Jasa pembuatan desain rekayasa
(engineering) untuk pekerjaan rekayasa sipil
keairan seperti dam, catchment basins,
sistem irigasi, pekerjaan pengendalian
banjir, pelabuhan, pekerjaan penyaluran air
dan sanitasi serta sistem saluran air limbah
industri. Jasa Desain meliputi salah satu dari
kombinasi layanan berikut: perencanaan
awal, estimasi biaya dan spesifikasi dalam
rangka menterjemahkan konsep desain
teknis; perencanaan akhir, estimasi biaya
dan spesifikasi termasuk gambar teknik,
spesifikasi material yang akan digunakan,
metode pemasangan, batasan waktu dan
spesifikasi teknis lainnya yang dibutuhkan
untuk keperluan tender; layanan pada saat
fase konstruksi.
Manufacturing engineering design services(engineering) for the work of civil engineeringkeairan such as the dam, catchment basins,irrigation system, jobs controllabilityfloods, port, water distribution jobsand sanitation and waste water channel systemthe industry. Design services include one ofa combination of the following services: planningthe initial cost estimate, and specifications inorder to translate design conceptstechnical; the final planning, cost estimationand specifications including engineering drawings,specification of material to be used,the installation method, time restrictions andother technical specifications that are requiredfor the purposes of the tender; the service at the time ofthe construction phase.

Engineering design services
(engineering) for civil engineering works
inundated such as dams, catchment basins,
irrigation systems, job control
flooding, ports, water supply work
and sanitation and sewerage systems
industries. Design services include one of
a combination of the following services: planning
early, cost estimates and specifications in
order to translate design concepts
technical; final planning, cost estimating
and specifications including technical drawings,
material specifications that will be used,
methods of installation, time constraints and
other technical specifications required
for the purposes of the tender; services during
the construction phase.