Selain Ngasmo, calon jemaah haji lain dari Jawa Timur yang juga berusia lanjut adalah Samiri. Warga Desa Pojok, Kecamatan Ponggok, Kabupaten Blitar, ini berumur 96 tahun. Ada pula Romli asal Mojokerto, yang berusia 94 tahun.
Untuk memantau kondisi harian jemaah haji, kata Bagus, setiap kelompok terbang haji memiliki ketua. Di bawah ketua kelompok terbang, masih ada ketua rombongan dan ketua regu.
Setiap ketua regu, ujar dia, bertanggung jawab atas setiap anggotanya. ""Setiap regu ada 7-10 jemaah haji,"" sebut Bagus.
In addition to Ngasmo, the prospective other jemaah haji from East Java are also elderly was Samiri. Villagers Corner, Ponggok Subdistrict, Regency of Blitar, it was 96 years old. There are also original Mojokerto Romli, aged 94 years.To monitor the condition of the daily congregation haji, said nice, each group flying the Hajj has a Chairman. Under the Chairman of the Group of flying, there is still the Chairman and leader of the team Entourage.Each Chairman of the squad, said he, are responsible for any of its members. "" Every squad there are 7-10 jemaah haji, "" call it good.

Besides Ngasmo, another prospective pilgrims from East Java were also elderly is Samiri. Villagers Corner, District Ponggok, Blitar, these 96-year-old. There is also Romli from Mojokerto, aged 94 years old. To monitor the condition of pilgrims daily, said Good, each group has a chairman Hajj fly. Under the head of the group to fly, there is still the chairman of the group and chairman of the team. Every chairman of the team, he said, is responsible for each of its members. "" Every team there are 7-10 pilgrims, "" Good call.