Obat merupakan komponen terbesar dalam pembiayaan kesehatan yang menca翻訳 - Obat merupakan komponen terbesar dalam pembiayaan kesehatan yang menca英語言う方法

Obat merupakan komponen terbesar da

Obat merupakan komponen terbesar dalam pembiayaan kesehatan yang mencapai kurang lebih 70%. Karena itu,
intervensi penggunaan obat merupakan upaya yang strategis dalam pengendalian pembiayaan pelayanan kesehatan diIndonesia. Untuk memberikan alternatif obat kepada masyarakat dengan kualitas terjamin dan harga terjangkau, pemerintah sejak tahun 1989 telah meluncurkan program Obat Generik.

Tujuan program adalah untuk melaksanakan akses masyarakat khususnya yang berpenghasilan menengah ke bawah.
Untuk tiu, telah dikeluarkan Keputusan Menkes No. 085/Menkes/SK/89 tentang kewajiban menuliskan resep dan/atau menggunakan obat generik di fasilitas kesehatan pemerintah.

Kenyataannya, penggunaan obat generik belum seperti yang diharapkan.
Kondisi ini masih di perberat karena konsumen kesehatan hampir tidak mempunyai daya tawar seperti halnya konsumen lainnya.
konsumen yang membutuhkan pelayanan kesehatan sangat tergantung kepada dokter.

Untuk mengatasi hal itu, pemerintah melalui Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No.HK .02.02/Menkes/068/1/2010 tanggal 14 Januari 2010 menginstruksikan semua fasilitas kesehatan pemerintah wajib menuliskan resep dan/atau menggunakan obat generik.

Tidak itu sajja,dalam rangka mejamin ketersediaan dan pemerataan obat, Menteri Kesehatan melalui Kepmenkes No.HK.03.01/Menkes/1461/2010 tanggal 27 Januari 2010 telah melakukan penilaian/peninjauan kembali harga obat generik yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya.

Selain itu, agar penggunaan obat generik dapat berjalan dengan efektif ditetapkan Keputusan Menkes RI No.
HK.03.01/Menkes/159/1/2010 tanggal 28 Januari 2010 tentang pedoman pembinaan dan pengawasan penggunaan obat generik di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan pemerintah.

Namun demikian,penggunaan obat generik di kalangan masyarakat belum seperti yang diharapkan.
Karena itu, sudah saatnya masyarakat didorong menggunakan haknya seperti diatur dalam UU No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, yaitu menggunakan haknya untuk memperoleh informasi yang benar, jelas dan jujur, hak memilih dan hak untuk di dengar.

obat generik?

Secara internasional, obat hanya dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu obat paten dan obat generik.

Obat paten adalah obat yang baru ditemukan berdasrkan riset dan memiliki masa paten tergantung jenis obatnya.
Menurut UU No.14 Tahun 2001 masa berlaku paten di Indonesia adalah 20 tahun.
Selama 20 tahun itu, perusahaan farmasi tersebut memiliki hak eksklusif untuk memproduksi dan memasarkan.
Perusahaan lain tidak boleh memproduksi dan memasarkan obat serupa jika tidak memiliki perjanjian dengan pemilik paten.

Setelah obat paten habis masa patennya, kemudian disebut obat generik yaitu obat dengan nama zat berkhasiatnya.

Obat generik di Indonesia dikenal dalam 2 macam:yaitu 1).
Obat generik bermerk, yaitu obat generik yang diberi nama dagang atau nama dari industrinya.

Obat generik bermerk dengan obat generik tidak ada bedanya dalam zat berkhasiat, yang membedakan hanya nama.

