Hetanews.com, Jakarta-the Government delay the rate increase for the two classes of households R1 with 1,300 VA and 2,200 VA. defenseless R1 Now the second tariff increase the customers that come into effect on January 1, 2015 this. The Government will discuss the delays with the House of representatives (DPR) AKBAR TANJUNG. "The application of adjustment in (tariff adjustment) is already approved in the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES last period. So the changes are also discussed with the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES, "said Ketenagalistrikan Director-General of the Ministry of MINERAL RESOURCES Jarman in Jakarta, Thursday (8/1/2015).According to him, in the discussion of the BUDGET, PARLIAMENT already agreed eight electric rate increase the customers PLN to keekonomian and further applied tariff adjustments. "The eight electricity rates that had been repealed in stages until November 1, 2014 and thereafter applied adjustment tariffmulai 1 January 2015," he said.PLN filing delays power rates adjustments to two of the 12 classes of customers who now goes into effect beginning January 1, 2015 to the Government.As for the reason for the delay is considering purchasing power both of these customers. With the delay, then household customers of 1,300 VA and 2,200 VA. still wears nonsubsidi rates in November 2014 of $ 1,352 per kWh.Whereas, of course, both the rate of the nonsubsidi in January 2015 set higher PLN Rp 1.496 .05 per kWh.Based on Candy and MINERAL RESOURCES No. 31 2014, beginning January 1, 2015, the Government adds to the eight classes again, so that it becomes 12 the worn in adjustment schemes.8th the household is the R1 1,300 VA, household R1 2,200 VA, household R2 3,500-5,500 VA, secondary industry I3 above 200 kVA, street lighting, public government P2 P3 above 200 kVA, large industrial I4 above 30,000 kVA, and customer specific service.