Minggu kemarin, 91.8 fm FBI Bali Radio kedatangan empat orang rocker y翻訳 - Minggu kemarin, 91.8 fm FBI Bali Radio kedatangan empat orang rocker y英語言う方法

Minggu kemarin, 91.8 fm FBI Bali Ra

Minggu kemarin, 91.8 fm FBI Bali Radio kedatangan empat orang rocker yang humoris nan rupawan. Mereka tergabung dalam ‘Seringai’. Dalam tur nya ke Bali, empat laki-laki ini mengoceh di udara bersama seorang penyiar berkumis, yang tak kalah rupawan: Freddy. Mencoba mengupas apa yang ada di balik album baru mereka, “Taring”, band yang beranggotakan Arian13, Sammy, Khemod dan Ricky Siahaan ini bergumam tentang perubahan, tragedi insensifitas, dan keinginan mereka untuk membuat album kompilasi musik daerah. Whoa!

FBI: Selamat datang di Bali, tuan-tuan!
Seringai: Terimakasih FBI!
F: Boleh tahu lagu apa yang ada di playlist kalian selama penerbangan dari jakarta?
S: Sebenernya pengen dengerin Explosion In The Sky, tapi nggak jadi, karena fengshui nya buruk. Secara judul nggak baik buat di dengerin sama sekelompok band yang lagi naik pesawat. Jadi kita nggak dengerin lagu.
F: Ada apa dengan taring kalian? Apakah sedang tumbuh?
S: Kita ini udah akil baligh, jadi nggak tumbuh lagi, hahaha. Kita kemarin baru rilis album baru, judulnya taring, tanggal 11 Juli. Ada 2 versi, deluxe sama reguler. tapi sekarang tinggal regulernya aja, karena yg deluxe udah sold out. Dan nanti malam kita akan membawkan beberapa lagu dari album baru kami.
F: Apa yang kalian harapkan ke listeners saat mendengar album baru kalian, ‘Taring’ ini?
S: Sound yang kita pake di cd nggak pakai efek. Direkam apa adanya dari alat-alat yang biasa kita pakai manggung. Nah, dari situ, kita berharap orang-orang bisa membayangkan seringai ketia main live. Karena seringai itu band live. Fantasikan saja kami ketika sedang bermain diatas panggung, bukan diatas kalian. Hahaha!
F: Kenapa album deluxe edition kalian hanya di rilis 999 copy saja?
S: Ide awalnya sih ketika kita bikin 1000 copy, yang satu gagal. Bukan karena kalau 999 dibalik kan jadi 666 lho ya. Nah, kalau 1000 dibalik jadi 0001 dong. Nggak lah. yang jelas modal kita sih cukupnya memang buat cetak segitu. Kalau mau buat 1000 copy harus pinjem duit, hahaha! Yang jelas, saat ini kitam emang bikin 999 copy deluxe version, tapi bukan limited edition. Jadi ada kemungkinan nanti akan diperbanyak lagi. Tapi so far sih belum.
F: Dalam penjualan deluxe edition di Jakarta dan Bandung, kenapa memilih pola penjualan langsung? Bukannya sekarang zamannya penjualan pre-order lewat internet?
S: Karena lebih repot kalau pre-order. Dan kita memang mengangkat konsep direct selling. Di situ bisa kita lihat siapa yang bener-bener die hard. Mereka sms, telepon, datang ke lokasi, langsung antri. Dan kita memang suka melihat pembeli yang die hard seperti itu. By the way, di antrian kita juga sempat liat ada Bruce Willis, hahaha!
F: Deluxe edition dari album ‘Taring’ ini berisi poster dan cerpen post-apocalyptic karya Soleh Solihun. Apakah si Soleh ini adalah vampir bertaring tajam?
