Last Sunday, FBI Radio fm 57.0 Bali arrival four rocker that humorous nan handsome. They are incorporated in the ' Grin '. In his tour to Bali, four men this raving in the air with a mustachioed newscaster, that is not less handsome: Freddy. Trying to peel away what is behind their new album, "Fangs", a band that included Arian13, Sammy, Khemod and Ricky Saberi is muttering about change, the tragedy of the insensifitas, and their desire to make the compilation album music of the region. Whoa!FBI: Welcome to Bali, gentlemen!Grin: Thank You FBI!F: May know what song that is in the playlist you guys during the flight from jakarta?S: I actually want to have listened to the Explosion In The Sky, but not so, because his bad fengshui. In the title is not good to make in the same group of the band listened again Board a plane. So we dont hear the song.F: what is it with fangs you guys? Is it growing?S: we've n Deputy reaching puberty, so dont grow again, hahaha. We release new album new yesterday, the title of canine, 11 July. There are 2 versions of the same regular, deluxe. but now its regular live aja yg udah deluxe, because it is sold out. And later tonight we will membawkan some of the songs from the new album.F: what do you guys expect listeners to hear the new album you guys, ' Fangs '?S: Sound we pake in cd dont wear effect. Recorded what it is from the usual tools that we use a gig. Well, from there, we hope people can imagine the smirk third month of play live. Because the grin that's live bands. Fantasikan us while playing onstage, not above you. Hahaha!F: Why album deluxe edition you guys just released 999 copies only?S: idea anyway when we make 1000 copies, of which one failed. Not because if 999 reversed right so 666 lho ya. Now, if 1000 is reversed so 0001 dong. No lah. clear our capital cukupnya the hell did indeed create much for print. If you want to create a 1000 copy should pinjem duit, hahaha! A clear, current kitam emang bikin 999 copy deluxe version, but not the limited edition. So there is a possibility that later will be reproduced again. But so far the hell yet.F: in the sales of the deluxe edition in Jakarta and Bandung, why choose the pattern of direct sales? Instead his time now pre-order sales via the internet?S: because more bothered if the pre-order. And we indeed raised the concept of direct selling. There we can see who bener-bener die hard. Their sms, call, come to the location, directly on line. And we do love to see buyers who die hard like that. By the way, in the queue we also see there's Bruce Willis, hahaha!F: the Deluxe edition of the album ' Fangs ' contains a poster and short work of post-apocalyptic Dharma Solihun. What is the Dharma it is sharp-toothed vampires?S: Ah, his face did not match made so vampires. She is mah, Vampire sunda, hahaha. If the Dharma itself, which is now in stand up comedy, he is indeed our friends from long ago, had lived one House. He was photographing a smirk in the early time. So if the press release there is a photo of a smirk, well that's from him. Pas search ideas create a deluxe edition, we think keliatanya are cool too if given the story. If other bands on the album's many pictures. If a large number of writings of Smirk. And if not mistaken this was also the first time the Dharma write a fictional story. And once again, the short story is only available in the deluxe edition only.F: Can tell the process to make the lyrics?S: If the lyrics hell messes. There's a song already so, we created new lyrics, but there's also that we recently got new themes, we deduce his song. Well, here's the difference with fangs other albums. We here a lot of serious discussions. These songs want to be brought where his mood, like what. Whereas if it used to be more to the jamming. Well, that's also why the release of the album was somewhat longer. In effect, everyone in there is not a Smirk is not satisfied with all the parts on this album. Because if there's no sreg definitely slaughtered first. We all see the usual mutual reproach. We also feel in some songs, that this was the original kids Grin. There may be a trashy, hardcore and proggresive. So from the first album until now, we did walking towards which we like. And if the first person argue that smirk much like Motorhead, may now be changing.F: Why choose songs ' Discotheque ' to be played again?S: Underrated. Because people only know songs from the Duo Frizzy, if not ' the ' Hell, yeah ' Old Tart '. Continue to the time we tried with the style of his Smirk even so heavy. People also say the rock band era used to be the most respected is God Bless. But the reply we can see, this Frizzy more rock