Agricultural Extension Workers
From Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Agricultural Extension Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) is an officer of the Department of Agriculture cities / counties are seconded to give direction, guidance, and counseling in the field of agriculture on the basis of administrative districts. [1] [2 ] Prior to foster, Agricultural Extension Workers need to approach with understanding the ability of groups and individuals that submitted materials to farmers can be digested well by the farmers. [3] Subsequently adopted properly so that farmers continue to improve business efficiency agriculture. [3] Agricultural Extension Workers provided the ability covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes as a teacher. [4] Contents [hide] 1 Role 2 Planning 3 Fieldwork 4 References Role [Edit | edit source] Agricultural Extension Workers were guiding farmers Extension duty to give encouragement to farmers to want to change the way of thinking, way of working and a way of life that is more in line with the development, the development of agricultural technologies are more advanced. [5] Thus, an agricultural extension in implementing his job has three roles: [5] Acting as educators, providing knowledge or new ways in the cultivation of crops for farmers to be more focused in farming, improve results and overcome the failures in his farming operation; Acting as a leader, who can guide and motivate farmers to want to change the way of thinking, the way it works that arise openness and willing to accept the ways of farming new, more efficient and effective, so that the level of his life more prosperous; Acting as advisors, which can serve, provide clues and help farmers both in form of demonstration or examples of work in the farming solve all problems. Planning [Edit | edit source] Some planning of agricultural extension field, namely: [2] Develop training programs for working area; Establishing impact point and find solutions; Conducting site visits, conduct demonstrations and coaching activities of farmer groups; Together with farmer groups to develop farmer groups to become economic and social forces for the surrounding community; Together with the Agricultural Extension affairs programs and Agricultural Extension Bachelor of seeking to resolve the problems encountered, particularly with regard to the problem of agricultural inputs, hence solving the problem can be conducted with KUD, related agencies, farmer groups itself and Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Desa. Fieldwork [Edit | edit source] Fieldwork was conducted agricultural extension field, namely: [4] Disseminate information; Teach skills or proficiency farming and others better; Ensuring the means of production and sideline others; inflicting self-financing or self-help in the improvement efforts; Giving recommendation seeks farmer and others more profitable.