S: Ah, wajahnya nggak cocok buat jadi vampir. Dia mah, vampir sunda, hahaha. Kalau si Soleh sendiri, yang sekarang di stand up comedy itu, dia memang teman kita dari dulu, pernah tinggal satu rumah juga. Dulu dia memotret seringai waktu di awal-awal. Jadi kalau di press release ada foto seringai, nah itu dari dia. Pas cari ide buat deluxe edition, kami pikir keliatanya seru juga kalau dikasih cerita. Kalau band-band lain di albumnya kan banyak gambar. Kalau Seringai banyaknya tulisan. Dan kalau nggak salah ini juga pertamakalinya si Soleh nulis cerita fiktif. Dan sekali lagi, cerpen ini hanya ada di deluxe edition saja.
F: Bisa diceritakan proses membuat liriknya?
S: Kalau lirik sih macam-macam. Ada yang lagunya sudah jadi, baru kita buat liriknya, tapi ada juga yang kita baru punya temanya, baru kita rumuskan lagunya. Nah, inilah bedanya taring dengan album yang lain. Kita di sini banyak berdiskusi yang serius. Ini lagu mau dibawa kemana, mood nya seperti apa. Sedangkan kalau dulu lebih ke jamming. Nah, itu juga kenapa album ini agak lama rilisnya. Efeknya, semua orang di Seringai nggak ada yang nggak puas dengan semua part di album ini. Karena kalau ada yang nggak sreg pasti dibantai duluan. Kita soalnya biasa saling mencela. Kami juga merasa di beberapa lagu, bahwa inilah aslinya anak-anak Seringai. Mungkin ada yang trashy, hardcore dan proggresive. Jadi dari album pertama sampai sekarang, kita memang berjalan kearah yang kita suka. Dan kalau dulu orang berpendapat bahwa seringai mirip Motorhead, sekarang mungkin berubah.
F: Kenapa memilih lagu ‘Discotheque’ untuk dimainkan kembali?
S: Underrated. Soalnya orang-orang hanya tahu lagu dari Duo Kribo, kalau bukan ‘Neraka Jahanam’, ya ‘Pelacur Tua’. Terus waktu kita coba dengan style nya Seringai malah jadi heavy. Orang juga bilang band rock jaman dulu yang paling disegani adalah God Bless. Padahal kalo kami lihat, Duo Kribo ini lebih rock.
F: Di track ‘Tragedi’ ini, dimana korelasi antara bencana dan akhlak manusia?
S: ‘Tragedi’ ini lebih bercerita tentang insensivitas. Ada bencana lalu orang-orang mengkaitkan dengan azab. Percaya azab itu one thing. Tapi ketika ada bencana lalu orang mengkaitkan dengan moral orang lain yg berengsek… well, yang paling terasa adalah waktu terjadi gempa di Sumatera. waktu itu salah seorang petinggi kita ada yang mengkaitkan gempa dengan maraknya pornografi di Indonesia. Memang orang-orang Sumatera kerjaannya nonton porno semua ya? Dia sebagai pejabat, apa itu yang seharusnya pertamakali ia ucapkan, atau lebih baik mengurusi warganya? Ada juga yang lain. Waktu tsunami di Mentawai. Salah satu pejabat juga bilang, ‘Salah sendiri tinggal di pantai. Kalau nggak mau kena tsunami ya jangan tinggal di pantai.’ Kok seperti nggak punya hati sih, ngomong seperti itu. Nah, inilah yang kami maksud dengan tragedi. Kami ingin menekankan kalo lagu ini bukan tentang agama dan kepercayaan. Tapi tentang insensivitas.

F: Lalu, bagaimana Seringai bisa mencover lagu ‘Lissoi’, sebuah lagu daerah dari Sumatra Utara?
