SINJAI - Nahas dialami Hajrah (12), siswi Kelas VI SDN 249 Batu Palla,翻訳 - SINJAI - Nahas dialami Hajrah (12), siswi Kelas VI SDN 249 Batu Palla,英語言う方法

SINJAI - Nahas dialami Hajrah (12),

SINJAI - Nahas dialami Hajrah (12), siswi Kelas VI SDN 249 Batu Palla, Desa Bonto Katute, Kecamatan Sinjai Borong, Kabupaten Sinjai. Saat akan berangkat ke sekolah, dia terpeleset jatuh ke sungai dan terseret arus sejauh satu kilometer.

Kejadian bermula saat Hajrah bersama beberapa temannya berjalan kaki menuju SDN 249 Batu Palla. Akibat hujan deras yang mengguyur daerah tersebut sejak dua hari terakhir, beberapa ruas jalan yang dilewati licin dan mengalami longsor.

Malang tak dapat ditolak, ketika Hajrah melintas di salah satu titik longsor, tiba-tiba kakinya tergelincir dan jatuh ke sungai. Dia terseret arus hingga satu kilometer, dari lokasi kejadian.

Salah seorang saksi mata, Ahmad mengatakan, musibah yang menimpa putri pasangan Patong dan Jumrah, pukul 07.00 WITA.

"Ketika dievakuasi oleh warga desa, dia sudah tak bernyawa. Pakaiannya compang camping, karena tergores saat terbawa arus. Saat ini, jenazahnya berada di rumah duka, Dusun Coddong, dan akan dimakamkan hari ini," katanya, Kamis (7/8/2014).

Sementara itu, Kepala Desa Bonto Katute Darmawati mengaku sangat prihatin dengan apa yang alami Hajrah. "Kami turut berduka atas musibah yang menimpa warga di Dusun Coddong. Kami akan membantu semampu kami meringankan beban orangtua korban," terangnya.

Terpisah, Kepala Bidang Kedaruratan dan Logistik BPBD Sinjau Achmad Karim yang mendapat kabar mengenai hanyutnya seorang warga di Kecamatan Borong segera menurunkan tim reaksi cepat ke lokasi kejadian.

"Saya telah menginstruksikan tim reaksi cepat untuk membantu keluarga korban, sekaligus meninjau kondisi jalan yang mengalami longsor yang menjadi penyebab jatuhnya anak SD tersebut," jelasnya.

Pihaknya mengimbau kepada warga untuk berhati-hati ketika melintas di lokasi-lokasi rawan longsor. "Saat ini curah hujan masih tinggi, kami imbau warga untuk waspada jika keluar rumah dan melewati ruas jalan yang rawan longsor," pungkasnya.

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
SINJAI-Nahas experienced Hajrah (12), students of class VI SDN 249 Stone Palla, the village of Bonto, district Katute, the entire stock of Sinjai Regency Sinjai. Upon leaving school, she slipped and fell into the river current swept up to a kilometre.

Event began when some friends shared Hajrah walk to SDN 249 Stone Palla. Due to the heavy rain that making Karang River overflew the area since the last two days, some of the roads are slippery and impassable suffered a landslide. Poor

cannot be denied, when Hajrah passing in one point of the avalanche, all of a sudden her foot slipped and fell into the river. He dragged the flow up to one kilometer from the scene.

one witness, Ahmad said, calamities that befell the Princess couples Patong and Pebbles, 7: 00: 00.

"When it was evacuated by the villagers, he is lifeless. His clothes compang camping, as the current carried away when scratched. Today, his remains are in the funeral home, the hamlet of Coddong, and will be buried today, "he said, Thursday (7/8/2014). Meanwhile,

The head of the village of Bonto Katute Darmawati claims to be very concerned with what natural Hajrah. "We also grieve over the misfortune that befell residents in the hamlet of Coddong. We will help our best to alleviate the burden of the parents of the victim, "he explained. Separate

The head of Emergency and logistics BPBD Sinjau Achmad Karim who got word about hanyutnya an immediate decrease in the entire stock of quick reaction teams to the scene

. "I have instructed the rapid reaction team to help families of the victims, as well as review the condition of the road that has been the cause of the landslide and collapse of the elementary school children," he said.

