—Album pertama mereka yang bertajuk Hardcore Strikes Back (2008) seper翻訳 - —Album pertama mereka yang bertajuk Hardcore Strikes Back (2008) seper英語言う方法

—Album pertama mereka yang bertajuk

—Album pertama mereka yang bertajuk Hardcore Strikes Back (2008) seperti menegaskan kepada orang-orang bahwa ada genre hardcore selain metal, death metal dan screamo yang lebih populer saat itu. Band yang awalnya membawakan lagu-lagu Ryker, Hatebreed dan Biohazard ini tengah mempersiapkan materi untuk album kedua mereka. Uncluster.com berhasil mewawancarai Outright sebelum mereka berlatih di salah satu studio di Bandung. Halo semua? Halo juga Bisa dijelaskan ga kenapa memilih genre hardcore? Karena hardcore sesuai dengan kehidupan nyata, lebih real, baik itu musiknya, liriknya, lebih melekat sama kita masing-masing, lagian kita juga maenin ini jauh sebelum musik hardcore berkembang sepesat sekarang. Waktu itu sekitar lima tahun yang lalu, masih bisa dihitung sama jari lah band yang maenin musik hardcore. Intinya kita bawain musik hardcore karena mewakili karakter masing-masing, liriknya yang straight to the point, cocok lah sama kita. Seingat saya Outright pertama kali muncul waktu disini lagi musim screamo dan metal, bagaimana tanggapan kalian tentang itu? Ya karena kita sukanya musik hardcore, jadi ga peduli orang lain mau bikin band kaya apa, soalna urang mah nya kieu (soalnya kita memang begini, red). Tanggapan kalian mengenai perkembangan musik hardcore di Indonesia? Amazing, luar biasa pesat. Selama setahun belakangan ini kita banyak manggung di luar Bandung, dari situ kita bisa melihat perkembangan di daerah-daerah, contohnya kaya kemaren di Solo, Semarang, Jakarta dan Malang, selain itu juga banyak band hardcore luar yang datang ke Indonesia terus banyak rilisan-rilisan hardcore yang menurut kami bagus-bagus, terus pas kita maen di stage dengan band-band yang tidak kita kenal, edan lah. Influence musik kalian sendiri dari mana? Dari India, hahaha. Sebenernya kalau influence banyak ya, misalnya Asuy dulunya sering dengerin European hardcore kaya Ryker, kalau yang lain mungkin lebih banyak dengerin U.S hardcore, American style lah. Selain itu juga kita terpengaruh oleh Pantera, Black Stone Cherry, band-band southern, dan yang lokalnya mungkin Puppen. Ada musisi atau band yang tidak bermaterikan rock yang benar-benar meng-influence kalian? Nirvana Kesibukan Outright sekarang, misalnya persiapan album kedua? Kalau untuk album, rencananya pertengahan tahun ini kita masuk studio Ada bocoran materi album kedua? Kalo tema mungkin masih seputar kehidupan sehari-hari, musiknya tentunya lebih groove dan jauh lebih keren dari album sebelumnya karena di album ini kita kebetulan banyak dibantu musisi-musisi yang cukup kompeten dan beberapa orang sound enginer yang kompeten. Ada beberapa single yang kita buat, Broken Trust dan Bloody Board Destruction, itu materi buat album kedua dan itu udah bisa didengerin di MySpace. Kita juga ada satu lagu yang berkolaborasi dengan vokalis-vokalis lain. Balik lagi ke album Hardcore Strikes Back, albumnya bercerita tentang apa? Hardcore Strikes Back sebenarnya pengen bilang ke orang bahwa ini ada genre musik hardcore, bagi kalian yang belum tahu dan yang lebih dulu mendengarkan metal atau screamo. Bisa dibilang pada waktu kita rilis sekitar tahun 2008, minim banget rilisan-rilisan hardcore. Terus kenapa kita ngambil Hardcore Strikes Back biar menghentak aja. Lagu hits kalian di album pertama? ‘Super Groove Power Chords’, ceritanya tentang band Outright sendiri yang masih bertahan di jalurnya, meskipun banyak tren-tren yang memungkinkan orang-orang labil berpaling. Bisa dibilang ga banyak band yang punya jati diri kuat, mungkin ada beberapa orang yang kemarin metal sekarang karena lagi tren screamo terus bikin band screamo terus musim death metal, bikin death metal juga, bahkan teman-teman kita juga banyak yang kaya gitu. Kita menghindari hal seperti itu karena kita yakin musik hardcore bakal berkembang di kemudian hari. Sejujurnya pangsa pasar kita bukan disini (Indonesia, red). Menurut kalian mana promo yang paling efektif untuk saat ini, tur atau media? Dua-duanya saling berkesinambungan, yang paling berpengaruh pasti media, karena sebagai jembatan untuk orang awam dan orang pada umumnya, kita juga banyak dibantu oleh media di saat kita baru muncul tapi semua itu ga ada artinya kalau kita ga pernah maen. Jadi tur itu sebagai realisasi dari apa yang kita kerjakan selama ini. Kalau ga ada media juga sama aja bohong, maneh nge-band tapi moal di-expose, kalau maneh boga karya tapi tara maen oge sarua (kamu nge-band tapi ga di expose, kalau kamu punya karya tapi ga pernah main juga sama saja), jadi itu balance banget. Dari tahun 2005 sampai sekarang perubahan apa yang paling kalian rasakan dalam berkarya? Kita lebih matang, jadi lebih explore, karena dari masing-masing personil dengerinnya beda-beda, otomatis dalam karya pun ada masukan-masukan yang baru, tapi tetap benang merahnya hardcore. Mungkin perkembangan yang paling krusial dari masalah sound, dulu ibaratnya kita ngerjainnya masih kurang dari segi pengalaman maupun materi. Menurut kalian band lokal yang sangat reprentatif? Tragedi, Dazecortica, Bestiality dari Jakarta tepatnya Priok, sekarang Priok lagi brutal, kami juga ikut prihatin, tapi