Parau adalah band metal yang sudah tidak asing lagi dikalangan metalhe翻訳 - Parau adalah band metal yang sudah tidak asing lagi dikalangan metalhe英語言う方法

Parau adalah band metal yang sudah

Parau adalah band metal yang sudah tidak asing lagi dikalangan metalhead tanah air. Simak percakapan team Apocalypse Magazine saat wawancara bersama Parau mengenai album terbarunya.

Halo Parau, ada kabar terbaru apa nih dari Parau?

Hallo juga, kabar kami baik. Masih seputar manggung & promo album Ragenaissance, kita sedang dalam proses penggarapan video klip terbaru setelah beberapa bulan lalu merilis video Otoritas Apatis

Album yang baru dirilis Parau beberapa bulan lalu tersebut mengangkat tema apa?

Temanya luas, mungkin lebih banyak tentang kemarahan , kritik sosial, kerusakan alam, juga tentang kebersamaan & persaudaraan.

Pada album Ragenaissance ada satu buah lagu yang terdapat suara vocal dari bobby “SID”, kenapa memilih beliau untuk ikut mengisi vokal dalam lagu tersebut?

Ide kolaborasi lintas genre ini sebenarnya uda muncul sekitar 3 tahun lalu, tapi hanya berupa rencana, guyonan sama Bobby pas kita ketemu. Ga bisa dipungkiri kami ber 5 itu salut sama perjuangan SID, mereka itu menginspirasi. Jadi dalam proses pembuatan materi album, kita ingin ide itu direalisasikan dan hasilnya adalah lagu Strive Against the Storm. Hasilnya bener2 bikin kita puas! Yang belum denger coba deh segera beli CD album Ragenaissance, hehehe

Berapa lama proses pengerjaan album tersebut?

Kurang lebih 1 tahun di studio, prosesnya memang ga buru2, bertahap & sedikit santai biar maksimal

Apakah ada rencana melakukan launching album di Bali?

Saat Ragenaissance rilis 27 april lalu di sebuat event di Jakarta, kami sudah berencana melanjutkan bikin launching di Bali. Tapi memang situasinya ga memungkinkan karena terlalu banyak agenda politik jadi susah bikin acara. Walaupun tanpa launching, album Ragenaissance ini mendapat respon yg cukup baik, radio, majalah & media sosial banyak membantu

Parau terinspirasi dari band apa aja sih?

Banyak…. & ga terpatok pada genre tertentu, karena memang selera musik tiap personil beda2. Disanalah letak serunya saat digabungkan

Bagaimana menurut Parau tentang perkembangan musik metal di Bali saat ini?

Perkembangannya positif, banyak band baru bagus bermunculan. Ditambah makin seringnya event metal dibuat, jadi band & komunitasnya makin berkembang

Apa pesan pesan yang ingin disampaikan parau kepada pembaca majalah ini?

Support terus band2 lokal Bali, biasakanlah membeli cd original, ga mahal kok.


Besok Bubar
Besok Bubar


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Raucous is the metal band who are familiar with metalhead. Check out the conversation team Apocalypse Magazine interview with Raucous when about his latest album. Hello Raucous, there latest news what the nih from Raucous?Hallo, too, our good news. It's still about a gig & album promo Ragenaissance, we are in the process of implementation of the latest video clips after several months ago released a video of the authority of apathyThe new album was released a few months ago the Raucous theme of what?Broad themes, perhaps more about anger, social criticism, damage to nature, it is also about togetherness & fraternity.On the Ragenaissance there is one fruit there is sound song vocals from bobby "SID", why he chose to fill the vocal in the song?The idea of a cross-genre collaborations uda actually appeared about 3 years ago, but only in the form of plans, mostly the same Bobby pas we found. GA our undeniable ber 5 that salute the same SID, they struggle it inspires. So in the process of making the album, we want the idea was realized and the result is song Strive Against the Storm. The results are really make us satisfied! That has not been immediately coba deh denger buy CD album Ragenaissance, heheheHow long does the process work the album?Approximately 1 year in the studio, the process is indeed a ga buru2, gradually relaxing a bit & let the maximumIs there a plan of launching the album in Bali?When Ragenaissance the release of 27 april at an event in Jakarta, we were already planning on continuing to make launching in Bali. But indeed the situation allows the ga due to too much a political agenda so hard to make the event. Even without this Ragenaissance album launching, got quite a good reply response, radio, magazines & social media helps a lotInspired by the raucous band apa aja sih?Many .... & ga terpatok on a particular genre, because musical tastes beda2 personnel each. That's where lies the excitement when it was incorporatedHow did the raucous on the development of metal music in Bali today?A positive development, many new great bands have sprung up. Plus the more frequent event metal made, so band & growing communityWhat messages or message delivered raucous to the reader of this magazine?The continued support of the local Balinese band2, biasakanlah buy cd original, kok ga expensive. THE ARTICLE AUTHOR TERKAITDARITomorrow's Broken UpTomorrow's Broken UpRoaringRoaringEmoniEmoni
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Husky is a metal band that is no stranger among metalheads homeland. Consider conversation Apocalypse team together raucous Magazine interview about the new album. Hello raucous, no recent updates of raucous ya? Hallo Also, our good news. Still about a gig and album promo Ragenaissance, we are in the process of cultivating the latest video clips after several months ago released a video Authority Apathy new album released raucous few months ago that the theme of what? The theme is broad, perhaps more about anger, social criticism, damage nature, also about togetherness and brotherhood. In the album Ragenaissance there is only one song that contained the vocal sounds of bobby "SID", why choose him to join the vocals in the song? The idea of collaboration across this genre actually uda appeared about three years ago, but just a plan, the same jokes Bobby fitting we meet. Can not be denied that we which5 same salute the struggle of the SID, they were inspired. So in the process of making the album material, we want the idea to be realized and the result is a song Strive Against the Storm. The result bener2 make us satisfied! Who has not heard try deh immediately buy CD album Ragenaissance, hehehe How long process of the album? Less than 1 year in the studio, the process does ga buru2, gradually and slightly relaxed so that the maximum Is there a plan to launch the album in Bali? When Ragenaissance release 27 last april in sebuat event in Jakarta, we have plans to continue to make launching in Bali. But indeed the situation ga possible because too much political agenda so hard to make the show. Even without launching, Ragenaissance album is getting a response is relatively good, radio, magazines and social media helped raucous inspired any kind of band anyway? Many .... & Ga set to a specific genre, because every musical taste beda2 personnel. Therein lies the thrill when coupled How do Parau about the metal scene in Bali today? Developments are positive, a great many new bands popping up. Plus increasingly frequent event metal is made, so the band and the community is growing What is the message the message was hoarse to the readers of this magazine? Support continues band2 local Bali, make it a habit to buy the original cd, ga really expensive. ARTICLES TERKAITDARI AUTHOR Tomorrow Dismissed Tomorrow Dismissed Auman Auman Emoni Emoni

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