S: Itu lebih ke iseng sih. Korelasinya dengan album Taring… ini lebih mengenai masa depan Seringai. Karena, Seringai ke depannya akan membawakan kompilasi lagu-lagu daerah. Hahaha! Sebenarnya Lissoi ini tema nya tentang nongkrong dan minum-minum. Dan itu diajarkan ke anak-anak SD lho. Kami pikir, inilah lagu daerah Indonesia yang bertemakan tentang itu. Ya mungkin sebenernya ada banyak lagu seperti ini, tapi yang baru kami tahu ya Lissoi ini. Kalau kamu search di Youtube, Lissoi ini biasa dibawakan oleh paduan suara Ibu-Ibu di acara perkawinan ala Batak. Padahal maknanya adalah nongkrong. Lissoi itu maknanya lebih ke nongkrong, bersulang. Lalu lirik ‘Ooo, parmitu…’ itu artinya para minum tuak. Marilah minum tuak. Bayangkan saja anak-anak SD bernyanyi, ‘mari minum tuak! mari minum tuak!’ Hahaha!
F: Apakah Seringai akan merilis album berbentuk vinyl?
S: Rencana sih ada, tapi itu biayanya memang mahal dan belum prioritas. Cuman kalau rilis dalam vinyl sebenarnya sudah pernah sih. Waktu itu single ‘Mengibarkan Perang’ di rilis dalam vynil ukuran 7 inch. Tapi terbatas banget. Belum dipasarkan sudah habis. Jadi, kalau listeners nggak sempat lihat itu di toko kaset ya memang nggak sampai sana. Sudah habis di jalan.
F: Apa pandangan kalian tentang orisinalitas?
S: Orisinalitas sudah mati di tahun 80-an. Setelah itu recycle semua. Grunge di tahun 90-an pun, itu recycle. Mereka mengambil esensi rock n roll lalu digabung dengan sesuatu yang baru. Era 2000-an juga begitu. Terakhir yang kami rasa orisinil adalah New Wave. Di zaman sekarang orisinalitas berarti memperbarui apa yang sudah ada. Mencampur dari yang udah ada menjadi satu bentuk yang belum di denger orang. Pendengar nantinya bisa bilang, ‘Oh, sepertinya ini ada Jimi Hendrix nya. Eh, tapi ada yang lain nya juga, dan soundnya tetep metal’. Nah, makna orisinalitas ini jadi sangat penting ketika menciptakan sesuatu. Terlepas dari berhasil atau tidak, ya berusaha tetap orisinil. Tanpa semangat orisinil ini ya tidak akan ada yang baru. Di sini nanti akan terlihat mana yang terinspirasi dan mana yang hanya imitasi.
F: Dengan terbukanya pasar jaman sekarang, apakah kalian merasa ini akan lebih baik buat scene musik secara umum, atau malah melonggarkan filter band-band yang pas-pasan untuk lolos?
S: Dua dua nya bisa. Tapi menurut kami, ini akan membuat band-band lebih mudah mendokumentasikan karya nya dalam bentuk fisik atau file digital. Kalau ada band yang pas-pasan, mereka punya satu-dua single, bisa saja langsung di rilis di soundcloud atau reverbnation. Di sisi lain, persaingan juga lebih banyak. Karena semua juga bisa melakukan hal yang sama, for free.
F: Lalu, bagaimana bersenang-senang itu harus dilakukan?
S: Untuk sekarang, bersenang-senang bagi Seringai itu lebih ke kuliner sih. Ketika menginjakkan kaki di bali, hal pertama yang ada di kepala adalah Babi Bakar. Tapi untungnya kita work out terus. Makannya badan kita atletis gini, hahaha!
F: Ngomong-ngomong soal daging, kalian pilih daging muda atau daging paruh baya?
S: Daging muda atau paruh baya, asal ngolahnya bagus, enak-enak aja tuh, hahaha!
F: Kaset ato Vinyl?
S: Dua-duanya. Tapi kalau dipaksa memilih, kita pilih vinyl. Disimpen oke, dipajang juga oke, walaupun alat buat muter keduanya nggak punya.
F: Party bawah tanah atau party bawah air?
S: Bawah air.
F: Oke, pertanyaan terakhir….
S: Lho, kenapa udah yang terakhir? Mau party ya?
F: Jika setelaah interview ini kalian dihadang 10 kawanan serigala dengan taring tajam yang siap mengoyak tubuh, apa yg akan kalian lakukan?
S: Masuk terus siaran lagi, sampai hewan-hewan itu bubar.
