Burning Inside, Sixtols, Looserz, HIV, Planet Bumi, Rumahsakit, Fable, Jepit Rambut, Naif, Toilet Sounds, Agus Sasongko & FSOP adalah sebagian kecil band-band yang `kenyang’ manggung di sana.
29 September 1996 marked the start of a new era for the development of the underground rock scene in Jakarta. Right on the day that held the event for the first time indie music at the Café Posters. The event called "Underground Session" was held once every two weeks on weekday evenings. The legendary café owned rocker gaekAlbar many childbirth and bringing up new indie music scene that plays different music genres and more varied. The birth of indie/Brit pop scene, ska music boom era of phenomenal 1997 – 2000 to a brawl between the historic mass fraction mass Jakarta Bandung occurred also in this place. SAP,The brain Machine, Stepforward Pits, Dead, Bloody Gore, Straight Answer, Frontside, RU Sucks, Fudge, Jun Fan Gung Foo, Be Quiet, Bandempo, Kindergarten, RGB, Burning Inside, Sixtols, Looserz, HIV, Planet Earth, the hospital, Fable, hair clips, naive, Toilet Sounds, Agus Sasongko & FSOP is a small part of the bands ' satiety ' gig there.

29 September 1996 marked the beginning of a new era for the development of underground rock in Jakarta. Exactly on that day indie music event held for the first time in Poster Café. The event named "Underground Session" is held every two weeks on a weekday night. Café owned by legendary rocker
Ahmad Albar this many bearing and rearing of new indie music scene that plays different music genres and more varied. The birth scene Brit / indie pop, ska music explosion is phenomenal era 1997 - 2000 to a historic mass brawl between the mass fraction Jakarta to Bandung happened in this place. Sap,
Brain Machine, Stepforward, Dead Pits, Bloody Gore, Straight Answers, Frontside, RU Sucks, Fudge, Jun Fan Gung Foo, Be Quiet, Bandempo, Kindergarten, RGB, Burning Inside, Sixtols, Looserz, HIV, Planet Earth, hospitals, Fable, Hair Barrettes, Naif, Toilet Sounds, Agus Sasongko & FSOP is a fraction bands `full 'gig there.