Asad now is not only known as brutal death metal band, Poles front guard. The remains are the icons for the success of an acculturation between Western and local culture. It is they who could rip off the Convention slipped the Sundanese culture items between brutality and noise metal. No wonder that Remains is considered not just a milestone scene Bandung Underground. The remains also so powerboats a deconstruction tendency in which local cultural attributes wear is also a pride.A lot of literature circulating in cyberspace mentioned Bodies established in 2000. However, the remains are actually has been around since 1990. The initial lineup consisted of the remains of Yuli, Tito, and Faried. In 1992, they experienced a turnover of personnel after Faried out. With the second formation consisting of Yuli, Tito, Hendrik, and Abut, they released two singles, recorded live, i.e. Life 'n Die and Fuckin ' Education.Line up the remains back turned in 1994. Yayat, Yadi Behom, and Dani stifled Hendrik, Tito, and Abut. Practically the only original personnel only Yuli remain. With a line up Yadi Behom (vocals), Yayat (guitar), Yuli (bass), and Dani (drum), the bodies issuing the C'est La Vie EP released Palapa Records. The EP contains three songs namely Shackles, Boisterous, and Technological Principals. The last song called listed in the compilation of the most historic, Independent Rebels released in 1997.The remains of abandoned Yadi Behom in 1998. A year later the Yayat turn disconnect. Instead, the remains of menggamit Man of the Injected Sufferaged and Ferly from Forgotten. With the formation of Man (vocals), Ferly (guitar), Yuli (bass), Dani (drums), Remains visible as one of the most influential death metal band in the country.Had released the EP Ripping the Pregnant, they finally did an extraordinary achievement while removing the album entitled Perfect Torture Of Witness in 2001. The album was released Rottrevore Records and then re-released Forever Underground.The names of the bodies own coined Yuli, the base. Yuli admitted that he can name a time when seeing someone wearing a shirt bearing the remains. The name was later set as the band formation.Line up the Man, Ferly, Yuli, and able to withstand Papap, salama a decade. Enter the year 2011, the bodies doing turnover of personnel in the position of the drum. It is because forced after Papap crashed badly. The remains of later deploying auditions.It used to be when Yuli chose the name Remains for reasons want to give the impression of a spooky but remain in the language of Indonesia. However, now they've got their own meaning for the name of their band. "For me the remains could mean jang sadayana or jang sadunia," seloroh Man.Even since 2008, Man defines the name Remains with the acronym is more wacky: Satria Rare Perennial here ', "explained the ManWhatever, a lot of parameters that can be used as a marker that Remains very decent deathmetal band was most influential for the underground scene. Not just in Bandung, but also ground water.