F: Hahaha, oke, terimakasih Seringai, atas kunjungnnya!
S: Iya, sama-sama!
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Last Sunday, FBI Radio fm 57.0 Bali arrival four rocker that humorous nan handsome. They are incorporated in the ' Grin '. In his tour to Bali, four men this raving in the air with a mustachioed newscaster, that is not less handsome: Freddy. Trying to peel away what is behind their new album, "Fangs", a band that included Arian13, Sammy, Khemod and Ricky Saberi is muttering about change, the tragedy of the insensifitas, and their desire to make the compilation album music of the region. Whoa!FBI: Welcome to Bali, gentlemen!Grin: Thank You FBI!F: May know what song that is in the playlist you guys during the flight from jakarta?S: I actually want to have listened to the Explosion In The Sky, but not so, because his bad fengshui. In the title is not good to make in the same group of the band listened again Board a plane. So we dont hear the song.F: what is it with fangs you guys? Is it growing?S: we've n Deputy reaching puberty, so dont grow again, hahaha. We release new album new yesterday, the title of canine, 11 July. There are 2 versions of the same regular, deluxe. but now its regular live aja yg udah deluxe, because it is sold out. And later tonight we will membawkan some of the songs from the new album.F: what do you guys expect listeners to hear the new album you guys, ' Fangs '?S: Sound we pake in cd dont wear effect. Recorded what it is from the usual tools that we use a gig. Well, from there, we hope people can imagine the smirk third month of play live. Because the grin that's live bands. Fantasikan us while playing onstage, not above you. Hahaha!F: Why album deluxe edition you guys just released 999 copies only?S: idea anyway when we make 1000 copies, of which one failed. Not because if 999 reversed right so 666 lho ya. Now, if 1000 is reversed so 0001 dong. No lah. clear our capital cukupnya the hell did indeed create much for print. If you want to create a 1000 copy should pinjem duit, hahaha! A clear, current kitam emang bikin 999 copy deluxe version, but not the limited edition. So there is a possibility that later will be reproduced again. But so far the hell yet.F: in the sales of the deluxe edition in Jakarta and Bandung, why choose the pattern of direct sales? Instead his time now pre-order sales via the internet?S: because more bothered if the pre-order. And we indeed raised the concept of direct selling. There we can see who bener-bener die hard. Their sms, call, come to the location, directly on line. And we do love to see buyers who die hard like that. By the way, in the queue we also see there's Bruce Willis, hahaha!F: the Deluxe edition of the album ' Fangs ' contains a poster and short work of post-apocalyptic Dharma Solihun. What is the Dharma it is sharp-toothed vampires?S: Ah, his face did not match made so vampires. She is mah, Vampire sunda, hahaha. If the Dharma itself, which is now in stand up comedy, he is indeed our friends from long ago, had lived one House. He was photographing a smirk in the early time. So if the press release there is a photo of a smirk, well that's from him. Pas search ideas create a deluxe edition, we think keliatanya are cool too if given the story. If other bands on the album's many pictures. If a large number of writings of Smirk. And if not mistaken this was also the first time the Dharma write a fictional story. And once again, the short story is only available in the deluxe edition only.F: Can tell the process to make the lyrics?S: If the lyrics hell messes. There's a song already so, we created new lyrics, but there's also that we recently got new themes, we deduce his song. Well, here's the difference with fangs other albums. We here a lot of serious discussions. These songs want to be brought where his mood, like what. Whereas if it used to be more to the jamming. Well, that's also why the release of the album was somewhat longer. In effect, everyone in there is not a Smirk is not satisfied with all the parts on this album. Because if there's no sreg definitely slaughtered first. We all see the usual mutual reproach. We also feel in some songs, that this was the original kids Grin. There may be a trashy, hardcore and proggresive. So from the first album until now, we did walking towards which we like. And if the first person argue that smirk much like Motorhead, may now be changing.F: Why choose songs ' Discotheque ' to be played again?S: Underrated. Because people only know songs from the Duo Frizzy, if not ' the ' Hell, yeah ' Old Tart '. Continue to the time we tried with the style of his Smirk even