PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), hereinafter referred to as Angkasa Pura A翻訳 - PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), hereinafter referred to as Angkasa Pura A日本語言う方法

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), herein

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), hereinafter referred to as Angkasa Pura Airports, is determined to become a professional world-class company. Angkasa Pura Airports believes that it can do its very best to reach the purpose by providing international-standard security and safety, and comfort to its customers.

The history of Angkasa Pura Airports as the pioneer in the business of commercial airport in Indonesia began when President Soekarno paid a state visit to the United States of America to meet President John F Kennedy. Upon his return to Indonesia, President Soekarno expressed his intention to the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Public Works to make airports in Indonesia equal to those in developed countries.

Shortly after, on November 15, 1962, the Government enacted Government Regulation No. 33 year 1962 regarding the establishment of State-owned Enterprise Angkasa Pura Kemayoran. The main function of the enterprise was to manage and operate the Kemayoran Airport in Jakarta, which then was the only International airport serving flights from and to overseas in addition to domestic routes.

After two-year transitional period, effective as from February 20, 1964, Angkasa Pura Kemayoran officially took over the whole assets and operation of Kemayoran Airport Jakarta from the Government. This February 20, 1964 was then stipulated as the birth of Angkasa Pura Airports.
On May 17, 1965, pursuant to Government Regulation No 21 year 1965 regarding Amendment and Supplement to Government Regulation No 33 year 1962, PN Angkasa Pura Kemayoran changed its name to PN Angkasa Pura, with the purpose of opening the possibility of managing other airports in Indonesia.
In phases, the Airports of Ngurah Rai in Bali, Halim Perdanakusumah in Jakarta, Polonia in Medan, Juanda in Surabaya, Sepinggan in Balikpapan, and Sultan Hasanuddin in Ujungpandang, then joined the force under the management of PN Angkasa Pura.

Subsequently, by virtue of Government Regulation Number 37 year 1974, the legal status of the company changed to a Public Company (Perum).
In the context of distribution of airport management areas, by virtue of Government Regulation Number 25 Year 1987 dated May 19, 1987, the name of Perum Angkasa Pura was changed to Perusahaan Umum Angkasa Pura I. This is in line with the establishment of Perum Angkasa Pura II which is specifically tasked to manage the Soekarno-Hatta Airport and Halim Perdanakusuma Airport.

Subsequently, by virtue of Government Regulation Number 5 Year 1992, the form of Perum (Public Company) was changed to a Limited Liability Company (PT) in which the State of the Republic of Indonesia fully owns the shares, hence the name becomes PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) under the Notary Deed of Muhani Salim, SH dated January 3, 1993 and has obtained the approval of the Minister of Justice under Decree Number C2-470.HT.01.01 Year 1993 dated April 24, 1993 and promulgated in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52 dated June 29, 1993, and Supplement to the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2914/1993.

The General Meeting of Shareholders convening on January 14, 1998 adopted a resolution to amend the Company’s Articles of Association and incorporated under deed of Notary Imas Fatimah, SH, Number 30 dated September 18, 1998. The amendment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia Number: C2-25829.HT.01.04 Year 1998 dated November 19, 1998 and included in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 50 dated June 22, 1999 and supplement to the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3740/1999.

