Bisa dijelaskan mengenai kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki BP翻訳 - Bisa dijelaskan mengenai kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki BP英語言う方法

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Bisa dijelaskan mengenai kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki BPPT saat ini?
Dari segi sumber daya manusia (SDM), kini BPPT sudah jauh lebih maju daripada dulu. Namun sekarang konfigurasinya kurang, peran Iptek dan inovasi nasional masih belum berjalan dengan semestinya.

Dulu, secara umum rekan-rekan saya di BPPT paling tinggi berpendidikan setara sarjana (S1). Kini pegawai BPPT dengan tingkat pendidikan S1 tidak lagi dominan, karena telah diisi oleh lulusan pascasarjana (S2), doktor (S3), bahkan hingga lulusan luar negeri.

Salah satu inovasi teknologi yang dikembangkan BPPT adalah program e-KTP. Bisa dijelaskan?
Kami mengembangkan program kartu tanda penduduk elektronik (e-KTP) di bawah pengarahan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemdagri). Program e-KTP merupakan tindak lanjut dari nota kesepahaman antara BPPT dan Kemdagri pada 2009 untuk menyelesaikan pembuatan KTP elektronik bagi seluruh penduduk Indonesia pada akhir 2013.

KTP elektronik itu dibuat oleh tim BPPT dengan pertimbangan yang matang, bukan produk yang mudah rusak. E-KTP itu dipersiapkan sebagai alat identitas penduduk Indonesia yang menjadi dasar dari semua bentuk pelayanan publik. Hampir semua jenis pelayanan di seluruh wilayah Tanah Air memerlukan data identitas penduduk, maka dari itu muncul inovasi untuk mengintegrasikan sistem data dan informasi kependudukan yang terintegrasi.

Apa yang melatari digalakkannya program ini?
Menjamurnya tindakan kriminal dengan memalsukan identitas seseorang juga melatarbelakangi pembuatan proyek e-KTP tersebut. KTP elektronik juga bisa menjadi perangkat yang dapat diandalkan untuk memvalidasi identitas penduduk. Dengan chip berbasis mikroprosesor dan berdaya simpan 8 kilobytes, e-KTP mampu menyimpan data elektronik setiap warga negara Indonesia, mulai dari biodata, tanda tangan, foto, sidik jari hingga iris mata. Chip berbahan dasar polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PET-G) berukuran 85,60×53,98 mm setebal 0,76-1 mm itu berada di dalam kartu e-KTP dan dilindungi oleh kartu berbahan dasar plastik berkualitas tinggi.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Inexplicable about the quality of human resources currently owned BPPT? In terms of human resources (HR), now the BPPT is already far more advanced than the first. But now the configuration is less, the role of science and technology and innovation national is still not running properly.First, in General, my colleagues at the BPPT is highest educated undergraduate equivalents. Now employees with education level S1 BPPT is no longer dominant, having been filled by graduates of the postgraduate (S2), doctorate (S3), even to foreign graduates.One of the technological innovations developed BPPT is an e-ID CARD program. Be explained? We develop electronic populations sign card program (e-ID) under the direction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Kemdagri). The e-ID CARD program is a follow-up of the memorandum of understanding between the BPPT and Kemdagri in 2009 to complete the creation of the electronic ID CARD for the entire population of Indonesia by the end of 2013.Electronic ID CARD was made by a team of BPPT with careful consideration, rather than products that are easily damaged. E-ID CARD was prepared as a tool of identity of the population of Indonesia is the basis of all forms of public service. Almost all types of services on the whole territory of the motherland requires data on the identity of the inhabitants, thus appearing innovation to integrate population data and information systems are integrated.What melatari digalakkannya this program? A proliferation of criminal actions by falsifying one's identity also aspects influenced the creation of the e-ID CARD project. Electronic ID CARD can also be a reliable device to validate the identity of the inhabitants. With microprocessor-based chip and defenseless save 8 kilobytes, the e-ID CARD capable of storing electronic data every citizen of Indonesia, ranging from short biographies, autographs, photographs, fingerprints and iris of the eye. Chips made from polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PET-G) size of 85.60 × 53,98 mm 0.76-1 mm thick it is in e-card ID CARD and the card is protected by a plastic made from high quality.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Could you explain about the quality of human resources owned by BPPT today?
In terms of human resources (HR), now BPPT is far more advanced than it used to. But now the configuration is less, the role of national science and technology and innovation are still not running properly. In the past, in general, my colleagues in the highest educated BPPT equivalent undergraduate (S1). Now employees BPPT with S1 education level is no longer dominant, because it has been filled by graduates of postgraduate (S2), doctorate (S3), and even to foreign graduates. One of the technological innovations developed by BPPT is the e-ID card program. Can you explain? We developed a program of electronic identity cards (e-ID) under the direction of the Ministry of the Interior (Kemdagri). E-ID card program is a follow up of a memorandum of understanding between BPPT and Kemdagri in 2009 to complete the electronic ID card for the entire population of Indonesia at the end of 2013. electronic ID card was created by a team of BPPT with careful consideration, not of perishable products. E-ID card was prepared as an identity of the Indonesian population is the basis of all forms of public service. Almost all kinds of services in all regions of the country require identity data of the population, so it appears the innovation to integrate data and population information system integrated. What digalakkannya underlie this program? The proliferation of crime by falsifying one's identity is also behind the making of the project e - ID card The. Electronic ID card can also be a device that can be relied upon to validate the identity of the population. With microprocessor-based chips and power save 8 kilobytes, e - ID card capable of storing electronic data every citizen of Indonesia, ranging from biographical data, signature, photograph, fingerprints to iris. Chip-based polyethylene glycol terephthalate (PET - G) measuring 85.60 x 53.98 mm thick 0.76 - 1 mm was in the cards e - ID card and is protected by a card made ​​from high quality plastic.

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