Obat generik, umumnya disebut obat generik saja, sedangkan obat generik bermerk sering dipahami sebagai obat paten.
Padahal ini adalah anggapan yang salah, apalagi pengertian obat paten seringkali diterjemahkan sebagai obat yang sangat manjur sehingga dapat menyesatkan.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The drug is the largest component in financing health care reached approximately 70%. Because of that,intervention drug use is a strategic effort in the control of financing of health care in Indonesia was. To provide an alternative remedy to the community with quality guaranteed and affordable prices since 1989, the Government has launched a program of generic drugs.The goal of the program is to implement a public access particularly middle income down.For tiu, has issued Decree No. 085 Menkes/Menkes/SK/89 concerning the obligation of writing down recipes and/or using generic drugs in government health facilities.In fact, the use of generic drugs has not been as expected.This condition is still in perberat because of consumer health is almost has no bargaining power as any other consumer. consumers who need health services depends very much upon doctors.To address this, the Government through the regulation of the Minister of health No.HK. 02/Menkes/068/1/2010 January 14, 2010 instruct all government health facilities obligated to write down recipes and/or using generic drugs.Not that sajja, in order mejamin availability and equitable distribution of the drug, the Minister of health through Kepmenkes URNo.HK. 03.01/Menkes/1461/2010 dated 27 January 2010 have done the appraisal/review pricing of generic drugs that have been set previously.In addition, the use of generic drugs in order to be able to walk with effective Decree defined Menkes RI No.03.01. HK/Menkes/159/1/2010 dated January 28, 2010 about the coaching guidelines and supervision of the use of generic drugs in government health care facilities.However, the use of generic drugs in the community has not been as expected.Therefore, it is high time the public were encouraged to use their rights as set forth in Act No. 8 of 1999 on the protection of Consumers, namely, exercise his right to obtain the correct information, clearly and honestly, the right to choose and the right to be heard.Why generic drugs?Internationally, the drug only is distinguished into 2 IE patented drugs and generics.Drug patent was recently found berdasrkan drug research and have a patent depends on the type of cure. According to Act No. 14 of 2001 the expiration of patents in Indonesia is 20 years. Over the past 20 years that, the pharmaceutical company has exclusive rights to manufacture and market.Other companies may not be similar drug manufactures and markets if it does not have an agreement with the owner of the patent. After a period of its patent runs out patent medicines, called generic drugs i.e. drugs by the name of berkhasiatnya substances.Generic drugs in Indonesia known in 2 ways: 1).Branded generics, that generic drugs are given the trade name or name of the industry.Branded generic drugs with generic drugs do not make any difference in the nutritious substances, that distinguishes only the name.Generic drugs, commonly called generic drugs only, whereas the branded generics often understood as a drug patent.But this is a wrong assumption, let alone understanding drug patent is often translated as a very potent drug so it can be misleading.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Drugs is the largest component in the financing of health that reaches approximately 70%. Therefore,
treatment with the drug is a strategic effort in the control of health care financing in Indonesia. To provide an alternative drug to the public with quality assured and affordable prices, the government since 1989 has launched the Generic Drug program.

The purpose of the program is to carry out community access, especially the middle to lower income.
To Tiu, Minister of Health has issued Decree No. 085 / Menkes / SK / 89 concerning the obligation to prescribe and / or use of generic drugs in public health facilities.

In fact, the use of generic drugs has not been as expected.
The condition is still by weight for health care consumers have almost no bargaining power as well as other consumers.
consumers who need health care is dependent upon physician.

To overcome this, the government through the Minister of Health No.HK .02.02 / Menkes / 068/1/2010 dated January 14, 2010 instructed all government health facilities shall prescribe and / or use drugs generic.

Not that sajja, in order to assure the availability and equitable distribution of medicine, the Ministry of Health through Kepmenkes No.HK.03.01 / Menkes / 1461/2010 dated January 27, 2010 has made assessment / review of generic drug prices that have been previously defined.

in addition, that the use of generic drugs to be effective Menkes set Decree No.
HK.03.01 / Menkes / 159/1/2010 dated January 28, 2010 on guidelines for supervision over the use of generic drugs in government health services.

However, the use of generic drugs in the community has not been as expected.
Therefore, it is time the community is encouraged to use their rights as stipulated in Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection, which is using its right to obtain correct information, clearly and honestly, the right to vote and the right to be heard.


Internationally, the only remedy is divided into two, namely patented drugs and generic drugs.

Drug patent is the newly discovered drugs berdasrkan research and owns the patent term depending on the type of medicine.
According to Law No.14 of 2001, the period of validity of patent in Indonesia is 20 years.
for 20 years, the pharmaceutical company has exclusive rights to produce and market.
other companies should not be manufacture and market similar drugs if you do not have an agreement with the patent owner.

Once the drug patent expiration of the patent, then called generic drugs are drugs with names efficacious substance,

generic drugs in Indonesia are known in two kinds: ie 1).
the generic drugs branded, namely drugs generic given the trade name or names of the industry.

the generic drugs branded generics no difference in nutritious substances, the only difference being the name.

the generic drugs, generally called generic drugs only, while branded generic drug is often understood as a patent medicine.
And this is the assumption is wrong, let alone the notion of patented drugs is often translated as a very strong drug that can be misleading.
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