As up to now, Angkasa Pura Airports manages 13 (thirteen) airports located in the central and east Indonesia areas namely:
1. Ngurah Rai Airport – Denpasar
2. Juanda Airport – Surabaya
3. Hasanuddin Airport – Makassar
4. Sepinggan Airport – Balikpapan
5. Frans Kaisiepo Airport – Biak
6. Sam Ratulangi Airport – Manado
7. Syamsudin Noor Airport – Banjarmasin
8. Ahmad Yani Airport – Semarang
9. Adisutjipto Airport – Yogyakarta
10. Adisumarmo Airport – Surakarta
11. Lombok International Airport - Lombok Tengah
12. Pattimura Airport – Ambon
13. El Tari Airport- Kupang - See more at:
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
PT Angkasa Pura 私は (インドネシア) という Angkasa Pura 空港としてはプロの世界的な会社になることを決定されます。Angkasa Pura 空港は国際標準のセキュリティと安全性を提供することによって、目的に到達するためにベストし、快適さをお客様が可能と考えています。インドネシアの商業空港のビジネスのパイオニアとして Angkasa Pura 空港の歴史スカルノ大統領ジョン F ケネディの大統領を満たすためにアメリカ合衆国への公式訪問を支払ったときに始まった。インドネシアに帰国スカルノ大統領はインドネシアの空港先進国と同等に輸送大臣および公共事業の大臣に意向を表明しました。直後に、1962 年 11 月 15 日、政府を制定した政府規制第 33 国有国営企業 Angkasa Pura ケマヨラン設立に関する 1962 年。企業の主な機能は管理・運営だけだったし、ジャカルタ ケマヨラン空港の国際空港便発着海外国内ルートに加えて。2 年の過渡期後 1964 年 2 月 20 日、施行日から生ずる Angkasa Pura ケマヨラン公式に、全体の資産と引き継いだ政府からジャカルタ ケマヨラン空港の操作。この 1964 年 2 月 20 日その後 Angkasa Pura 空港の生れとして明記されていた。1965 年 5 月 17 日、政府規制第 21 年 1965年改正やサプリメントに関する政府規制第 33 年 1962 年により PN Angkasa Pura ケマヨラン社名 PN Angkasa Pura にインドネシアの他の空港を管理するための可能性を開く目的。段階では、バリ、ジャカルタでハリム Perdanakusumah、メダンのポロニア ングラライ空港ジュアンダ スラバヤ、バリクパパンで Sepinggan とハサヌディン ウジュンパンダンでし PN Angkasa Pura の管理の下で力に参加しました。その後、政府規制の数 37 1974 年おかげで会社の合法的なステータスは公開会社 (公社) に変更されました。† 1987 年 5 月 19 日、政府規制数 25 年 1987年のおかげで、空港の管理領域の分布のコンテキストで Perum Angkasa Pura の名前変更されました公開会社 Angkasa Pura を私は。これは発足に伴い、Perum Angkasa プラ II 特別ハリム ・ ペルダナクスマ空港、スカルノハッタ空港を管理する任務があるのです。その後、政府規制数 5 年、1992 年おかげでに、有限責任会社 (PT) をインドネシア共和国の状態は完全に株を所有して公社 (公開企業) の形を変えて、それ故に名前は PT Angkasa Pura 私は (インドネシア)、証書の公証人の Muhani、サリム SH の下で 1993 年 1 月 3 日に日付を記入し、令数 C2 470 の下で法務大臣の認可を受けたになります。HT. 1:01 年 1993年 1993 年 4 月 24 日付し、彼らは、共和国のインドネシア数 52 日付 1993 年 6 月 29 日、官報の共和国のインドネシア数 2914年/1993 年に補足の官報で公布されています。会社の社団定款を改正する決議を採択したの 1998 年 1 月 14 日、株主総会の招集し、公証人 Imas ファティマ、SH の行為の下で組み込まれる数 30 日付 1998 年 9 月 18 日。改正案は数インドネシアの共和国の法務大臣によって承認された: C2 25829。HT. 00 で 1998 年 1998 年 11 月 19 日付、1999 年 6 月 22 日付インドネシア数 50 の共和国、共和国のインドネシア数 3740/1999 年の官報への補足の官報に含まれています。今までは、Angkasa Pura 空港管理 13 (13) 空港にある中央および東のインドネシアの地域ですなわち。1.-デンパサール ングラライ空港2. ジュアンダ空港-スラバヤ3. ハサヌディン空港 – マカッサル4. Sepinggan 空港 – バリックパパン5. Frans Kaisiepo 空港-ビアク島6. サム ラトゥランギ国際空港 – マナドシャムスディン ノール空港ヌール空港 7.-バンジャル マシン8. Ahmad ヤニ空港 – スマラン9. 空港 – ジョグ ジャカルタ、ジョグ ジャカルタ10. アディスマルモ空港 – スラカルタ11. ロンボク国際空港中央ロンボク12. パチムラ空港-アンボン13. エル Tari 空港クパン-参照してください以上で:
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), hereinafter referred to as Angkasa Pura Airports, is determined to become a professional world-class company. Angkasa Pura Airports believes that it can do its very best to reach the purpose by providing international-standard security and safety, and comfort to its customers.

