Pergi mengambil remote control Menggunakan remote control Crane yang akan diangkut Memakai helmet di titik ketika membawa remote control
Memindahkan Crane ke tempat Untuk memindahkan pastikan tidak terkena ・Mempertimbangkan kecepatan, jarak agar tidak
lembaran kumparan yang sedang benda yang menghambat tersentuh peralatan sekelilingnya
diangkut ・Hati-hati operasi dari remote control yang berbeda
Crane sepertinya datang ke Stocking nilon menjadi inti dari karir. Memeriksa apakah inti karir dibawa dari kiri kanan,
pusat bahan kumparan Pengaturan menyangkut hal-hal kecil. depan dan belakang
Mengaitkan C melewati karir Pasang kait, tidak memutar pada 1putaran ・Stocking nilon memastikan diperlukan dalam
stocking nilon di bagian bawah dan atas Karir pemasangan kaitan C
・ Stocking nilon memastikan bagian runcing tidak
diterapkan pada karir
・Memastikan stocking nilon tidak retak
Menggantung lembar kumparan Menarik ke atas sampai yang paling atas ・Memisahkan 2 meter lebih dari kumparan
pastikan guncangan, keseimbangan, runtuh, (Saat 2 meter lebih, sediakan tempat di mana bisa disimpan)
tarik ke atas pelan-pelan ※Mencegah terjepit
Memindahkan Crane ke arah Memindahkan ke tempat yang tidak Mempertimbangkan kecepatan, jarak agar tidak
yang aman tersentuh barang hambatan tersentuh peralatan sekelilingnya
Memindahkan ke tempat yang Memindahkan sambil memastikan
ditunjuk tidak tersentuh barang hambatan
Menurunkan ke tempat yang ・Menurunkan stocking nilon sampai menjadi longgar ・Hati-hati terjepit, ketika turun, jatuh dan roboh
ditunjuk ・Melakukan first in dan first out (menurunkan bergeser bisa menggeser
bahan baru, menaikkan bahan lama) ・Hati-hati operasi dari remote control yang berbeda
Melepaskan dari karir stocking Melepaskan sebelah dari kait C Berhati-hatilah tidak menyentuh switch temote control
nilon. ※Mencegah jari terjepit
Mengecek stocking nilon Memastikan seperti mengecek dari kait C Memastikan stocking nilon tidak terlepas
※Mencegah adanya sentuhan
Menggulung ke atas Crane Menggulung supaya tidak terjadi gulungan Menggulung 2 m dari atas
※Mencegah adanya sentuhan
Go pick up the remote control using the remote control Crane which will be transported to wear the helmet at the point when bringing remote control Move the Crane to a place to move make sure not exposed to ・Mempertimbangkan speed, distance so as not to sheet coil are objects that obstruct the surrounding equipment untouched transported ・Hati-heart surgery from different remote control Crane seemed to come to a nylon Stocking into the core of career. Check if core career brought from left right, the center of coil Arrangement concerning the little things. front and rear Associate career passing Highs C hooks, did not play on 1putaran ・Stocking nylon ensuring necessary in stocking nylon on the bottom and the top of the mounting hooks Career C ・ Stocking nylon ensuring no pointy parts applied to career ・Memastikan nylon stockings are not cracked Hanging sheet coil Pulls up to the very top of the ・Memisahkan 2 meters over the coil make sure your shocks, balance, fall, (then 2 meters more, to provide a place where to be stored) pull upward gently ※ Prevent pinched Move the Crane to Move to places that do not Consider speed, distance so as not to safety equipment untouched barriers goods untouched surrounding Move to Move while ensuring designated goods untouched barriers Lose to a nylon stocking to be ・Menurunkan loose ・Hati careful when descending, is squashed, fell and collapsed appointed ・Melakukan first in and first out (lose shifts can shift the new materials, raising the old material) ・Hati-heart surgery from different remote control Release of the career of the Release hook stocking C be careful not to touch the switch temote control nylon. ※ Prevent pinched fingers Check out their stockings nylon Ensuring such as checking of hooks C Ensure the nylon stocking is inseparable ※ Prevent any touch Scroll to the top of the Crane rolled up so that doesn't happen 2 m Roll roll from the top ※ Prevent any touch

Go pick up the remote control Using the remote control crane to be transported Wearing helmet at a point when carrying the remote control
to the Crane Moves To move sure not affected • Consider speed, distance so as not to
coil sheet being touched objects that inhibits peripheral equipment
transported · Careful operation of different remote control
Crane seemed to come into nylon stockings became the core of a career. Check if the core was taken from the left and right career,
the center coil material concerning setting small things. front and rear
Linking C passes Attach hooks career, not turning on 1putaran · Stocking Nylon ensure necessary in
nylon stockings at the bottom and top mounting Career relation C
· Stocking Nylon ensure tapered section does not
apply to career
· Ensure nylon stockings do not crack
Hang sheets coils pull upward to the top · Separating 2 meters over the coil
sure shocks, balance, collapse, (At 2 meters more, provide a place where it can be stored)
pull up slowly wedged ※ Prevent
Crane Moving toward Moving into place Considering that no speed, distance so as not
safe untouched goods untouched barrier surrounding equipment
Moving Moving into place while ensuring
the designated goods untouched barrier
· Lowered to place Lowering nylon stockings to be loose · Carefully pinch, when dropped, fall and collapsed
designated · Perform first-in and first-out (lowering shifted to shift the
new material, raises the old material) · Careful operation of the remote control is different
from the career stocking Removing Removing the side of the hook C. Be careful not to touch the switch temote control
nylon. ※ To prevent pinched fingers
Checking nylon stockings Ensuring such as checking of hooks C Ensuring inseparable nylon stockings
※ Prevent touch
Crane Roll up Roll up Roll the rolls so that no 2 m from the top
※ Prevent touch