Pada saat Peraturan Bank Indonesia ini diterbitkan,ketentuan otoritas 翻訳 - Pada saat Peraturan Bank Indonesia ini diterbitkan,ketentuan otoritas 英語言う方法

Pada saat Peraturan Bank Indonesia

Pada saat Peraturan Bank Indonesia ini diterbitkan,
ketentuan otoritas perbankan yang mengatur mengenai
kategori Bank yang dapat melakukan kegiatan transaksi
valuta asing antara lain mengatur bahwa Bank yang
dapat melakukan Transaksi Valuta Asing Terhadap
Rupiah, baik Transaksi Spot maupun transaksi derivatif
yang plain vanilla (forward, swap, option, dan CCS)
paling kurang adalah Bank Umum Kelompok Usaha
(BUKU) 2 dan Bank yang dapat melakukan transaksi
structured product valuta asing terhadap Rupiah berupa
Call Spread Option paling kurang adalah Bank BUKU 3.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
At the time of the Bank Indonesia Regulation is published,the provisions governing banking authoritycategory Bank that can perform transactionsforeign exchange among other things regulates that the Bankcan perform foreign exchange transactions AgainstThe rupiah, both Spot transactions as well as transactions of derivativesthe plain vanilla (forward, swaps, options, and CCS)most lack is public Bank Group Effort(Book) 2 and the Bank can conduct transactionsstructured product a foreign currency against the Rupiah in the formCall Spread Option is least Bank BOOKS 3.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
At the time of this Bank Indonesia Regulation is published,
the provisions of the banking authority that regulates the
category of the Bank to conduct transactions
of foreign exchange among other things that the Bank is
able to perform the Transaction of Foreign Exchange Against
Rupiah, both transactions Spot and derivative transactions
are plain vanilla (forward, swap , option, and CCS)
at least is a Commercial Bank Business Group
(BOOK) 2 and the Bank to conduct transactions
structured product in the form of foreign currency against Rupiah
Call Spread option is at least 3 BOOKS Bank.
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