Brutal, sadis, dan biadab! Mungkin menjadi gambaran singkat gaya bermusik kelompok gahar asal Bandung ini. Pengaruh brutal Disgorge, Cannibal Corpse, dan Brodequin coba diharmonisasikan dengan alunan melodius bengis death metal yang teknikal agak nge-jelimet (rumit-RED) dari Hour Of Penance dan Deeds Of Flesh yang menjadi elemen penting Plasmoptysis dalam meramu sebuah materi lagu. Komposisi musik dari beberapa band death metal tanah air macam Jasad, Bleeding Corpse, dan Disinfected pun tak luput mereka padukan, sehingga karakter death metal mereka lebih terdengar nasionalis.
Brutal, sadistic, and barbaric! It might be a brief overview of the Group's musical style gahar from Bandung. The influence of brutal Disgorge, Cannibal Corpse, Brodequin and try diharmonisasikan with the melodic strains of ruthless death metal that is somewhat meticulous nge-technical (complex-RED) of the Hour Of Penance and Deeds Of Flesh that became an important element in Plasmoptysis concocted an item song. The composition of the music of some of the death metal band the homeland of sorts Remains, of Bleeding Corpse, and Disinfected not escape their combine death metal character, so they are more nationalist-sounding.

Brutal, sadistic and savage! Might be a brief overview of music style gahar group from Bandung. Disgorge brutal influence, Cannibal Corpse, and Brodequin try harmonized with the sound of melodic technical death metal ruthless rather nge-meticulous (complex-RED) of Hour Of Penance and Deeds are the essential elements Plasmoptysis in concocting a song material. Music composition from some death metal band bodies of the homeland wide, Bleeding Corpse, and Disinfected were not spared their match, so the character of their death metal sound more nationalist.