di sana menyimpan band-band bagus. Selain itu ada Side by Side dari Jakarta, terus ada Spirit of Life, Morning Sick, Serigala Malam dari Jogjakarta dan mungkin Dead Quarter dari Surabaya. Jika ditawari kolaborasi, kalian memilih siapa? Kang Ibing lah, biar bisa ngibing, hahaha. Kalau lokal kita pengen kolaborasi sama Jasad. Kalau band luar, kita pengennya kolaborasi bukan sama band atau musisi tapi sama produser, soalnya kalo band atau musisi di Indonesia juga sudah cukup, cuma kita kurang punya produser yang punya taste musik bagus. Ada obsesi dalam konteks karya yang belum terpenuhi? Obsesi dalam konteks karya mah kumahanya (gimana ya, red), tapi yang pasti obsesi kita sekarang pengen go international. Rencananya tahun ini kita bakal ada tur di Malaysia dan Singapura. Selain itu kita juga bernegoisasi dengan label dari Australia, dan mudah-mudahan album kemaren bisa di re-package di Sidney dibawah Party All The Time Record. Denger-denger ada pergantian vokalis, ada perubahan ga dari materi lagu-lagu Outright? Oh iya, karena vokalis kita yang lama sibuk dengan pekerjaannya, sekarang kita tambah additional, Hardi. Untuk materi ga ada yang berubah. Ada perubahan feel ga, misalnya waktu manggung dengan vokalis lama dan baru? Dua-duanya keren, lagian vokalis yang baru orangnya mudah beradaptasi. Baik vokalis yang lama maupun yang baru punya ciri khas masing-masing, selain itu materi Outright yang ada bisa dibawain dengan bagus, jadi kita ga punya masalah. Pengalaman manggung yang berkesan dari 2005 sampai sekarang? Kalau berkesan lebih ke personal tapi mungkin tahun 2007, waktu itu di Itenas acara Musik Sore, yang maennya cuma empat band Burgerkill, Metal Kecil, Tjukimay dan Outright. Waktu itu juga kita masih band kacangan lah, jadi tegang maen bareng sama mereka. Tapi efeknya setelah acara itu orang jadi banyak yang tahu Outright. Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money : http://bit.ly/fxzulu

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money : http://bit.ly/fxzulu
ソース言語: インドネシア語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
— Their first Album titled Hardcore Strikes Back (2008) as it confirms to people that there is other than hardcore metal, death metal and screamo are more popular at the time. The band initially performed songs Ryker, Hatebreed and Biohazard is preparing material for their second album. Uncluster.com successfully interviewed Outright before they practise in one of the studios in Bandung. Hello all? Hello can also explained why choose ga hardcore? Because hardcore corresponds to real life, more real, be it music, the lyrics, the more attached the same each one of us, anyways we also maenin this far before the hardcore music growing sepesat now. The time was about five years ago, could still be counted the same finger is a hardcore music maenin band. The point is we are a hardcore music because bawain mewakili characters each, the lyrics are straight to the point, the match was equal. As I recall Outright first time here again and screamo metal band season, how the response you guys about it? Yes because we liked the music of hardcore, so ga matter other people want to make a rich band of what, his mah urang soalna kieu (because we do it this way, red). Responses you guys regarding the development of Indonesia's hardcore music? Amazing, wonderful. A year later we are many gig outside Bandung, from there we can see the development in these areas, e.g. rich Engadget in Solo, Semarang, Jakarta and Malang, in addition also many hardcore bands out coming to Indonesia continued to release much-hardcore releases that we think good, keeps us fit maen on stage with bands that are not known to us, the wacky lah. Influence your own music from? From India, hahaha. If I actually influence a lot Yes, for example Asuy was formerly often listened to European hardcore rich Ryker, if others might be more listened to u. S hardcore, American style lah. In addition we also influenced by Pantera, Black Stone Cherry, southern bands, and their local may Puppen. There are musicians or bands that rock a fourth isn't really to influence you guys? Nirvana Flurry Outright now, for example the preparation of the second album? If the plan is for albums, mid-this year we entered the studio there is leakage of material a second album? Kalo theme may still revolved around the daily life, the music is certainly more groove and much cooler than the previous album on the album because we happen to be much assisted by musicians who are competent enough and some people sound enginer who is competent. There are some single we make, Broken Trust and the Bloody Board that material Destruction, create a second album and it could've didengerin on MySpace. We also have one song in collaboration with vocalist-another vocalist. Turning again to the albums Hardcore Strikes Back, the album tells the story of what? Hardcore Strikes Back actually want to say to people that this is no hardcore music genre, for you guys that don't know and are more used to listening to metal or screamo. Arguably at the time we release about 2008, minimal really hardcore releases-releases. Keep why are we Hardcore Strikes Back let ngambil stamping wrote. Song hits you in the first album? ' Super Groove Power Chords ', his story