(X) I am/we are the rightful proprietor(s) of the above referenced mark being applied for registration with the Indonesian Trademark Office; and this mark is neither a substantial nor deceptive duplication of any design owned by another person.
( ) I/we have been using and will continue to use the mark by myself/ourselves or by a licensee under a license agreement within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, on goods or services as designated in the registration.
( ) I/we will use the mark by myself/ourselves or by a licensee under a license agreement within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, on goods or services as designated in the registration.
( ) As an assignee of the mark, I/we undertake to use mark on the kinds of goods or services as designated in the registration within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
And that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and are believed to be true.