tgl. 15 Mei, th. 1982
tanggal lima belas, tahun seribu sembilan ratus delapan puluh dua
Buat Sonoko yang baik,
Kenalkan, nama saya Janet Brown.
Umur saya dua belas (12) tahun, dan hari ulang tahun saya tanggal dua puluh (20) April.
Pada surat ini saya sertakan foto saya.
Saya sangat gembira karena Sonoko akan datang untuk tinggal bersama kami selama musim panas ini.
Tentunya sudah pasti menyenangkan.
Saya suka berenang, jahit, masak, dan melukis.
Keluarga saya terdiri dari ayah, ibu, kakak wanita Cynthia, kakak laki-laki Terry, adik laki-laki David dan adik perempuan Connie.
Kami punya sapi, kuda, biri-biri, babi, ayam, kucing, dan seekor anjing.
Sapi yang namanya Blackie dan burung yang namanya Pretty-baby-blue-bird milik saya sendiri.
Kami semua menunggu Sonoko datang di rumah kami.
Salam dari Janet
TGL. May 15, th. 1982the date of the fifteen, the year nineteen hundred eighty-twoCreate a good, SonokoRecommend, my name is Janet Brown.My age twelve (12) years, and my birthday date twenty (20) April. In this letter I include my photo.I'm excited because of Sonoko will come to live with us this past summer.Surely it is definitely fun. I like swimming, sewing, cooking, and painting.My family consists of a father, mother, older sister Lady Cynthia, older brother Terry, brother David and sister Connie.We have cows, horses, sheep, pigs, chickens, cats and a dog.A cow named Blackie and the bird whose name Pretty-baby-blue-bird belongs to my own.We were all waiting for the Sonoko come in our home.Greetings from Janet
Date. May 15, th. 1982
fifteenth, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two
Create Sonoko good,
Recommend, my name is Janet Brown.
My age twelve (12) years old, and my birthday on the twenty (20) of April.
In this letter I include my photo.
I am very happy because Sonoko would come to stay with us during the summer.
surely it would be fun.
I love swimming, sewing, cooking and painting.
My family consists of father, mother, oldest sister Cynthia, brother -Eighteen Terry, brother David and sister Connie.
We have cows, horses, sheep, pigs, chickens, cats and a dog,
cow whose name Blackie and bird whose name Pretty-baby-blue-bird belongs myself.
We're all waiting Sonoko came in our house.
Greetings from Janet