Beginning last may, is a day of good news, especially for the Islamic banking industry. The news is the Elimination of double taxation (double tax) on transaction murabaha. The removal refers to the revision of Act No. 42 of 2009, about value added tax (VAT) that is effective in April 2010. Double taxation before the applicable ACT, which had entered the green table, however, has now become the tax borne by the Government.This means that if there are tax arrears of Islamic banking are already automatic, dimejahijaukan will not be billed again and became dependents of the Government. Of course, this makes the perpetrator Sharia banking industry can breathe a sigh of relief.View to the rear, the double tax in the transaction has become the scourge of the murabaha for Islamic banking industry. Murabaha transaction section, seen as an ordinary sale and purchase transaction. Whereas murabaha is one of financial banking products, where the banking financial products should not enter as an object of VAT. in conducting financial transactions, Islamic banking should always be backed by real assets. Murabaha transaction, for example, if the customer wants to buy a car, then the bank will buy the car and sell it to the customer with a profit margin agreed upon by both parties.At the time of sale and purchase between banks and providers of car and then sell it back to the customer, that's when the VAT is imposed, thus accounting for twice. Although the revised Vat ACT in the past year and effective from April 2010, the issue of double taxation when a number of banks are sticking it back in as a list of tax penunggak released by the Directorate of Taxes in January 2010. When the list is released, one of those penunggak incoming tax list is the BNI. This then triggers a different response from the Islamic banking industry actors.The influx of BNI in the list, due to the Vat in transactions murabaha Sharia Business Unit (UUS) BNI in 2007, worth Rp 128,2 billion. The details, Vat amounting to Rp108,2 billion murabaha and administrative sanctions amounting to Rp20 billion. "In 2007, BNI had overpaid taxes and after Tax return checks Dit, transactions entered transactions that turned out to be murabaha taxable," said Director of the SME and the last period, BNI Syariah Achmad Baiquni.But, he added, there has been a deal with the perpetrators of other Islamic banking industry that transactions are not taxed murabaha. Profit in 2007, BNI UUS, however, it was not much, just Rp19,7 billion. Baiquni says, if calculated since UUS BNI founded in 2000 to 2009, the total tax murabaha is Rp393 billion. To follow up on this, the Association of Islamic banks Throughout Indonesia (Asbisindo) along with any objections filed to the BNI Ministry for State-OWNED ENTERPRISES and the Ministry of finance.Their struggle continues to meet with members of the Board through the Committee's work on taxation in the House. Chairman Ahmad Riawan Amin, Asbisindo, say, if the Islamic banking is constantly chased about this double taxation, it does not cover the possibility of Islamic banks could suffer losses. Because Sharia banking transaction now, 80 percent of which is murabaha.If the tax is still being pursued will affect the profitability of Islamic banks, "said Riawan.Riawan added, net interest margin of any Islamic bank does not vary much with conventional about seven to 10 percent. If Islamic banks are subject to VAT 10 percent, then it will be difficult for the viability of Islamic banking.According to him, the revision of the Vat ACT was passed last year, has been a struggle for Islamic banking justification that double taxation does not menjadimasalah again in Islamic banking. Riawan said, when Bank Muamalat remains to be the only Islamic bank, the bank got an exemption from Vat murabaha.With tax exemption in Bank Muamalat, Riawan said, at least it could be a jurisprudence on the imposition of tax at this time. "At a time when the world is now leaning to Islamic banking, the development of Islamic banking cannot be put on hold again," he said. Secretary General Asbisindo, Bambang Sutrisno, asserts that the revision of the VAT LAW has been affirmed that the transaction is not subject to tax. murabaha But actually, said Bambang, Islamic banking as long as it also does not charge tax on transactions of murabaha. The reason, because the transactions are not considered as transaction should be taxed.From the side of the perpetrators of Islamic banking, Bank Syariah Bukopin President Director (BSB), Arwana, said Islamic banking operations, it does not implement a transaction tax on a murabaha. "But with the revision of the ACT on Vat will also positively impact to the development of Islamic banking. Because, it gave the assurance on the industry to develop products murabaha and indicates that the product has the advantage, "said Arwana.Taxes borne by GovernmentMembers of the Commission XI of the prosperous Justice Party, Faction Andi Rahmat, stating, the rules have become the solution over the weakness of the regulatory legislation that gave the instrument a crack occurrence of multiple taxes on transactions in Islamic banking. "It is finished. No problem billing again, and "decisively Andi.Andi said the tax debt, although Islamic banks before the ACT applies into the scheme borne by Government (DTP), the revision of the regulations of the legislation remain to be done to anticipate interpretation errors again. "A solution because after all the tax taken DTP compounds could not be billed by the existence of a dispute in the legal regulations. If enforced, it will be charged with the negative impact of Islamic banking which is currently just started growing rapidly, "he said.Related tax arrears this double elimination, led by BNI, UUS Rizqullah, expressed his joy. "This new progress in Islamic banking. So, we can concentrate to business development and need not be complicated on things that don't need to be, "said Rizqullah.With the legal certainty and the Elimination of the double tax arrears, at least this has been the driving force for the Sharia banking industry to be expanded more broadly. On the other hand, expected investors would flock to enliven the Sharia banking industry Indonesia. (ed: andina)