about the band's own Outright that still survive on the track, although many trends that allow people she turned. Arguably the bands that got a lot of ga identity is strong, there might be some people who yesterday the metal now because the longer trend continues to make the band screamo screamo season continues to make a death metal, death metal too, even our friends also many haves so. We avoid things like that because we're sure hardcore music would develop in later life. To be honest we're not market share here (Indonesia, red). According to the promo where you guys are most effective for now, tour or media? Both mutually sustaining, surely the most influential media, because as a bridge for lay people and people in General, we are also much assisted by the media at the moment we are emerging but all of it is meaningless if we are ga ga maen ever. So touring it as the realization of what we're working on all this time. If there is also the same media hoax aja, maneh jamming band but moal on exposé, if maneh boga works but tara maen oge sarua (you jamming band but ga in exposé, if you have the paper but ga never play well just the same), so it's a balance. From 2005 until now what changes you feel in the work? We are more mature, so more explore, because of their respective personnel dengerinnya difference-difference, in any works there are new inputs, but still red yarn hardcore. Perhaps the most crucial developments of the problem sound proverbial ngerjainnya we used to be, still less in terms of experiences as well as material. According to a very local band you guys reprentatif? Tragedy, Dazecortica, Bestiality from Jakarta precisely Priok Priok, now again brutal, we also are concerned, but there's great bands store. In addition there are Side by Side of Jakarta, continued to exist the Spirit of Life, Morning Sick, Night Wolf from Jogjakarta and probably Dead Quarter from Surabaya. If offered a collaboration, you guys choose who? Kang Ibing lah, I'll be ngibing, hahaha. If we want the same collaboration of local Bodies. If the outer bands, the half dozen of us collaboration is not the same band or musician but the same producer, soalnya kalo band or musician in Indonesia also had enough, just us less had the producer had a good music taste. There is an obsession in the context of works not being met? Obsession in the context of the work of mah kumahanya (gimana ya, red), but surely the obsession we now want to go international. The plan of this year we would there be a tour in Malaysia and Singapore. In addition we also bernegoisasi with the label from Australia, and hopefully the album yesterday could be in the package at the Sidney under Party All The Time Record. Denger-denger occasion vocalists, no change of material ga songs Outright? Oh yes, because our old vocalist is busy with his work, now we add additional, Hardi. For the material there has changed. Changes are made to the ga, for example time feel a gig with old and new vocalist? Both cool, new vocalist anyways dude adaptable. Good vocals that both the old and the new have the characteristic of each, in addition to that material Outright that there can be dibawain with a good ga, so we have a problem. Experience a memorable gig from 2005 until now? If more memorable to the personal but maybe in 2007, that time in the Afternoon music event Itenas a job, too, just the four band Ninjaz, a small Metal, Tjukimay and Outright. That time also we are still nuts band lah, so uptight with them maen. But the effect after the show people so many know Outright. Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money: http://bit.ly/fxzuluCopy the BEST Traders and Make Money: http://bit.ly/fxzulu
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Their first -Album titled Hardcore Strikes Back (2008) as made ​​it clear to people that there is a hardcore genre other than metal, death metal and screamo more popular at the time. The band that originally brought the songs Ryker, Hatebreed and Biohazard is preparing material for their second album. Uncluster.com successfully interviewed Outright before they practice in one of the studios in Bandung. Hello, all? Halo also ga Can you explain why choose the genre of hardcore? Because hardcore accordance with real life, be real, be it the music, the lyrics, is attached at each of us, anyways we also maenin long before hardcore music developed as quickly now. It was about five years ago, still can be counted on the fingers was the same band that maenin hardcore music. The point is we can bring hardcore music because mewakili characters each, the lyrics are straight to the point, was equally suited us. As I recall Outright first appeared here again summer time screamo and metal, how do you respond to that? Yes because we despise hardcore music, so do not care others what we want to create a rich band, its mah urang soalna kieu (because we did this, red). Your response regarding the development of hardcore music in Indonesia? Amazing, incredible leaps and bounds. During the past year we many gigs outside Bandung, from there we can see the development in the regions, for example the rich yesterday in Solo, Semarang, Jakarta and Malang, but it is also a lot of hardcore bands outside who came to Indonesia continues many