CHAPTER VIINTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONArticle 46(1) the Government can conduct international cooperation in the field of JPH according to the provisions of legislation.(2) international cooperation in the field of JPH referred to in subsection (1) may take the form of development JPH, conformity assessment, and/or recognition of Halal certificate.(3) further Provisions regarding cooperation JPH as mentioned on paragraph (2) is set by or pursuant to government regulation.Article 47(1) overseas Halal Products imported into Indonesia applies the provisions as set forth in this Act.(2) Kosher Products, as referred to in subsection (1) need not be submitted for a certificate of Halalnya along the Halal certificate issued by a foreign institution of halal has conducted cooperation mutual recognition referred to in Article 46, paragraph (2).(3) the Halal certificate referred to in subsection (2) must be registered by the BPJPH before the product was released in Indonesia.(4) the provisions concerning the procedures for the registration referred to in subsection (3) is set out in government regulation.Article 48(1) Principal business which does not do the registration referred to in Article 47, paragraph (3) are administrative sanction in the form of the withdrawal of the goods from circulation.(2) the provisions concerning the imposition of an administrative sanction procedures regulated in the Ministerial Regulation.