Abstrak :
Salah satu alternatif diet khusus bagi penderita diabetes yang telah berhasil dikembangkan adalah beras cepat tanak berindeks glisemik rendah dengan pelapisan edible film yang diperkaya ekstrak rempah-rempah (BCTER). Tahap-tahap proses pembua同n BCTER adalah pembuatan beras cepat tanak, pembuatan ekstrak rempah-陪mpah (Jahe, cengkeh dan kayu manis) formulasi larutan edible film yang diperkaya dengan ekstrak 陀mpah-rempah, dan pelapisan beras cepat tanak dengan edible film yang diperkaya ekstrak ·rempah-陪mpah. Ekst悶ksi 陪mpah-rempah merupakan campuran dari ekstrak jahe,, ekstrak cengkeh dan ekstrak kayu manis. Ekstraksi dilakukan dari bahan kering dengan media etanol dengan cara macerasi. Produksi beras cepat tanak dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu mengatur kadar air beras bahan dasar, kemudian dimasak dalam air mendidih, kemudian didinginkan, dicuci dengan air dingin dan dikeringkan dengan fluid bed drier. Beras cepat tanak kemudian dilapisi dengan laru泊n gum arab yang diperkaya dengan ekstrak jahe, kayu manis dan cengkeh. lnvensi ini telah dihasilkan beras cepat tanak yang mempunyai indeks glisemik rendah yaitu 45,34 (lebih rendah dibanding beras komersial yang khusus untuk penderita diabetes yaitu 56) se陶 mempunyai aktivitas hipoglisemik dan hipolipidemik yang tinggi.
Abstract:One alternative to a special diet for diabetics who have successfully developed is a quick rice low Glycemic berindeks tanak by coating edible film that enriched extract of spices (BCTER). The stages of the process of pembua同n BCTER is making a quick rice tanak, spice extract 陪mpah creation (Ginger, clove and cinnamon), edible film solution formulations enriched with extract 陀mpah, and coating of rice quickly tanak with edible films that enriched extract · spice 陪mpah. Ekst悶ksi 陪mpah is a mixture of spice extracts, ginger extract, clove and cinnamon extract. The extraction is performed from the dry ingredients with the media by way of ethanol macerasi. Quick rice production tanak done by first regulating water content of rice raw material, then cooked in boiling water, then cooled, washed with cold water and dried with a fluid bed drier. Rice quickly tanak then coated with gum Arabic laru泊n enriched with extracts of ginger, cinnamon and cloves. lnvensi has produced a quick rice tanak which have a low glycemic index i.e. 45.34 (lower than commercial rice specifically for diabetics i.e. 56) se陶 has hipoglisemik and hipolipidemik activity.

One of the alternative special diet for diabetics who have successfully developed is a quick rice tanak low glycemic index with a coating of edible film which is enriched extracts of spices (BCTER). Process steps pembua同n BCTER is fast tanak rice manufacture, manufacture陪mpah rempah- extracts (ginger, cloves and cinnamon) solution of edible film formulation enriched with extracts陀mpah spices, and coating the rice quickly tanak with edible film enriched extract · rempah-陪mpah. Ext悶ksi陪mpah-spice is a mixture of ginger extract ,, extracts of cloves and cinnamon extract. Extraction of dry matter with the media in a way macerasi ethanol. Tanak rice production quickly done with the first set of rice moisture content of the base material, then cooked in boiling water, then cooled, washed with cold water and dried with a fluid bed drier. Rice quickly tanak then coated with laru泊n gum arabic enriched with extracts of ginger, cinnamon and cloves. lnvensi rice has been produced quickly tanak that have a low glycemic index is 45.34 (lower than the commercial rice specially for diabetics which is 56) as陶has a hypoglycemic activity and hypolipidemic high.