Di Sulteng akan dikembangkan dua sistem interkoneksi yaitu Sistem Palu翻訳 - Di Sulteng akan dikembangkan dua sistem interkoneksi yaitu Sistem Palu英語言う方法

Di Sulteng akan dikembangkan dua si

Di Sulteng akan dikembangkan dua sistem interkoneksi yaitu Sistem Palu-Parigi-
Poso yang akan menyatu dengan sistem Sulselrabar dengan fokus pengembangan
pada sistem 150 kV, dan sistem Tolitoli yang akan menyatu dengan sistem Sulut-
Gorontalo. Untuk evakuasi daya dari PLTA Poso ke sistem Palu-Parigi, sedang
dibangun transmisi 150 kV. Panjang saluran transmisi baru yang akan dibangun
untuk kedua sistem tersebut selama periode 2015-2024 adalah 2.444 kms dengan
kebutuhan dana investasi sekitar US$ 416 juta seperti ditampilkan dalam tabel C7.4.
Terkait dengan rencana evakuasi daya dari PLTU Palu 3 (2x50 MW) ke sistem Palu
– Poso melalui GI 150 kV Talise serta rencana interkoneksi dengan sistem Sulawesi
Bagian Utara, maka transmisi ruas Palu Baru – Talisa 70 kV kedepan akan
dinaikkan tegangannya menjadi 150 kV dan merelokasi IBT 150/70 kV dari GI Palu
Baru ke GI Talise.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The two systems will be developed Sulteng interconnection System i.e. Hammer-Parigi-Poso that will blend with the Sulselrabar system with focus development at 150 kV system, and the system will be integrated Tolitoli with Flammable-systemGorontalo. For evacuation of power from HYDROPOWER Poso to Hammer system-Parigi, mediumbuilt a 150 kV transmission. The length of the new transmission line will be builtfor the two systems during the period 2015-2024 was 2.444 kms withthe needs of investment funds of around US $ 416 million as shown in the table C 7.4.Related to the power of the evacuation plan PLTU Hammer 3 (2x50 MW) to the Hammer system– Poso through GI 150 kV interconnection plan and with Talise system SulawesiThe northern part, the transmission segment New Hammer – Talisa 70 kV fore willthe voltage is raised to 150 kV and relocate IBT 150/70 kV from GI HammerNew to GI Talise.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In Sulawesi will be developed two interconnected systems, namely systems Hammer-Parigi-
Poso that will blend with Sulselrabar system to focus development
on the 150 kV system, and a system that will blend with the Tolitoli Sulut- system
Gorontalo. To evacuate power from the hydropower system Poso to Palu-Parigi, being
built 150 kV transmission. The length of the new transmission line will be built
for both the system over the period 2015-2024 is 2,444 kms to the
investment fund of about US $ 416 million as shown in Table C7.4.
Issues relating to the evacuation of a power plant Hammer 3 (2x50 MW) to Hammer system
- Poso through 150 kV substation Talise and interconnection with the system plan Sulawesi
North, then the transmission segment New Hammer - Talisa 70 kV future will
be increased voltage to 150 kV and relocate IBT 150/70 kV substation Palu from
New to GI Talise. and Tolitoli system that will blend with the system Sulut- Gorontalo. To evacuate power from the hydropower system Poso to Palu-Parigi, being built 150 kV transmission. The length of the new transmission line will be built for both the system over the period 2015-2024 is 2,444 kms to the investment fund of about US $ 416 million as shown in Table C7.4. Issues relating to the evacuation of a power plant Hammer 3 (2x50 MW) to Hammer system - Poso through 150 kV substation Talise and interconnection with the system plan Sulawesi North, then the transmission segment New Hammer - Talisa 70 kV future will be increased voltage to 150 kV and relocate IBT 150/70 kV substation Palu from New to GI Talise. and Tolitoli system that will blend with the system Sulut- Gorontalo. To evacuate power from the hydropower system Poso to Palu-Parigi, being built 150 kV transmission. The length of the new transmission line will be built for both the system over the period 2015-2024 is 2,444 kms to the investment fund of about US $ 416 million as shown in Table C7.4. Issues relating to the evacuation of a power plant Hammer 3 (2x50 MW) to Hammer system - Poso through 150 kV substation Talise and interconnection with the system plan Sulawesi North, then the transmission segment New Hammer - Talisa 70 kV future will be increased voltage to 150 kV and relocate IBT 150/70 kV substation Palu from New to GI Talise.
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