Terdorong oleh impian melihat kejayaan musisi Bali di masa depan, Indr翻訳 - Terdorong oleh impian melihat kejayaan musisi Bali di masa depan, Indr英語言う方法

Terdorong oleh impian melihat kejay

Terdorong oleh impian melihat kejayaan musisi Bali di masa depan, Indrawan dkk. pun sempat menggelar pentas kecil tetapi cukup apresiatif pada 26 Agustus 2002 di bilangan Renon. Ajang ''reuni'' musisi senior dan junior yang dikaitkan dengan HUT ke-18 Harley Angels itu, spontan dijadikan semacam forum refleksi, perenungan, sekaligus upaya mengobarkan semangat musisi Bali generasi kini. Harley Angels pun ''turun gunung'' jadi mediator untuk mengumpulkan dan mempertemukan berbagai kalangan yang terkait dengan dunia musik di Bali. ''Keinginan kami adalah mencairkan kebekuan masalah yang ada dalam perkembangan musik di Bali selama ini. Untuk itu alangkah bagusnya kalau kita bisa kumpul bersama, berembuk, memberi sumbang saran, apa yang bisa kita lakukan,'' ujar Indrawan waktu itu. Pemunculan band-band rock Bali seperti Biroe, Hydra, Superman Is Dead, termasuk Pandawa, sangat potensial dan layak untuk diangkat kini. Generasi ini seakan menyambung keberadaan Harley Angels, La Madosk, Crystal Rock Band, Full of Shit, Snazzy, Exprint, Roger, Dewata, hingga Ganesh, dan sederet band yang pernah malang-melintang dalam pentas musik di Bali.

Maka, prakarsa Denpost -- serangkaian dengan HUT-nya yang ke-4 -- kali ini memang patut diacungi jempol. Ada enam grup rock yang bakal tampil dalam konser ini, yakni Pandawa, Superman is Dead, Hydra, Unknown Band, Biroe, dan Harley Angels. Berikut identitas masing-masing grup;
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Compelled by a dream of seeing the triumph of musicians of Bali in the future, Indrawan dkk. ever got around to rolling out a small but appreciative enough performances on 26 August 2002 in the number of Renon. The event '' reunion '' junior and senior musicians associated with the 18th ANNIVERSARY of the Harley's Angels that, spontaneous made sort of a forum of reflection, contemplation, as well as the efforts of your Kindle the spirit of Balinese musicians generations now. Harley's Angels '' down the mountain '' so the mediator to collect and bring together many quarters associated with world music in Bali. '' Our desire is to melt the ice problem in the development of music in Bali. For that it would be good if we could get togethers with, berembuk, gave a jarring suggestions, what we can do, '' Spark said at the time. The appearance of the rock bands such as the Bali Biroe, Hydra, Superman Is Dead, including the Pandavas, very potential and deserves to be appointed now. This generation seems to connect the existence of Harley's Angels, La Madosk, Crystal Rock Band, Full of Shit, Snazzy, Exprint, Roger, of the gods, to Ganesh, and a row of band ever crisscrossing in the music scene in Bali.Thus, the initiative of Denpost--a series of his HUT with the 4th--this time is indeed worth a thumbs up. There are six rock group will perform in the concert of the Pandavas, Superman is Dead, Hydra, Unknown Band, Biroe, and Harley's Angels. The following identity of each group;
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Driven by the dream of musicians Bali saw its heyday in the future, Indrawan et al. also had held a small stage but quite appreciative on August 26, 2002 in the number of Renon. The event '' reunion '' senior and junior musicians associated with the 18th anniversary of the Harley Angels, spontaneously used as a kind of forum of reflection, contemplation, as well as efforts to rekindle the spirit of the current generation of musicians Bali. Harley Angels was '' down the mountain '' so the mediator to gather and bring together various groups related to the world of music in Bali. '' Our desire is to break the ice problems in the development of music in Bali over the years. For that it would be good if we could gather together, negotiate, giving false advice, what we can do, '' said Indrawan that time. The appearance of rock bands like Biroe Bali, Hydra, Superman Is Dead, including the Pandavas, potential and deserves to be appointed now. This generation seemed to connect the existence of Harley Angels, La Madosk, Crystal Rock Band, Full of Shit, Snazzy, Exprint, Roger, Gods, to Ganesh, and a series of bands who've been crisscrossing in the music scene in Bali. So, Denpost initiative - series with the anniversary of his 4th - this time deserves thumbs up. There are six rock group will perform in this concert, the Pandavas, Superman is Dead, Hydra, Unknown Band, Biroe, and Harley Angels. Following the identity of each group;

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