Rachmat Gobel (lahir di Jakarta, 3 September 1962; umur 53 tahun[1]) a翻訳 - Rachmat Gobel (lahir di Jakarta, 3 September 1962; umur 53 tahun[1]) a英語言う方法

Rachmat Gobel (lahir di Jakarta, 3

Rachmat Gobel (lahir di Jakarta, 3 September 1962; umur 53 tahun[1]) adalah pengusaha Indonesia. Ia merupakan generasi kedua dari keluarga Gobel yang mengendalikan perusahaan National Gobel Group yang sekarang bernama Panasonic Gobel Group.[1] Pada 26 Oktober 2014, ia ditunjuk oleh Presiden Jokowi untuk menjadi Menteri Perdagangan dalam Kabinet Kerja Periode 2014 - 2019[2][3].

Di saat krisis multi dimensi melanda Indonesia tahun 1998, banyak kelompok perusahaan besar terpuruk. Hanya segelintir perusahaan yang bisa bertahan dan berkembang pada masa krisis tersebut, yaitu mereka yang punya keuletan dan ketrampilan manajemen, serta visi ke depan. Kelompok Usaha Gobel, yang dipimpin oleh Rachmat Gobel merupakan salah satu di antaranya. Sebagai bukti nyata, perusahaan induk PT. Gobel International dan Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd. (perusahaan induk Matsushita Group, sekarang Panasonic Group), pada masa krisis itu justru setuju dan sepakat untuk memperpanjang perjanjian kerjasama joint venture–nya, di bawah bendera PT. National Gobel (sekarang PT. Panasonic Manafacturing Indonesia). Hal ini menunjukkan komitmen dan rasa saling percaya yang luar biasa, di antara keduanya.

Jiwa kepemimpinan dan kewibawaan yang dimiliki oleh Rachmat Gobel tidak datang secara tiba-tiba. Sedari kecil ia telah dididik untuk menjadi pewaris dan pemimpin dari perusahaan Kelompok Usaha Gobel, yang didirikan dan dipimpin oleh Alm. Drs. H. Thayeb Mohammad Gobel, ayahandanya.

Rachmat Gobel adalah anak ke lima dan putra laki-laki pertama dari pasangan Alm. Drs. H. Thayeb Mohammad Gobel dan Almh. Annie Nento Gobel. Alm. Drs. H. Thayeb Mohammad Gobel disamping pendiri dari Kelompok Usaha Gobel, adalah juga perintis industri elektronika di Indonesia. Rachmat Gobel menikah dengan Retno Damayanti dan telah dikaruniai dua orang anak, yaitu Nurfitria Sekarwillis Kusumawardhani dan Mohammad Arif Gobel.

Dari usia muda, ayahnya telah menanamkan prinsip kerja keras. Pada masa liburan sekolah, setiap pagi Rachmat diperintahkan berangkat mengikuti latihan bekerja di pabrik sehari penuh, mengikuti ritme hidup sebagaimana layaknya seorang karyawan pabrik. Pada saat itulah, ayahnya mulai mengajaknya berdiskusi dan bertukar pikiran mengenai berbagai macam persoalan di seputar dunia usaha.

Setelah tamat dari Sekolah Menengah Atas di Jakarta pada 1981, Rachmat Gobel - atas kemauannya sendiri - memilih untuk melanjutkan kuliahnya di Jepang ketimbang di Amerika Serikat. Chuo University di Tokyo,Jepang, menjadi tempat pilihan dirinya dalam menimba ilmu. Keputusan tersebut diambilnya dengan pertimbangan, bahwa dengan belajar di Jepang dirinya tidak hanya akan mendapatkan ilmu, namun juga dapat mempelajari bahasa dan budaya Jepang. Hal ini tentunya akan memperlancar komunikasi dan hubungan dengan rekan utama bisnis Kelompok Usaha Gobel, yaitu Matsushita Group (sekarang Panasonic Group), yang berasal dari negeri matahari terbit itu.

