Jakarta -Demi menekan impor Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM), pemerintah mengembangkan penggunaan bahan bakar nabati (BBN) melalui penggunaan biodiesel. Selain dari kelapa sawit, biodiesel bisa dihasilkan dari tanaman kemiri sunan.
Saat ini, pengembangan kemiri sunan masih dalam tahap penanaman, butuh waktu 4-8 tahun lagi untuk bisa dipanen. Tata niaga kemiri sunan akan diatur oleh pemerintah. Targetnya pada 2017, secara perlahan kemiri sunan bisa menggeser peranan kelapa sawit sebagai penghasil campuran biodiesel.
Kemiri sunan bisa ditanam oleh siapa saja, perorangan atau perusahaan. Pemerintah akan memberikan insentif untuk proses pengolahan kemiri sunan mulai dari biji sampai menjadi minyak.
"Kalau single unit untuk pengolahan itu Rp 250 juta. Nanti pada saatnya kita akan beri itu," kata Direktur Jenderal Energi Baru dan Terbarukan Kementerian ESDM, Rida Mulyana kepada detikFinance, Rabu (12/2/2014).
Setelah diproses, minyak tersebut akan diserap oleh perusahaan-perusahaan minyak yang menjual BBM, contohnya Pertamina untuk dicampurkan dengan bahan bakar minyak solar.
"Bisa diolah sendiri atau bisa dijual ke pabriknya, lalu dari pabrik ke Pertamina setelah kualitasnya mengikuti apa yang menjadi standard mereka," lanjut Rida.
Pertamina dan perusahaan penjual minyak lainnya akan bergerak di sektor hilir. Meski demikian, Rida mengatakan, Pertamina telah menandatangani MoU dengan PTPN untuk memasok minyak kemiri sunan tersebut nantinya.
"Daripada nggak ada pasokan, maka digandenglah dia di hulu," kata Rida.
Rida memperkirakan pada tahun 2017 nanti, kemiri sunan sudah mulai bisa digunakan untuk mengimbangi kelapa sawit yang saat ini menjadi tumpuan penghasil campuran biodiesel.
Jakarta-by pressing the import of Fuel oil (FUEL), the Government is developing the use of biofuels (BBN) through the use of biodiesel. Apart from Palm oil, biodiesel can be produced from crops candlenut sunan.Currently, development is still in the stage of sunan Pecan planting, it took 4-5 more years to be harvested. Pecan sunan Commerce shall be governed by the Government. The target is in 2017, is slowly shifting role can sunan Pecan oil palm as a producer of biodiesel blends.Pecan sunan can be planted by anyone, individual or company. The Government will provide incentives to pecan processing sunan ranging from seeds to be oil."If it's processing unit for a single Rp 250 million. Later in time we will give it, "said the Director General of the new and Renewable Energy and MINERAL RESOURCES Ministry, Regine Mulyana to detikFinance, Wednesday (12/2/2014).Once processed, the oil will be absorbed by the oil companies that sell fuel, e.g. Pertamina to be mixed with diesel fuel."It could be processed alone or can be sold to the manufacturer, and then from the factory to Pertamina after quality follow what became their standard," continued Rida.Pertamina and the company's other oil sellers will move in the sector downstream. Nevertheless, Rida said, Pertamina has signed an MoU with PTPN XIV to supply the sunan Pecan later."Rather than not there's a supply, then digandenglah him on hulu," said Rida.Regine estimates later in the year 2017, pecan sunan has begun to be used to offset the current palm oil became the object of producing biodiesel blends.

Jakarta -Demi reduce imports of fuel oil (BBM), the government developed the use of biofuels (biofuels) through the use of biodiesel. Aside from palm oil, biodiesel can be produced from Sunan pecan crop. At present, the development of Sunan pecan still under cultivation, it took 4-8 years to be harvested. Sunan pecan trade system will be regulated by the government. The target in 2017, gradually to shift the Sunan pecan role as a producer of palm oil biodiesel mixture. Pecan Sunan can be grown by anyone, individual or company. The government will provide incentives for the processing of Sunan pecan ranging from seeds to oil. "If a single unit for the processing of the Rp 250 million. Later in time we will give it," said the Director-General of New and Renewable Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, Rida Mulyana to detikFinance Wednesday (12.02.2014). Once processed, the oil will be absorbed by the oil companies that sell fuel, for example Pertamina to be mixed with diesel fuel. "Can be processed alone or can be sold to the manufacturer, then from the factory to Pertamina after its quality has been the standard to follow what they are, "said Rida. Pertamina and sellers of other oil companies will move in the downstream sector. However, Rida said, Pertamina has signed MoU with PTPN to supply oil Sunan pecan it later on. "Instead there's no supply, then digandenglah him in the upstream," said Rida. Rida estimate in 2017, Sunan pecan has begun to be used for offset oil palm become the foundation is currently producing biodiesel mixture.