It appealed to the citizens to be cautious when traveling in avalanche-prone locations. "The current rainfall is still high, we the citizens to be alert if imbau out the House and passed by landslide-prone roads," pungkasnya.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Sinjai - Hajrah experienced Nahas (12), a Class VI student of SDN 249 Stone Palla, Bonto Katute, Borong Sinjai district, Sinjai. When going off to school, he slipped and fell into the river swept as far as one kilometer. incident began when Hajrah with some of his friends walking towards SDN 249 Stone Palla. Due to heavy rain which flushed the area since the past two days, several roads were impassable slippery and eroding. Malang can not be denied, when Hajrah passing one point landslide, his foot suddenly slipped and fell into the river. She swept up to one kilometer, from the scene. One witness, Ahmad said the plight of Patong and the couple's daughter Pebbles, at 07.00 pm. "When evacuated by villagers, he was already dead. clothes were ragged, because scratched while drifting. Currently, his remains are at the funeral home, Hamlet Coddong, and will be buried today, "he said, Thursday (07/08/2014). he slipped and fell into the river swept as far as one kilometer. incident began when Hajrah with some of his friends walking towards SDN 249 Stone Palla. Due to heavy rain which flushed the area since the past two days, several roads were impassable slippery and eroding. Malang can not be denied, when Hajrah passing one point landslide, his foot suddenly slipped and fell into the river. She swept up to one kilometer, from the scene. One witness, Ahmad said the plight of Patong and the couple's daughter Pebbles, at 07.00 pm. "When evacuated by villagers, he was already dead. clothes were ragged, because scratched while drifting. Currently, his remains are at the funeral home, Hamlet Coddong, and will be buried today, "he said, Thursday (07/08/2014). he slipped and fell into the river swept as far as one kilometer. incident began when Hajrah with some of his friends walking towards SDN 249 Stone Palla. Due to heavy rain which flushed the area since the past two days, several roads were impassable slippery and eroding. Malang can not be denied, when Hajrah passing one point landslide, his foot suddenly slipped and fell into the river. She swept up to one kilometer, from the scene. One witness, Ahmad said the plight of Patong and the couple's daughter Pebbles, at 07.00 pm. "When evacuated by villagers, he was already dead. clothes were ragged, because scratched while drifting. Currently, his remains are at the funeral home, Hamlet Coddong, and will be buried today, "he said, Thursday (07/08/2014). suddenly her foot slipped and fell into the river. She swept up to one kilometer, from the scene. One witness, Ahmad said the plight of Patong and the couple's daughter Pebbles, at 07.00 pm. "When evacuated by villagers, he was already dead. clothes were ragged, because scratched while drifting. Currently, his remains are at the funeral home, Hamlet Coddong, and will be buried today, "he said, Thursday (07/08/2014). suddenly her foot slipped and fell into the river. She swept up to one kilometer, from the scene. One witness, Ahmad said the plight of Patong and the couple's daughter Pebbles, at 07.00 pm. "When evacuated by villagers, he was already dead. clothes were ragged, because scratched while drifting. Currently, his remains are at the funeral home, Hamlet Coddong, and will be buried today, "he said, Thursday (07/08/2014).

Meanwhile, Chief Bonto Katute Darmawati deeply concerned with what is natural Hajrah. "We also mourn the plight of residents in Hamlet Coddong. We will assist the best we can ease the burden on the victim's parents," he explained. Separately, Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBDs Sinjau Ahmad Karim who had heard about the runoff of a resident in the district immediately fielded Borong fast reaction to the scene. "I have instructed a rapid response team to help the families of the victims, as well as reviewing the eroding road conditions that cause the fall of the elementary school children," he explained. He said he appealed to residents to be careful when crossing locations prone to landslides. "Currently the rainfall is high, we urge residents to be vigilant when out of the house and past the landslide-prone roads," he concluded.

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