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Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan
Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan (PPL) merupakan petugas dari Dinas Pertanian kota/kabupaten yang diperbantukan untuk memberikan pengarahan, pembinaan, dan penyuluhan di bidang pertanian dengan basis administrasi kecamatan.[1][2] Sebelum membina, Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan perlu melakukan pendekatan dengan memahami kemampuan kelompok maupun perorangan agar materi yang disampaikan kepada petani dapat dicerna dengan baik oleh petani.[3] Selanjutnya diadopsi dengan baik agar petani senantiasa meningkatkan efisiensi usaha pertaniannya.[3] Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan dibekali kemampuan meliputi pengetahuan, ketrampilan, dan sikap sebagai pengajar.[4]

Daftar isi [sembunyikan]
1 Peran
2 Perencanaan
3 Kegiatan lapangan
4 Referensi
Peran[sunting | sunting sumber]

Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan sedang membimbing petani
Penyuluh bertugas memberikan dorongan kepada petani agar mau mengubah cara berpikir, cara kerja dan cara hidup yang lebih sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman, perkembangan teknologi pertanian yang lebih maju.[5] Dengan demikian seorang penyuluh pertanian dalam melaksanakan tugasnya mempunyai tiga peranan:[5]

Berperan sebagai pendidik, memberikan pengetahuan atau cara-cara baru dalam budidaya tanaman agar petani lebih terarah dalam usahataninya, meningkatkan hasil dan mengatasi kegagalan-kegagalan dalam usaha taninya;
Berperan sebagai pemimpin, yang dapat membimbing dan memotivasi petani agar mau merubah cara berfikir, cara kerjanya agar timbul keterbukaan dan mau menerima cara-cara bertani baru yang lebih berdaya guna dan berhasil, sehingga tingkat hidupnya lebih sejahtera;
Berperan sebagai penasehat, yang dapat melayani, memberikan petunjuk-petunjuk dan membantu para petani baik dalam bentuk peragaan atau contoh-contoh kerja dalam usahatani memecahkan segala masalah yang dihadapi.
Perencanaan[sunting | sunting sumber]
Beberapa perencanaan dari penyuluh pertanian lapangan, yaitu:[2]

Menyusun program penyuluhan bagi wilayah kerjanya;
Menetapkan impact point dan mencari pemecahannya;
Melakukan kunjungan lapangan, melaksanakan demonstrasi dan pembinaan kegiatan kelompok tani;
Bersama dengan kelompok tani mengembangkan kelompok tani agar menjadi kekuatan ekonomi dan sosial bagi masyarakat sekitarnya;
Bersama dengan Penyuluh Pertanian urusan Program dan Penyuluh Pertanian Sarjana mencari pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi, khususnya menyangkut masalah sarana produksi pertanian, maka pemecahan masalahnya dapat dilakukan bersama KUD, dinas terkait, kelompok tani itu sendiri dan Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Desa.
Kegiatan lapangan[sunting | sunting sumber]
Kegiatan lapangan yang dilakukan penyuluh pertanian lapangan, yaitu:[4]