Duo.F: in the track ' Tragedy ', where the correlation between disaster and human morals?S: ' Tragedy ' is more telling about insensivitas. There's a disaster then people associate with doom. Believe the doom that one thing. But when there's a disaster then people associate with other people's moral yg berengsek ... well, most noticeably is the time Quake in Sumatra. the time was one of our top brass there who associate the earthquake with the rise of pornography in Indonesia. Indeed the people of Sumatra gave watching porn all huh? He as acting, what was it that first he was supposed to say, or better manage its citizens? There is also another. The time of the tsunami in Mentawai. One of the officials also said, ' wrong myself live on the beach. When the tsunami hit dont want ya don't live on the beach. ' Kok as dont have a heart anyway, talk like that. Well, this is what we mean by tragedy. We would like to emphasize the song's reply is not about religion and belief. But about insensivitas.F: then, how could Smirk mencover song ' Lissoi ', a folk songs from Northern Sumatra?S: that's better to crank the hell. Korelasinya with the album Fangs ... it's more about the future of the smirk. Because, in the future, will bring a smirk to the compilation of regional songs. Hahaha! Actually this Lissoi his theme about hanging out and drinking. And it's taught to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL children. We thought, this is the theme Indonesia folk songs about it. Yes there are a lot of songs I actually may like this, but the new one we know ya Lissoi. If you search on Youtube, Lissoi is regularly performed by the choir of mothers in Batak ala marriage event. But its meaning is hanging out. Lissoi it its meaning more to hang out, it's toast. And then the lyrics ' Ooo, parmitu ... ' it means that the drinking of alcohol. Let us drink alcohol. Just imagine ELEMENTARY SCHOOL kids sing, ' Let's drink alcohol! Let's drink alcohol! ' Hahaha!F: do the smirk will release an album shaped vinyl?S: the plan existed, but that the cost is indeed expensive and has not been a priority. Only if the actual vinyl release has been hell. The time War ' Waved ' single release in vynil 7 inch size. But limited really. Not yet marketed is up. So, if listeners did not had time to see it in the record store Yes it dont up there. Is up on the road.F: what view you guys about originality?S: Originality is dead in the 80s. recycle after it all. Grunge in the 1990s, however, that recycle. They took the essence of rock n roll and then merged with something new. The era of the 2000s is also so. Our last original flavor is New Wave. At present the originality means updating what's already there. Mix than there've be one form that has not been in better people. Listeners later can say, ' Oh, it looks like there's this Jimi Hendrix. Uh, but there are others also, and soundnya tetep metal '. Well, the meaning of originality is so very important when creating something. Apart from the successful or not, yes trying keep original. Without this original spirit Yes there will not be new. Here will be visible which inspired and which are only imitation.F: with the opening of the market these days, do you feel it would be better to create the music scene in General, or even loosen filter bands that mediocre to qualify?S: two his two can. But in our opinion, this would make the bands more easily documented his work in the form of physical or digital files. If there's a mediocre band, they had a one-two single, could have been directly released on soundcloud or reverbnation. On the other hand, the competition is also a lot more. Because all can also do the same thing, for free.F: then, how fun it is to be done?S: for now, it's more fun to Smirk to culinary hell. When set foot in bali, the first thing that is in the head of a Pig was Roasted. But luckily we work out constantly. The dining our agency athletic gini, hahaha!F: by the way the question of meat, you choose the meat of young or middle-aged flesh?S: the meat of young or middle-aged, the origin of the ngolahnya nice, tasty-tasty aja tuh, hahaha!F: cassette ato Vinyl?S: Both. But if forced to choose, we select the vinyl. Disimpen okay, were also OK, although the tools create muter both dont have any.F: underground Party or party under water?S: underwater.F: OK, last question ....S: why, why I've last? Want to party?F: If setelaah this interview you guys herd of 10 wolves were confronted with sharp fangs ready to rend flesh, what would you guys do?S: Enter continues to broadcast again, until the animals that scatter.F: Hahaha, okay, thank you Smirk, on kunjungnnya!S: Yes, both!