Jakarta-Ada momen unik yang tidak biasa di gerai Carrefour Lebak Bulus, Jakarta hari ini. Miss Universe 2013 Maria Gabriela Isler dan Putri Indonesia 2013 Whulandari Herman mendatangi gerai tersebut.
Head of External Communications&Corporate Social Responsibility, PT Trans Retail Indonesia Hendrik Adrianto mengatakan, kedua wanita cantik ini mendatangi Pojok Rakyat di Carrefour Lebak Bulus.
""Pojok Rakyat merupakan area khusus untuk menampilkan aneka produk unggulan UMKM dari seluruh Indonesia. Pojok Rakyat adalah implementasi dari program pengembangan dan pemberdayaan UMKM yang dilakukan oleh Carrefour melalui 4 inisiatif, yaitu memberikan akses pasar, dukungan promosi, pengembangan kapasitas dan evaluasi berkelanjutan,"" jelas Hendrik kepada Miss Universe 2013 dan Putri Indonesia 2013, Rabu (29/1/2014).
Jakarta-there is a moment of unusual unique in outlets of Carrefour Lebak Bulus, Jakarta today. Miss Universe 2013 Isler and Princess Maria Gabriela Indonesia 2013 Whulandari Herman went to the outlets.Head of External Communications & Corporate Social Responsibility, PT Trans Retail Indonesia Hendrik Adrianto said, both of these lovely ladies came up to the corner of peoples in the Carrefour Lebak Bulus."" The people's Corner is a special area to display a variety of excellent products SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES from all over Indonesia. People's corner is the implementation of the program of development and empowerment of SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES conducted by Carrefour through 4 initiative, namely to provide promotional support, market access, capacity building and ongoing evaluation, "" explains Hendrik to the Miss Universe Indonesia Daughter 2013 and 2013, on Wednesday (29/1/2014).

Jakarta-There is a unique moment unusual in Carrefour Lebak Bulus, Jakarta today. Miss Universe 2013 Maria Gabriela Isler and Miss Indonesia 2013 Whulandari Herman came to the booth. Head of External Communications & Corporate Social Responsibility, PT Trans Retail Indonesia Hendrik Adrianto said the two beautiful women come Corner People in Carrefour Lebak Bulus. "" People's Corner is a special area to display a variety of superior products SMEs from all over Indonesia. People's Corner is the implementation of the program development and empowerment of SMEs conducted by Carrefour through four initiatives, namely providing market access, support for the promotion, development and evaluation of sustainable capacity, "" explains Hendrik to Miss Universe 2013 and Miss Indonesia 2013, Wednesday (29/1 / 2014).