Hasil rekon PPN dari kami jangan di Adjust/koreksi, kami akan melakuka翻訳 - Hasil rekon PPN dari kami jangan di Adjust/koreksi, kami akan melakuka英語言う方法

Hasil rekon PPN dari kami jangan di

Hasil rekon PPN dari kami jangan di Adjust/koreksi, kami akan melakukan cek data dan dokumen dulu apakah dokumen tersebut dobel catat atau memang belum kami input.
Apabila double catat di GL maka akan kami koreksi di tahun berjalan (tahun 2016) dan apabila kami belum input di SPT maka kami akan melakukan pembetulan SPT tersebut
sesuai Masa faktur pajak yg belum kami input.

Kecuali yang bisa dikoreksi yaitu faktur pajak masukan yang seharusnya Non PPN tetapi di sistem kami diinput PPN (FP non PPN ada dalam komen) yaitu:
1. PT.Nagase Impor-Ekspor Indonesia
2. PT.Fanah Jaya Maindo
3. PT.Nippisun Indonesia
Sehingga ppn tersebut juga masih gantung di AP.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The results of the reconciliation of our VAT do not Adjust in/correction, we will do a check of the data and document first if the document hasn't been noted or indeed double our input.When double noted in GL then will our corrections in the current year (year 2016) and if we have an input in the SPT then we will make a correction the SPTappropriate tax invoice Period yg yet we input.Unless that can be corrected i.e. tax invoice entries should Non VAT but in our system of input VAT (FP non VAT exists in the comments):1. PT. Nagase Import-Export Indonesia 2. PT. Fanah Jaya Maindo 3. PT. Nippisun Indonesia So the VAT is also still hanging in AP.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Results reconstruction VAT of us do in Adjust / correction, we will do a check of data and documents used if the document is double record or did not we input.
If the double log in GL it will be our correction in the current year (2016) and if we do not input in SPT then we will do the SPT revision
corresponding period tax invoices which we have not been input. Unless that can be corrected are input tax invoices are supposed Non VAT but in our system of input VAT (FP non VAT in the comments), namely: 1. PT.Nagase Import-Export Indonesia 2. PT.Fanah Jaya Maindo 3. Indonesia PT.Nippisun So that VAT is also still hanging in the AP.

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