Bu Nur Fanidiyah, Mohon maaf, saya tidak mengerti dengan email Ibu dib翻訳 - Bu Nur Fanidiyah, Mohon maaf, saya tidak mengerti dengan email Ibu dib英語言う方法

Bu Nur Fanidiyah, Mohon maaf, saya

Bu Nur Fanidiyah,

Mohon maaf, saya tidak mengerti dengan email Ibu dibawah, bagian mana yang telah sesuai dan tidak dari pembicaraan awal dengan Pak Yanto.
Tapi alangkah baiknya jika dari pihak SATO punya itikad baik untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada saat ini, dari hasil notulen rapat terakhir saat pemberian training ke KSB.
Dimana masih banyak kekurangan dari basic kebutuhan yang dibicarakan dari awal. Namun hasil training juga tidak ada follow up nya sampai saat ini.

Saya sendiri tidak menyangka bisa spt ini karena saya beritikad baik saat menanda tangani BAST saat Pak Yanto yang pegang walaupun kami sepakat masih banyak yang harus dibenarkan namun karena pertimbangan pembayaran dan hubungan baik maka saya tanda tangani BAST nya.
Namun saya tidak menyangka jika SATO memanfaatkan kondisi saat ini.

Agar ibu lebih jelas, ini lah basic software yang kami beli dari SATO 2011 dan kemudian di renewal di 2015. Lihat lampiran email, itu semua dokument yang ada. Pertanyaan nya apakah program yang SATO buat sudah sesuai dengan basic program yang diinginkan 2011 dan 2015?

Saya berharap, management SATO bisa bertanggung jawab dan membicarakan hal ini dengan pihak KSB untuk diambil solusi yang tepat. Karena saat ini yang dirugikan adalah pihak KSB.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Bu Nur Fanidiyah, Sorry, I don't understand with the mother under email, what parts have been appropriate and not from the initial talks with Pak Yanto.But it would be nice if the SATO had in good faith to resolve the problems that exist today, from the minutes of the last meeting results when awarding training to KSB.Where there are still many shortcomings of the basic needs that are discussed from the beginning. But the results of the training are also no follow up her until now. I myself never thought I could like this because I am well intentioned when signed BAST when Pak Yanto which hold even though we agreed it is still a lot to be justified but due consideration of payment and good relationship then I sign her BAST.But I never thought if SATO utilizing current conditions. In order to make this more clear, the mother was the basic software that we buy from SATO 2011 and then on renewal in 2015. View email attachments, that's all there is documentary. His questions are programs that create SATO is in compliance with the desired program basic 2011 and 2015? I hope, management could be responsible and SATO talked about this with party KSB to taken the right solution. Because the moment the aggrieved party is KSB.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Mrs Nur Fanidiyah,

sorry, I do not understand the email Mrs. below, which parts are in compliance and not of preliminary talks with Pak Yanto.
But it would be nice if the party SATO has good faith to resolve the problems that exist today, the results of the minutes Last meeting when giving training to KSB.
Where there are still many shortcomings of basic needs in question from the start. But the results of the training was also no follow her up until now.

I myself never thought I could such as this because I am in good faith when signing BAST when Pak Yanto grasp even though we agreed more needs to be justified but due consideration of the payment and a good relationship then I BAST sign it.
But I do not think if SATO take advantage of the current conditions.

To be a mother is more obvious, this was the basic software that we bought from SATO 2011 and then in renewal in 2015. See the email attachment, that all existing document. The question whether the program is in conformity with the SATO create the desired basic program in 2011 and 2015?

I hope can SATO responsible management and discuss this with the KSB to take an appropriate solution. Because at this time that was damaged was the KSB.
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