Selain itu, dia bilang, perlu ada langkah nyata untuk menumbuhkan budaya mengkonsumsi jamu. ""Membuat kafe jamu di tiap kementerian seperti yang dilakukan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP), ini adalah langkah pertama. Lalu, perlu juga political will pemerintah untuk mendorong pelaku industri ritel agar mau memasukkan industri berbasis budaya seperti jamu dan makanan tradisional,"" jelas Putri.
Sementara itu, Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Sjarief Widjaja menuturkan, sinergi yang dilakukan antara PG Jamu dan KKP merupakan langkah bersama untuk membangun potensi bangsa, utamanya yang berbasis sumber daya alam.
Dalam agenda minum jamu bertajuk‘Bude Jamu --- Bugar Dengan Jamu’diresmikan pula Pojok Jamu di kantor KKP."
In addition, he said, there needs to be a real step to cultivate the culture of consuming herbs. "" Make herbal Cafe in each Ministry as the Ministry of marine and Fisheries (CTF), this is the first step. Then, it is necessary also the political will of the Government to encourage the perpetrators of the retail industry to incorporate industry-based culture such as Herbalism and traditional food, "" clear daughter.Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Ministry of marine and Fishery Sjarief Widjaja said, synergy is done between PG Herbalism and the CTF is a step together to build the nation's potential, primarily us-based natural resources.On the agenda of drinking jamu Jamu bertajuk'Bude---get fit With Jamu'diresmikan herbal medicine in the Corner Office anyway CTF. "

In addition, he said, there needs to be concrete steps to foster a culture of consuming herbal medicine. "" Making herbal cafes in each ministry as did the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), this is the first step. Then, it is also necessary political will of governments to encourage perpetrators of the retail industry to want to enter the industry-based cultures such as herbal medicine and traditional food, '"said the Princess. Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sjarief Widjaja said, synergy conducted between PG Herbs and CTF a step together to develop the potential of the nation, primarily based on natural resources. In the agenda bertajuk'Bude Jamu herbal drink --- Fit With Jamu'diresmikan also Corner Herbs in CTF office. "