Piringan hitamku pernah mutar lagu bagus. Melankolis memang, tapi itu 翻訳 - Piringan hitamku pernah mutar lagu bagus. Melankolis memang, tapi itu 英語言う方法

Piringan hitamku pernah mutar lagu

Piringan hitamku pernah mutar lagu bagus. Melankolis memang, tapi itu lagu punya makna dalam untuk seniman bermasa depan suram. Judul lagu itu "Jeritan Seniman" milik AKA yang ada Ucok Harahap 'Kribo' itu. Lagu itu, bisa dibilang cukup cengeng. Lirik dan musiknya 'Ngeblus'(sedih, tapi bukan lagu yang menyedihkan secara kualitas). AKA memang band aliran cadas Indonesia zaman retro dulu. Uniknya, lagu-lagu mereka yang kata orang 'cengeng' kerap direquest di radio-radio yang memutar lagu-lagu lama, atau yang memiliki acara yang menyajikan lagu-lagu zaman dulu--alias Jadul. Sebenarnya, sebagai band cadas memang diakui dengan aksi panggungnya yang cukup sarang zaman dulu, mungkin belum ada yang meniru kegarangan AKA diatas panggung.

AKA kependekan dari Apotik Kali Asin--apotik milik keluarga Ucok Harahap di Surabaya. Ucok Harahap, rocker kribo yang sekarang menyepi di kaki sebuah gunung di Jawa Timur, itu tidak lain otak dari AKA. Dia vokalis dalam band yang juga memainkan organ. personil AKA yang lain adalah Arthur Anez Kaunang--ayah dari Tessa Kaunang yang selebritis itu. Basis kidal itu lulusan sastra Inggris di sebuah PTN di Surabaya zaman dulu. Personil lain adalah Sunata Tanjung yang memainkan gitar untuk AKA--yang cukup diakui kualitas permainan gitarnya. Syech Abidin bertugas memainkan drum.

Band ini mengikuti perkembangan rock dunia. Awalnya mereka kerap memainkan lagu-lagu Jimi Hendrix. AKA seperti band rock lain juga menikmati zaman kebebasan musik rock di Indonesia. Mereka tidak mengalami apa yang dialami Koes Bersaudara yang dibui oleh rezim penguasa orde lama.

Lagu-lagu AKA umumnya keras. Apalagi yang berbahasa Inggris. Mereka juga memiliki lagu yang bisa dibilang komersil karena diminati masyarakat umum, yang mungkin saja tidak suka musik rock. Lagu "Badai Bulan Desember", "Seniman dan Biola" atau "Jeritan Seniman" masih suka di request orang-orang yang pernah muda di dekade 1970an. Dua lagu tadi bisa dibilang lagu cengeng. Seperti umumnya lagu sekitar dekade 1970an, lagu AKA tadi, diiringi sound dari organ Hammond. Iringan itu, walau terkesan 'jadul' bahkan kuno oleh anak zaman sekarang, lagu tadi menjadi semakin kuat karakternya. Walau tidak sepopuler "Whiter Shade of Pale" milik Procol Harum yang sepertinya irama lagu itu nyontek dari "Air in G String"-nya Johan Sebastian Bach. Sound Organ Hammond mungkin tidak saja dipakai oleh AKA, tapi juga band lain. Bagaimanapun sound itu seperti air abadi untuk band-band zaman dulu, termasuk "Badai Bulan Desember", Seniman Dan Biola" dan "Jeritan Seniman" milik AKA.

"Do What you Like" adalah album AKA yang cukup kesohor di negeri ini. Beberapa mereka berbahasa Inggris. Untuk ukuran Indoensia, beberapa lagu mereka cukup eksperimental juga, seperti apa yang dibuat Pink Floyd di belahan dunia lain.

Aksi panggung AKA cukup sangar. Pakai aksi gantung diri Ucok Harahap di awal konser segala. Konser AKA selalu ramai dipadati penggemar rock fanatik. Nama AKA patut disejajarkan dengan God Bless. Sayang AKA tidak eksis selama God Bless yang kerap ganti personil. AKA menghilang di dekade 1990an. AKA tinggal nama. Mereka tidak konser. Apa yang direkam AKA tak pernah mati. Lagu mereka, apalagi yang lagu-lagu cengeng, kerap diputar oleh penggemar atau radio yang menyajikan lagu-lagu lawas.