so heavy. People also say the rock band era used to be the most respected is God Bless. But the reply we can see, this Frizzy more rock Duo.F: in the track ' Tragedy ', where the correlation between disaster and human morals?S: ' Tragedy ' is more telling about insensivitas. There's a disaster then people associate with doom. Believe the doom that one thing. But when there's a disaster then people associate with other people's moral yg berengsek ... well, most noticeably is the time Quake in Sumatra. the time was one of our top brass there who associate the earthquake with the rise of pornography in Indonesia. Indeed the people of Sumatra gave watching porn all huh? He as acting, what was it that first he was supposed to say, or better manage its citizens? There is also another. The time of the tsunami in Mentawai. One of the officials also said, ' wrong myself live on the beach. When the tsunami hit dont want ya don't live on the beach. ' Kok as dont have a heart anyway, talk like that. Well, this is what we mean by tragedy. We would like to emphasize the song's reply is not about religion and belief. But about insensivitas.F: then, how could Smirk mencover song ' Lissoi ', a folk songs from Northern Sumatra?S: that's better to crank the hell. Korelasinya with the album Fangs ... it's more about the future of the smirk. Because, in the future, will bring a smirk to the compilation of regional songs. Hahaha! Actually this Lissoi his theme about hanging out and drinking. And it's taught to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL children. We thought, this is the theme Indonesia folk songs about it. Yes there are a lot of songs I actually may like this, but the new one we know ya Lissoi. If you search on Youtube, Lissoi is regularly performed by the choir of mothers in Batak ala marriage event. But its meaning is hanging out. Lissoi it its meaning more to hang out, it's toast. And then the lyrics ' Ooo, parmitu ... ' it means that the drinking of alcohol. Let us drink alcohol. Just imagine ELEMENTARY SCHOOL kids sing, ' Let's drink alcohol! Let's drink alcohol! ' Hahaha!F: do the smirk will release an album shaped vinyl?S: the plan existed, but that the cost is indeed expensive and has not been a priority. Only if the actual vinyl release has been hell. The time War ' Waved ' single release in vynil 7 inch size. But limited really. Not yet marketed is up. So, if listeners did not had time to see it in the record store Yes it dont up there. Is up on the road.F: what view you guys about originality?S: Originality is dead in the 80s. recycle after it all. Grunge in the 1990s, however, that recycle. They took the essence of rock n roll and then merged with something new. The era of the 2000s is also so. Our last original flavor is New Wave. At present the originality means updating what's already there. Mix than there've be one form that has not been in better people. Listeners later can say, ' Oh, it looks like there's this Jimi Hendrix. Uh, but there are others also, and soundnya tetep metal '. Well, the meaning of originality is so very important when creating something. Apart from the successful or not, yes trying keep original. Without this original spirit Yes there will not be new. Here will be visible which inspired and which are only imitation.F: with the opening of the market these days, do you feel it would be better to create the music scene in General, or even loosen filter bands that mediocre to qualify?S: two his two can. But in our opinion, this would make the bands more easily documented his work in the form of physical or digital files. If there's a mediocre band, they had a one-two single, could have been directly released on soundcloud or reverbnation. On the other hand, the competition is also a lot more. Because all can also do the same thing, for free.F: then, how fun it is to be done?S: for now, it's more fun to Smirk to culinary hell. When set foot in bali, the first thing that is in the head of a Pig was Roasted. But luckily we work out constantly. The dining our agency athletic gini, hahaha!F: by the way the question of meat, you choose the meat of young or middle-aged flesh?S: the meat of young or middle-aged, the origin of the ngolahnya nice, tasty-tasty aja tuh, hahaha!F: cassette ato Vinyl?S: Both. But if forced to choose, we select the vinyl. Disimpen okay, were also OK, although the tools create muter both dont have any.F: underground Party or party under water?S: underwater.F: OK, last question ....S: why, why I've last? Want to party?F: If setelaah this interview you guys herd of 10 wolves were confronted with sharp fangs ready to rend flesh, what would you guys do?S: Enter continues to broadcast again, until the animals that scatter.F: Hahaha, okay, thank you Smirk, on kunjungnnya!S: Yes, both!