doesn't Bella (second audition) look like Moria O' Hare from American 翻訳 - doesn't Bella (second audition) look like Moria O' Hare from American 日本語言う方法

doesn't Bella (second audition) loo

doesn't Bella (second audition) look like Moria O' Hare from American horror story

返信 ·47


Chloe ilacqua 1 か月前

Yes! I thought that too

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Maggie In her Room 1 か月前

+crazy cookie Yeah! A lot!

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melissa angel 1 か月前

Omg tru

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Sturluson Wodan (ReveN) 3 週間前

+crazy cookie No she looks like Sasha Grey.

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Cecilia Miranda Bazan 1 週間前

+crazy cookie she looks like Frankie.. a character of Skins . . really

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Kirsten Walker 2 か月前

When I was 11 I was eating mud in my backyard.

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Leah Whitney 13 時間前

I still eat mud in my backyard:)

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Katherine Perez 12 時間前

Great story m8, r8 it 8/8

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Derrick Brantley 1 か月前


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21 件すべての返信を表示

Charles Skinner 13 時間前

+Sophia Casas The problem with what you say is that it is a mute argument. If they are out there, then why aren't they on America's Got Talent. And, if they do appear on that program, will they advance as far as Carly Rose did. I have yet to see one her age do what she did.

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Hughie1959 10 時間前

+Sophia Casas I found it painful to listen to the first time I heard it and still do. I'm not sure why people think she's amazing. Yes she can sing but this particular song was just too much for her.

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InfiniteDawn 2 か月前

Everytime I hear Bella, I get goosebumps like crazy.

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LordAudio 1 か月前

+Jana Leann Bon Iver - Skinny Love. I think she sings Birdys cover though.

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Victoria Bullock 1 週間前

Yeah I agree. All of these were great, but that one is on a different level. The voice was perfect, the song choice was perfect, everything.

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Jaylice Villa 3 か月前

what was the song for the first one?

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Jaylice Villa 1 週間前

+Nick vecchione i knew you were kidding :))

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Mie Miesson 1 日前

Overused - Jokestorm

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ソース言語: -
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
doesn't Bella (second audition) look like Moria O' Hare from American horror story 返信 ·47 返信を非表示 Chloe ilacqua 1 か月前 Yes! I thought that too 返信 · Maggie In her Room 1 か月前 +crazy cookie Yeah! A lot! 返信 · melissa angel 1 か月前 Omg tru 返信 · Sturluson Wodan (ReveN) 3 週間前 +crazy cookie No she looks like Sasha Grey. 返信 ·4 Cecilia Miranda Bazan 1 週間前 +crazy cookie she looks like Frankie.. a character of Skins . . really 返信 ·1 Kirsten Walker 2 か月前 When I was 11 I was eating mud in my backyard. 返信 ·863 52 件すべての返信を表示 Leah Whitney 13 時間前 I still eat mud in my backyard:) 返信 ·1 Katherine Perez 12 時間前 Great story m8, r8 it 8/8 返信 ·1 Derrick Brantley 1 か月前 CARLY SONENCLAR IS AMAZING ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 返信 ·94 21 件すべての返信を表示 Charles Skinner 13 時間前 +Sophia Casas The problem with what you say is that it is a mute argument. If they are out there, then why aren't they on America's Got Talent. And, if they do appear on that program, will they advance as far as Carly Rose did. I have yet to see one her age do what she did. 返信 ·1 Hughie1959 10 時間前 +Sophia Casas I found it painful to listen to the first time I heard it and still do. I'm not sure why people think she's amazing. Yes she can sing but this particular song was just too much for her.返信 ·1 InfiniteDawn 2 か月前毎回、私はベラを聞く、私は狂気のような鳥肌を取得します。返信 ·187 13 件すべての返信を表示LordAudio 1 か月前+ ヤナ リアン Bon Iver スキニー愛。彼女は Birdys カバーも歌っていると思います。返信 ·1 ビクトリア ブロック 1 週間前はい私は同意します。これらのすべてが大きかったが、その 1 つは、別のレベルでは。声は完璧だった、曲の選択は完璧だったすべて。返信 · Jaylice ヴィラ 3 か月前最初の 1 つの歌は何でしたか。返信より 21 件すべての返信を表示ヴィラ Jaylice 1 週間前+ 私はあなたが:)) からかっていた知っていたニック vecchione返信 ·1 Miesson 麺 1 日前使い古された Jokestorm返信 ·
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