Satu setengah tahun pertama di Jepang, Rachmat Gobel mendalami bahasa negara itu. Empat tahun kemudian ia berhasil menyelesaikan kuliahnya pada jurusan Perdagangan Internasional. Setelah itu ia memutuskan untuk menjalani praktek kerja di kantor pusat Matsushita Group, yang terletak di kota Osaka. Selama dua tahun ia menjalani praktek kerja tersebut dan ditempatkan di berbagai divisi dalam group tersebut.[4] [5]
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Rachmat Gobel (born in Jakarta, 3 September 1962; age 53 years) [1] is the entrepreneur Indonesia. He is the second generation of the family that controls the company Gobel National Gobel Group now called Panasonic Gobel Group. [1] on October 26, 2001, he was appointed by President Jokowi to become Secretary of Commerce in the Cabinet of work Period 2014-2019 [2] [3].In times of crisis is multi-dimensional struck Indonesia in 1998, many big companies slumped. Only a handful of companies that can survive and thrive during the crisis, to those who had the tenacity and skill of management, as well as the vision forward. Gobel business group, which is chaired by Rachmat Gobel is one of them. As real evidence, the parent company of PT. Gobel International and Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (the parent company of Matsushita Group, now Panasonic Group), at a time of crisis was precisely agreed and agreed to extend the joint venture cooperation agreement – of his, under the flag of PT National Gobel (now PT Panasonic Manafacturing Indonesia). This shows the commitment and mutual trust, in between.The soul of leadership and authority possessed by Rachmat Gobel did not come suddenly. Currently she has been educated to become heir apparent and the leader of the business group company Gobel, founded and headed by Alm. Drs. h. Thayeb Mohammad Gobel, his father.Rachmat Gobel was the five and the first male son of Alm. Drs. h. Thayeb Mohammad Gobel and Almh. Annie Nento Gobel. Alm. Drs. h. Thayeb Mohammad Gobel in addition to the founder of the business group, is also a pioneer of Gobel industrial electronics in Indonesia. Rachmat Gobel married with Retno Damayanti and has had two children, Nurfitria Sekarwillis and Mohammad Arif Kusumawardhani Gobel.From a young age, his father had instilled the principle of hard work. During school holidays, every morning He was ordered to depart following the exercise worked a full day at the plant, following the rhythm of life as befits an employee of the plant. At that time, his father encouraged him to start discussions and exchange ideas on a wide range of issues around the business world.After graduating from high school in Jakarta in 1981, Rachmat Gobel-over his/her preferences individually chose to continue his studies in Japan than in the United States. Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan, was the place for himself in the options studied. The decision was taken with the consideration, that by studying in Japan itself will not only gain knowledge, but can also learn the language and culture of Japan. This is certainly going to smoothen communication and relationship with the main business group business colleague Gobel, that Matsushita Group (now Panasonic Group), who comes from the land of the sunrise.The first year and a half in Japan, Rachmat Gobel steeped in the language of that country. Four years later, he successfully completed his studies at the Department of international trade. After that he decided to undergo the practice of working in the headquarters of Matsushita Group, located in the city of Osaka. For two years she underwent working practices and placed in various divisions within the group. [4] [5]
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Rachmat Gobel (born in Jakarta, 3 September 1962; age 53 years [1]) is an Indonesian businessman. He is the second generation of the family Gobel who controls the company National Gobel Group is now called Panasonic Group. [1] On October 26, 2014, he was appointed by President Jokowi to become Minister of Trade in the Cabinet Work Period 2014-2019 [2] [3] .

At the time of multi-dimensional crisis hit Indonesia in 1998, many large enterprise groups slumped. Only a handful of companies that can survive and thrive in times of crisis, namely those who had the tenacity and management skills, as well as the vision for the future. Gobel Business Group, led by Rachmat Gobel is one of them. As tangible evidence, the parent company of PT. Gobel International and Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (parent company Matsushita Group, now Panasonic Group), during the crisis was actually agreed and agreed to extend the cooperation agreement of its joint venture, under PT. National Gobel (now PT. Panasonic manafacturing Indonesia). This shows the commitment and mutual trust that is extraordinary, between the two.

The soul of leadership and authority possessed by Rachmat Gobel does not come suddenly. From childhood he has been educated to become the heir and leader of company Business Group Gobel, who founded and led by Alm. Drs. Thayeb Mohammad H. Gobel, her father.

Gobel is the fifth child and first son of the male of the pair Alm. Drs. H. Thayeb Mohammad Gobel and Almh. Annie Nento Gobel. Alm. Drs. H. Thayeb besides Mohammad Gobel Gobel founder of the Business Group, is also pioneering the electronic industry in Indonesia. Rachmat Gobel married to Retno Damayanti and have been blessed with two children, namely Nurfitria Sekarwillis Kusumawardhani and Arif Mohammad Gobel.

From a young age, her father has instilled the principle of hard work. During the school holidays, every morning Rachmat ordered to leave training to work in a factory full day, the rhythm of life as befits a factory employee. At that moment, his father began to take her to discuss and exchange ideas on a wide range of problems surrounding the corporate world.

After graduating from high school in Jakarta in 1981, Rachmat Gobel - of his own volition - chose to continue his studies in Japan than in the United States. Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan, became the preferred place himself in studying. The decision was taken in consideration, that by studying in Japan he will not only gain knowledge, but also to learn the language and culture of Japan. This will certainly facilitate communication and relationships with major business associates Gobel Business Group, the Matsushita Group (now Panasonic Group), which comes from the land of the rising sun.

The first half year in Japan, Rachmat Gobel, steeped in the language of the country. Four years later he completed his studies at the Department of International Trade. After that he decided to undergo internship at the headquarters of Matsushita Group, located in the city of Osaka. For two years he underwent the work practice and were placed in different divisions within the group. [4] [5]
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