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Last week, FBI Bali 91.8 fm Radio arrival of four rocker humorous handsome nan. They are members of the 'grin'. In his tour to Bali, the four men have raved in the air with a mustachioed announcer, no less handsome: Freddy. Try to explore what lies behind their new album, "Fangs", a band whose members Arian13, Sammy, and Ricky Siahaan Khemod is muttering about change, insensifitas tragedy, and their desire to make a compilation album of folk music. Whoa! FBI: Welcome to Bali, gentlemen! Grin: Thank FBI! F: You may know what song in the playlist you during the flight from Jakarta? S: I actually want to listen Explosion In The Sky, but not so, because fengshui Her bad. By title either not made ​​in the same group of bands to listen to again get on a plane. So we do not listen to the song. F: What's wrong with you guys fangs? Whether growing? S: We are already legally baligh, so it would not grow anymore, hahaha. The new release of our new album yesterday, the title canine, July 11. There are two versions, at regular deluxe. but now lives just regular, because that deluxe already sold out. And tonight we will membawkan some songs from our new album. F: What do you expect to listeners at the sound of your new album, 'Fangs' is? S: Sound that we use in the cd not wearing effect. Recorded what of the tools that we use on stage. Well, from there, we hope people can imagine the grin ketia play live. Because of that grin live band. We only fantasize while playing on stage, not on you. Hahaha! F: Why did you only deluxe edition album released just 999 copies? S: The original idea anyway when we make 1000 copies, of which one failed. Not because if 999 so 666 right behind ya know. Now, if 1000 is reversed so 0001 dong. Not lah. clear our capital adequacy does indeed make that much print. If you want to make 1000 copies have to borrow money, hahaha! What is clear, at this time kitam emang make 999 copies of the deluxe version, but not limited edition. So there is a possibility there will be reproduced again. But so far does not. F: In sales deluxe edition in Jakarta and Bandung, why choose the pattern of direct sales? Instead of his time now pre-order sales via the Internet? S: Because it is more troublesome when pre-orders. And we indeed raised the concept of direct selling. There we can see who was really die hard. They sms, telephone, came to the scene, immediately queued. And we really like to see buyers who die hard like that. By the way, in the queue we also had no Bruce Willis clay, hahaha! F: Deluxe edition of the album 'Fangs' contains a poster and a post-apocalyptic stories Solihun Salah works. Is this Salah is the saber-toothed vampire? S: Ah, the face does not fit for a vampire. He mah, vampire Sundanese, hahaha. If the Salah himself, who is now in stand up comedy, he was our friend from the past, lived one house. He used to grin photographing time in the early days. So if the press release grin photo, nah it from him. Pas looking for ideas for a deluxe edition, we thought keliatanya fun too if given story. If the other bands on the album a lot of pictures. If the number of posts grin. And if not one of the Salah is also the first to write a fictional story. And once again, these stories only in deluxe editions only. F: Can you tell us the process of making the lyrics? S: If the lyric does all kinds. There is a song finished, we just created the lyrics, but there is also that we've got a theme, we will formulate a new song. Well, here's the difference fangs with another album. We here a lot of serious discussion. This song will carry, his mood like. Meanwhile, if the first is to jamming. Well, that is also why this album is rather old release. In effect, everyone in Seringai no one is not satisfied with all the parts on this album. Because if there is not comfortable for sure slaughtered first. We unusual because mutual reproach. We also feel in some songs, that this was originally a children's grin. Maybe there are trashy, hardcore and proggresive. So from the first album until now, we are walking towards which we liked. And if the first person that grin like Motorhead, it is now possible to change. F: Why did you choose the songs 'Discotheque' to be played back? S: Underrated. Because people only know the track from the duo Kribo, if not 'Hell Hell' yes 'Old Whore'. When we try to continue with his style grin even so heavy. People also said the rock band era was the most respected is the God