releases hardcore which we think are fine, keep fit we play at the stage with bands that we do not know, crazy lah. Your own musical influences from? Of India, hahaha. Actually that influence much so, for example, used to often listen Asuy rich European hardcore Ryker, if others might be more listened to US hardcore, lah American style. In addition we are also influenced by Pantera, Black Stone Cherry, southern bands, and the local may Puppen. There are musicians or bands that rock bermaterikan not really clicking influence you? Nirvana flurry Outright now, for example the preparation of the second album? If for the album, the plan mid-year we entered the studio There leaked material second album? If the theme might still about everyday life, his music certainly more groove and much cooler than the previous album on the album because we happen much assisted by musicians who are competent enough and some of the sound engineer competent. There are a couple of singles that we make, Broken Trust and Bloody Board Destruction, the material for the second album and it could've didengerin on MySpace. We also have one song in collaboration with other vocalists. Back to album Hardcore Strikes Back, the album tells the story of what? Hardcore Strikes Back actually want to tell people that this is no hardcore music genre, for those of you who do not know and the first to listen to metal or screamo. You could say when we release around 2008, very minimal releases hardcore. So why do we take some Hardcore Strikes Back let stomping wrote. Hits you in the first album? 'Super Groove Power Chords', the story of the band's own Outright surviving on track, although many trends that enable people to turn unstable. Arguably not much of a band that has a strong identity, there may be some people who yesterday metal screamo now because the longer a trend continues to make a screamo band continues the season of death metal, death metal to make as well, even our friends are also many rich so. We avoid things like that because we are convinced hardcore music will evolve in the future. To be honest the market share we are not here (Indonesia, red). Where do you think the most effective promotion for the moment, touring or media? Both are mutually continuous, surely the most influential media, because as a bridge for laymen and people in general, we are also helped by the media when we are emerging but it is meaningless if we ga ga maen ever. So the tour was as the realization of what we do during this time. If ga media also just wrote a lie, maneh nge-band but morally in-expose, if maneh culinary masterpiece but tara maen oge sarua (you nge-band but could not in the expose, if you have work but could not ever play also the same) , so that balance really. From 2005 to now change what most of you feel in the work? We are more mature, so much explore, because of each personnel dengerinnya disparate, automatic in the work there is any new inputs, but still the red thread hardcore. Perhaps the most crucial development of sound problems, first supposing we ngerjainnya still lacking in terms of experience and material. According to a local band you very reprentatif? Tragedy, Dazecortica, Bestiality of precisely Priok Jakarta, now Priok again brutal, we are also concerned, but there save the good bands. In addition there are Side by Side from Jakarta, continued to exist Spirit of Life, Morning Sick, Wolves Night of Jogjakarta and possibly Dead Quarter of Surabaya. If offered a collaboration, you choose who? Kang Ibing lah, let me be ngibing, hahaha. Local If we want the same collaboration's body. If the outer band, we pengennya collaboration is not the same band or musician but the same producer, because if a band or musician in Indonesia also had enough, we just lack the producers who have good music taste. There is an obsession in the context of the work that has not been fulfilled? Obsession in the context of the work of mah kumahanya (how ya, red), but certainly obsession we now want to go international. The plan this year we will be a tour in Malaysia and Singapore. In addition we are also negotiating with labels from Australia, and hopefully the album yesterday can re-package in Sidney under Party All The Time Record. Hear-hear no change of lead singer, no change of material ga Outright songs? Oh yes, because our old vocalist busy with his work, now we add additional, Hardi. For ga material has changed. Ga feel there is a change, eg time gig with the old and new vocalist? Both are cool, anyways its new vocalist adaptable. Both vocalist old and new have a characteristic each, in addition to the existing Outright material can dibawain with good, so we do have a problem. Experience a memorable gig from 2005 until now? If more memorable to personal but perhaps in 2007, this time in the afternoon Itenas Music event, which maennya only four bands Burgerkill, Small Metal, Tjukimay and Outright. At that time also we are still a band pulses was so tense maen same with them. But the effect after the event so many people who know Outright. Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money: http://bit.ly/fxzulu Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money: http://bit.ly/fxzulu

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