Pasca vakumnya AKA, selain Ucok Harahap, tiga personil lain--Syech Abidin, Arthur Anez Kaunang dan Sunata Tanjung membentuk SAS yang merupakan kependekan dari nama mereka. Musik mereka tidak sekeras AKA namun cukup sukses dimata publik karena musik rock di dekade 1980an tidak lagi sekeras awal 1970an. Musik rock tahun 1980an, pamornya sedikit menurun dibanding 1970an.

AKA membuat para personilnya jadi selebritis. Ucok Harahap pernah bermain dalam film-nya Rhoma Irama, "Darah Muda" dimana Ucok berperan sebagai rocker bengal dengan geng motornya. Ucok dapat peran antagonis dan Rhoma Irama tentu saja dapat peran jadi jagoan--seperti di film-film box office. Film tadi seperti memposisikan rock sebagai sebagai musik orang-orang bengal yang tidak memiliki kegiatan positif. Padahal ada rocker yang jadi Astronom seperti Brian May.

Hampir semua personil AKA belakangan menjadi orang-orang yang religius. Rock juga mengantarkan mereka menjadi itu secara tidak langsung. Ucok konon diberitakan menjadi paranormal. Mereka tetap berkesenian, namun tidak Ngerock seperti 1970an dulu. Usia mereka tidak lagi cocok untuk membawakan lagu-lagu pemberontakan ala Rock.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
My black disc ever nice song contorting. Melancholy indeed, but it's songs have a meaning in their future bleak for artists. The title of the song "screams of Artists" AKA Ucok existing Harahap ' Frizzy ' it. The song, arguably quite maudlin. The lyrics and the music of ' Ngeblus ' (sad, sad song but not in quality). AKA indeed rock band Indonesia retro period first. Uniquely, they are songs people said ' maudlin ' is often direquest on the radio-a radio play the old songs, or who have an event which presents the songs in the past--a.k.a. Jadul. In fact, as the rockers acknowledged his action with a pretty nest of ancient times, may not yet exist that mimics the kegarangan AKA onstage.AKA short for Dispensaries of salty-Times-family-owned pharmacies Ucok Harahap in Surabaya. Ucok Harahap, rocker frizzy now off the road at the foot of a mountain in East Java, it's not another brain from AKA. He is the vocalist in the band who also play the organ. personnel AKA the other is Arthur Anez Kaunang--father of Tessa Kaunang which celebrities were. It was lefty base United Kingdom literature graduates in a PTN in Surabaya in the old days. Other personnel are Sunata Cape who played guitar for AKA--enough recognized the quality of the guitar game. Syech Abidin stint playing drums.The band is following the development of the rock world. Initially they often play songs Jimi Hendrix. Other rock bands like AKA also enjoyed the days of freedom rock music in Indonesia. They don't experience what experienced Koes Brothers who was imprisoned by the regime of the ruler of the old order.AKA songs generally loud. Moreover, the United Kingdom speaking. They also have a song that is arguably the commercial because of interest the general public, who may not like rock music. The song "Storm of December", "artist and Violin" or "Screams" Artists still love at the request of people who ever young in the 1970s. Two songs last arguably the song a crybaby. Like any songs about the 1970s, AKA song of yesteryear, accompanied by the sound of the Hammond organ. Accompaniment that, although impressed ' jadul ' ancient even by children now, the song became the stronger character. Although not as popular as "Whiter Shade of Pale Procol Harum" which looks like the rhythm of the song cheat from "Air in G String" Johan Sebastian Bach. Hammond Organ sound may not only worn by AKA, but also other bands. However the sound was like a perennial water for bands in the past, including "Storm of December", the artist and Violin "and" Scream "AKA Artist."Do What you Like" is a pretty AKA honours celebrities in the country. Some of them speak in United Kingdom. For the size of Indonesia, some of them quite experimental as well, such as what made Pink Floyd in other parts of the world.Action stage AKA a very enough. Use the action hung herself Ucok Harahap early in any concert. Concert fans will overwhelm the crowded AKA rock fanatic. Name AKA ought to be aligned with God Bless. Dear AKA does not exist for God Bless that often replace personnel. AKA disappeared in the 1990s. AKA live name. They are not a concert. What recorded AKA never die. Their song, let alone the maudlin songs, often played by fans or radio serving older songs.Post vakumnya AKA Ucok Harahap, in addition, three other personnel--Syech Abidin, Arthur Anez Kaunang Sunata and Cape form the SAS which is short for their names. Their music is not as hard as quite successful however in the eyes of the AKA the public because rock music in the 1980s was no longer as hard as rock music's early 1970s. 1980s, pamornya a little decreased compared to the 1970s.AKA making the band's style so celebrities. Ucok Harahap never played in his movie Rhoma Irama, "Young Blood" where Ucok role as rocker bengal motornya gang. Can the role of antagonist and Ucok Rhoma Irama can certainly role so whiz--like in the movie box office. Movies of yesteryear such as the positioning of rock music as the people of bengal that has no positive activities. Whereas there is a rocker so Astronomers such as Brian May.Almost all personnel AKA later became a religious people. Rock also deliver them be it indirectly. Ucok reputedly preached into the paranormal. They continue to run, but not Ngerock like the 1970s. Their age is no longer suitable for their songs Rock-style uprising.