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Adapun informasi lengkapnya dapat dilihat pada undangan dibawah ini, dengan susunan acara sebagai berikut:

15:30-16:15 : Penjemputan jamaah
16:00-16:30 : Persiapan sholat dan sholat Ashar berjema'ah
16:30-18:45 : Acara inti – pembukaan, children class performa, pengajian, tanya jawab dan penutup.
19:22-19:30 : Buka puasa bersama dan sholat Maghrib berjema'ah
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
As for the complete information can be seen on the invitation below, with the following agenda:15:30-16:15: pick up the pilgrims16:00-16:30: preparation of prayers and pray ' ASR berjema'ah16:30-18:45: core Event – opening, children class performance, recitation, faqs and cover.7:22-7:30 pm: iftaar and Maghrib prayers berjema'ah
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The information details can be found on the invitation below, the order of events as follows: 15: 30-16: 15: Pick worshipers 16: 00-16: 30: Preparations prayer and Asr prayer berjema'ah 16: 30-18: 45: The main event - the opening, children class performance, recitation, discussion and closing. 19: 22-19: 30: Breaking the fast together and Maghrib prayer berjema'ah

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