Menyebarluaskan informasi;
Mengajarkan ketrampilan atau kecakapan bertani dan lain-lain yang lebih baik;
Mengusahakan sarana produksi dan usaha sampingan lainnya;
Menimbulkan swadana atau swadaya dalam usaha-usaha perbaikan;
Memberikan rekomendasi berusaha tani dan lain-lain yang lebih menguntungkan.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Agricultural Field Extension OfficersIndonesia-Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAgricultural Field Extension OfficersAgricultural Field extension officers (PPL) is an officer of the Department of agriculture kota/kabupaten are seconded to give direction, coaching, and counseling in the field of agriculture with base administrative districts. [1] [2] prior to the build, Agricultural Field extension officers need to approach by understanding the ability of an individual or group in order for the material that is delivered to the farmer can be digested well by farmers. [3] Subsequently adopted well in order for the farmer ever-advancing efforts increase efficiency. [3] the agricultural Field extension officers provided capabilities include knowledge, skills, and attitudes as a lecturer. [4]Table of contents [Hide] 1 Role2 Planning3 the activities of the field4 referencesRoles [edit | edit source]Agricultural Field extension officers were guiding farmersExtension officers in charge of giving encouragement to farmers to change their way of thinking, way of working and way of life that is more in line with the changing times, the development of more advanced agricultural technology. [5] thus a agricultural extension officers in the discharge of his duties has three roles: [5]Serve as educators, provide knowledge or new ways in cultivated crops so that farmers are more directional in usahataninya, improve results and overcome failure-failure in efforts his farming;His role as leader, who can guide and motivate farmers to change the way of thinking, the way it works so that the embossing of openness and willing to accept the new farming methods that are more empowered to and successfully, so that the level of her life more prosperous;Serve as advisors, who can serve, give instructions and help farmers in the form of demonstration or example work in farming to troubleshoot any problems encountered.Planning [edit | edit source]Some planning of agricultural field extension officers, namely: [2]Compile the program guidance for the region it works;Set the impact point and find possible solution;Conduct field visits, carry out demonstration activities and the construction of farmer groups;Together with farmer groups to develop farmer groups to become social and economic power for the surrounding community;Along with the Agricultural extension officers Affairs programs and Agricultural extension officers Graduate looking for the solution of problems encountered, particularly concerning the problem of the means of agricultural production, thus solving the problem can be done along with the related, Office CENTER, a farmers group itself and Bank Rakyat Indonesia Village Units.The activities of the field [edit | edit source]Field activities conducted in agricultural field extension officers, namely: [4]Disseminate information;Teach skills or proficiency farming and others better;Pursuit of the means of production and other sideline businesses;Cause swadana or self help in repair efforts;Provide recommendations sought farmers and others that are more profitable.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Agricultural Extension Workers
From Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Agricultural Extension Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) is an officer of the Department of Agriculture cities / counties are seconded to give direction, guidance, and counseling in the field of agriculture on the basis of administrative districts. [1] [2 ] Prior to foster, Agricultural Extension Workers need to approach with understanding the ability of groups and individuals that submitted materials to farmers can be digested well by the farmers. [3] Subsequently adopted properly so that farmers continue to improve business efficiency agriculture. [3] Agricultural Extension Workers provided the ability covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes as a teacher. [4] Contents [hide] 1 Role 2 Planning 3 Fieldwork 4 References Role [Edit | edit source] Agricultural Extension Workers were guiding farmers Extension duty to give encouragement to farmers to want to change the way of thinking, way of working and a way of life that is more in line with the development, the development of agricultural technologies are more advanced. [5] Thus, an agricultural extension in implementing his job has three roles: [5] Acting as educators, providing knowledge or new ways in the cultivation of crops for farmers to be more focused in farming, improve results and overcome the failures in his farming operation; Acting as a leader, who can guide and motivate farmers to want to change the way of thinking, the way it works that arise openness and willing to accept the ways of farming new, more efficient and effective, so that the level of his life more prosperous; Acting as advisors, which can serve, provide clues and help farmers both in form of demonstration or examples of work in the farming solve all problems. Planning [Edit | edit source] Some planning of agricultural extension field, namely: [2] Develop training programs for working area; Establishing impact point and find solutions; Conducting site visits, conduct demonstrations and coaching activities of farmer groups; Together with farmer groups to develop farmer groups to become economic and social forces for the surrounding community; Together with the Agricultural Extension affairs programs and Agricultural Extension Bachelor of seeking to resolve the problems encountered, particularly with regard to the problem of agricultural inputs, hence solving the problem can be conducted with KUD, related agencies, farmer groups itself and Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Desa. Fieldwork [Edit | edit source] Fieldwork was conducted agricultural extension field, namely: [4] Disseminate information; Teach skills or proficiency farming and others better; Ensuring the means of production and sideline others; inflicting self-financing or self-help in the improvement efforts; Giving recommendation seeks farmer and others more profitable.

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