The history of Angkasa Pura Airports as the pioneer in the business of commercial airport in Indonesia began when President Soekarno paid a state visit to the United States of America to meet President John F Kennedy. Upon his return to Indonesia, President Soekarno expressed his intention to the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Public Works to make airports in Indonesia equal to those in developed countries.

Shortly after, on November 15, 1962, the Government enacted Government Regulation No. 33 year 1962 regarding the establishment of State-owned Enterprise Angkasa Pura Kemayoran. The main function of the enterprise was to manage and operate the Kemayoran Airport in Jakarta, which then was the only International airport serving flights from and to overseas in addition to domestic routes.

After two-year transitional period, effective as from February 20, 1964, Angkasa Pura Kemayoran officially took over the whole assets and operation of Kemayoran Airport Jakarta from the Government. This February 20, 1964 was then stipulated as the birth of Angkasa Pura Airports.
On May 17, 1965, pursuant to Government Regulation No 21 year 1965 regarding Amendment and Supplement to Government Regulation No 33 year 1962, PN Angkasa Pura Kemayoran changed its name to PN Angkasa Pura, with the purpose of opening the possibility of managing other airports in Indonesia.
In phases, the Airports of Ngurah Rai in Bali, Halim Perdanakusumah in Jakarta, Polonia in Medan, Juanda in Surabaya, Sepinggan in Balikpapan, and Sultan Hasanuddin in Ujungpandang, then joined the force under the management of PN Angkasa Pura.

Subsequently, by virtue of Government Regulation Number 37 year 1974, the legal status of the company changed to a Public Company (Perum).
In the context of distribution of airport management areas, by virtue of Government Regulation Number 25 Year 1987 dated May 19, 1987, the name of Perum Angkasa Pura was changed to Perusahaan Umum Angkasa Pura I. This is in line with the establishment of Perum Angkasa Pura II which is specifically tasked to manage the Soekarno-Hatta Airport and Halim Perdanakusuma Airport.

Subsequently, by virtue of Government Regulation Number 5 Year 1992, the form of Perum (Public Company) was changed to a Limited Liability Company (PT) in which the State of the Republic of Indonesia fully owns the shares, hence the name becomes PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) under the Notary Deed of Muhani Salim, SH dated January 3, 1993 and has obtained the approval of the Minister of Justice under Decree Number C2-470.HT.01.01 Year 1993 dated April 24, 1993 and promulgated in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52 dated June 29, 1993, and Supplement to the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2914/1993.

The General Meeting of Shareholders convening on January 14, 1998 adopted a resolution to amend the Company’s Articles of Association and incorporated under deed of Notary Imas Fatimah, SH, Number 30 dated September 18, 1998. The amendment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia Number: C2-25829.HT.01.04 Year 1998 dated November 19, 1998 and included in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 50 dated June 22, 1999 and supplement to the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3740/1999.

As up to now, Angkasa Pura Airports manages 13 (thirteen) airports located in the central and east Indonesia areas namely:
1. Ngurah Rai Airport – Denpasar
2. Juanda Airport – Surabaya
3. Hasanuddin Airport – Makassar
4. Sepinggan Airport – Balikpapan
5. Frans Kaisiepo Airport – Biak
6. Sam Ratulangi Airport – Manado
7. Syamsudin Noor Airport – Banjarmasin
8. Ahmad Yani Airport – Semarang
9. Adisutjipto Airport – Yogyakarta
10. Adisumarmo Airport – Surakarta
11. Lombok International Airport - Lombok Tengah
12. Pattimura Airport – Ambon
13. El Tari Airport- Kupang - See more at:
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