Jasa konstruksi menyeluruh di bidang
konstruksi industri dan proses antara lain
pertambangan, konstruksi pembangkit
tenaga listrik, kimia dan fasilitas terkait,
konstruksi untuk manufaktur, dan otomasi
proses industri dimana tanggungjawab atas
keberhasilan penyelesaian proyek atas
nama pengguna jasa (klien), termasuk di
dalamnya pengorganisasian pembiayaan
dan desain, undangan tender, dan
pelaksanaan manajemen termasuk fungsifungsi
Comprehensive construction services in the field ofconstruction and process industries among othersmining, construction of power plantselectric power, chemical and related facilities,construction for manufacturing, automation andindustrial process in which the responsibility for thethe successful completion of the project overthe name of the service users (clients), includinginside organizing financingand design, invitations to tender, andimplementation of management including fungsifungsicontrols.

Construction services overall in the field of
industrial construction and process among other
mining, plant construction
of electric power, chemical and related facilities,
construction to manufacturing, and automation of
industrial processes in which the responsibility for
the successful completion of the project on
behalf of service users (clients), including in
it the organization of financing
and design, invitation to tender, and
the implementation of management including the functions of the