saya akan mencoba menjawab pertanyaan yang ada.
1. ** di tempat kerja saya saat ini, lokasinya cukup jauh, untuk bekerja disini, saya harus mengendarai mobil setiap harinya ,total waktu yang dibutuhkan diperjalanan sekitar 4-5jam / hari.
** karir saya di tempat kerja saat ini, sudah tidak bisa berkembang lagi.
** tidak ada kemungkinan untuk pengembangan diri.
2. ** saya menyukai pekerjaan di perusahaan jasa.
** saya merasa saya dapat mengembangkan diri di Benefit One ,karna saya tertarik dengan konsep consultant jasa, terutama dengan program the incentive point program, yang menurut saya akan mengembangkan dan membuat dewasa pola pikir masyarakat indonesia. dengan senang hati saya akan memperkenalkan program tersebut ke perusahaan-perusahaan yang baru berkembang di indonesia, agar perusahaan dan karyawannya dapat mencapai hasil maksimal untuk kepuasan bekerja dan perusahaan dapat menikmati hasil benefit yang maksimal dengan dukungan karyawan yang merasa puas dengan kehidupan dan karir mereka.
I will try to answer the question.1. ** at my current workplace, the location is quite far away, to work here, I have to drive a car each day, the total time it takes along the way about 4-5jam/day. ** my career at work at this time, it can't evolve again. ** There is no possibility for self development.2. ** I love jobs in service companies. ** I feel I can develop themselves in Benefit of One, because I was intrigued by the concept of consultant services, especially with the incentive points programs, which I think will develop and make adult mindset of Indonesian society. gladly I will introduce the program to companies that develop in indonesia, so that companies and employees can achieve maximum results for the satisfaction of working and the company can enjoy the maximum benefit results with the support of employees who are satisfied with their life and career.

I will try to answer questions. 1. ** At my current workplace, the location is quite far away, to work here, I have to drive a car every day, the total journey time takes approximately 4-5jam / day. ** My career in today's workplace, it can not develop again. ** there is no possibility for self-development. 2. ** I love the work in a service company. ** I feel I can develop myself in Benefit One, because I was intrigued by the concept of consultant services, especially with the incentive program point program, which I think will develop and make mature mindset of Indonesian society. I am pleased to introduce the program to companies emerging in Indonesia, so that the company and its employees can achieve maximum results for the satisfaction of work and companies can enjoy the maximum benefits to support employees who are satisfied with their lives and careers.