Sebelumnya, Direktur Program Pembinaan Mineral dan Batubara, Sujatmiko mengungkapkan penolakan untuk menggunakan L/C oleh perusahaan pertambangan dilatarbelakangi lantaran banyak perusahaan telah memiliki kontrak jangka panjang dengan menggunakan telegraphic transfer (TT) yang dinilai sudah akuntabel dalam mencatat besaran devisa maupun angka ekspor.
Kendati pihaknya dan Kementerian Perdagangan sudah menyepakati beberapa ketentuan, namun kedua pihak akan kembali membahas sejumlah masalah lebih rinci mengenai kewajiban penggunaan L/C. "Jika ada permasalahan dalam pelaksanaannya, nanti akan dievaluasi per kasus dan per perusahaan yang diputuskan oleh Kemendag. Jika ada pengecualian, maka setelah kontrak penjualan selesai perusahaan wajib pakai L/C," ujar Sujatmiko.
Previously, the Program Director of Mineral and coal Formation, Sujatmiko's refusal to disclose the use of L/C by the mining company backed by the foolishness and a lot of companies already have long-term contracts by using a telegraphic transfer (TT) that assessed already accountable in foreign exchange as well as the magnitude of the numbers recorded exports.Although the Department and the Ministry of Trade has already agreed on several provisions, but both parties will again discuss a number of issues regarding the use of the more detailed obligations l/c. "If there are problems in their implementation, will be evaluated per case and per company are decided by the Kemendag. If there are exceptions, then after a sales contract is completed the company is obligated to use the L/C, "Sujatmiko said.

Earlier, Director of Program Development of Mineral and Coal, Sujatmiko express refusal to use the L / C by the mining company is motivated because many companies have had long-term contracts using the telegraphic transfer (TT) which is considered to be accountable in the record amount of foreign exchange and export figures. Although it and the Ministry of Commerce has agreed on several provisions, but both sides will return to discuss in more detail a number of issues regarding the obligation to use the L / C. "If there are problems in its implementation, will be evaluated per case and per company are decided by the Ministry of Trade. If there is an exception, then after the contract of sale is completed the company must use the L / C," said Sujatmiko.