Bless. In fact, if we look, the more rock duo Kribo. F: On track 'Tragedy', where the correlation between disaster and human morals? S: 'Tragedy' is more talked about insensivitas. There is a disaster and people associate with doom. Penalty believe that one thing. But when there is a disaster and moral people associate with other people who jerk ... well, most noticeably is the time of the earthquake in Sumatra. then one of the officers we are linking earthquakes with the proliferation of pornography in Indonesia. Indeed, the people of Sumatra job to watch porn all huh? He as an officer, what is it that should first he said, or better care of its citizens? There is also another. Time tsunami in Mentawai. One of the officials also said, 'one of his own stay at the beach. If you do not want affected by the tsunami so do not stay on the beach. ' Kok as heck do not have a heart, talk like that. Well, this is what we mean by the tragedy. We would like to emphasize if the song is not about religion and beliefs. But on insensivitas. F: So, how's grin could cover the song 'Lissoi', a song from the region of North Sumatra? S: It is to idle anyway. Correlation with fangs ... This album is more about the future grin. Because, grin future will bring a compilation of folk songs. Ha ha ha! Actually this Lissoi his theme about hanging out and having a drink. And it is taught to elementary school children know. We thought, this is the area of Indonesia with the theme song about it. Ya might actually there are many songs like this, but the new one we know this Lissoi yes. If you search on Youtube, this Lissoi commonly sung by the choir Mothers in Batak-style weddings. Though its meaning is hanging out. Lissoi it more meaning to hang out, toast. Then the lyrics 'Ooo, parmitu ...' it means that the drink palm wine. Let's drink the wine. Just imagine elementary school children sing, 'let's drink the wine! Let's drink the wine! ' Hahaha! F: What would grin shaped vinyl album release? S: The plan does exist, but that the cost is expensive and not a priority. Cuman if the release of the vinyl actually already been hell. At that time the single 'Flying War' was released in vinyl 7-inch size. But very limited. Marketed yet been exhausted. So, if listeners could not see it in record stores ya did not get there. Has run out on the street. F: What are your views about originality? S: Originality is dead in the 80s. After that recycle all. Grunge in the 90s too, that recycle. They took the essence of rock n roll and combined with something new. Era of the 2000s, too. Lastly we think is the original New Wave. In the current era of what originality means updating existing ones. Mixing of the already existing into a form that has not been heard of people. Listeners will be able to say, 'Oh, it looks like it is no Jimi Hendrix. Eh, but there is also another, and soundnya tetep metal '. Well, the meaning of originality is so very important when creating something. Regardless of success or not, so try to stay original. Without this original spirit yes there will be no new ones. Here will be visible where inspired and which were just imitation. F: With the opening of the market today, do you feel it would be better for the music scene in general, or even loosen the filter bands are mediocre to qualify? S Two two of his can. But we think this will make the bands more easily documented his work in the form of physical or digital file. If there is a band that is mediocre, they have one or two singles, could be directly released in SoundCloud or ReverbNation. On the other hand, the competition too much. Because all can do the same thing, for free. F: Then, what fun it is to be done? S: For now, have fun for the grin was more to the culinary anyway. When set foot in Bali, the first thing in the head is Pork Bakar. But fortunately we work out constantly. Feeding our bodies athletic gini, hahaha! F: Speaking of meat, you select young meat or meat midlife? S: Meat young or middle-aged, origin ngolahnya nice, nice meals aja tuh, hahaha! F: Cassette ato Vinyl ? S: Both. But if forced to choose, we choose vinyl. Disimpen okay, displayed also okay, although a tool for going around both of them do not have. F: Party underground or underwater party? S: Lower water. F: Okay, last question .... S: Why, why already last? Want to party huh? F: If setelaah this interview you were confronted 10 wolves with sharp fangs are ready to rip the body, what would you do? S: Sign continues to broadcast again, until the animals were dispersed. F: Hahaha, okay, thank you grin, on kunjungnnya! S: Yes, together!

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