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Twiddling my records never a good song. Melancholy indeed, but that song has meaning for the artist in front bermasa bleak. The title song "Screams Artist" property of an existing AKA Ucok Harahap 'Kribo' it. The song was, arguably quite maudlin. The lyrics and the music 'Ngeblus' (sad, sad song but not in quality). AKA is the flow of rock band Indonesian first retro era. Interestingly, their songs that say 'crybaby' is often requested on radio stations that play old songs, or who has a show that presents songs of a bygone era - aka Jadul. Actually, as a rock band was recognized with sufficient action stage nest ancient times, probably no one on the stage imitating the ferocity AKA, AKA stands Pharmacies Kali Asin - Ucok Harahap family-owned pharmacies in Surabaya. Ucok Harahap, frizzy rocker who is now in seclusion at the foot of a mountain in East Java, was none other than the brain of AKA. He was lead singer in a band that also plays the organ. AKA other personnel who are Arthur Anez Kaunang - the father of Tessa Kaunang which celebrities. The left-handed basis graduate of English literature in a State in Surabaya bygone era. Other personnel are Sunata Cape has played guitar for AKA - which is quite recognized the quality of his guitar playing. Syech Abidin duty to play the drums. The band is following the development of the rock world. Initially they often play songs by Jimi Hendrix. AKA like other rock bands also enjoy the freedom era of rock music in Indonesia. They do not experience what happened to Koes Brothers were imprisoned by the regime of the old order. Songs AKA generally hard. Moreover, in English. They also have a song that could be considered commercial because the general public interest, which may not like rock music. The song "December Storm", "Artists and Violin" or "Screams Artist" at the request still love the people who ever young in 1970s. Two songs had arguably maudlin song. Like most tracks around the 1970s, AKA songs earlier, accompanied by the sound of the Hammond organ. The accompaniment, though impressed 'old' fashioned by a child even today, the song had become stronger character. Although not as popular as "Whiter Shade of Pale" which seems to belong to Procol Harum rhythm of the song was cheating on "Air in G String" of Johan Sebastian Bach. Hammond Organ sound may not be used by AKA, but also other bands. However it sound like a perennial water for bands of old, including "December Storm", Artists And Violin "and" Screams Artists "AKA belongs. "Do What you Like" AKA album is pretty famous in this country. Some of them English. For the size of Indonesia, some of their songs is quite experimental as well, such as what made ​​Pink Floyd in other parts of the world. Action stage AKA quite frightening. Use action Ucok Harahap hanged himself early in concert all. Concert AKA always crowded crowded rock fanatical fans . Name AKA should be aligned with God Bless. Unfortunately AKA does not exist for God Bless frequent change of personnel. AKA disappeared in the 1990s. AKA stay names. They are not a concert. What are recorded AKA never die. Their song, let alone the lagu- maudlin song, often played by fans or radio serving old songs. After the vacuum AKA, besides Ucok Harahap, three other personnel - Syech Abidin, Arthur Anez Kaunang and Sunata Tanjung formed SAS which is the abbreviation of their name. Their music is not as loud as AKA yet quite successful in the eyes of the public because of rock music in the 1980s is no longer as hard as the early 1970s. Rock music in the 1980s, fallen slightly decreased compared to 1970, AKA makes the personnel to be a celebrity. Ucok Harahap ever played in his movies Rhoma Irama, "Young Blood" where Ucok role as rocker stunned with his motorcycle gang. Ucok can be the role of antagonist and Rhoma Irama can certainly be hero role - like in the movies box office. Earlier films such as rock positioned as music bengal people who do not have positive activities. Though there are so astronomers like rocker Brian May. Almost all personnel AKA later became a religious people. Rock also led them into it indirectly. Ucok said to be paranormal reported. They remain in art, but did not like the 1970s ngerock first. Their age are no longer suitable to bring the songs of rebellion ala Rock.

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