Pembetot bas grup rock legendaris God Bless, Donny Fattah Gagola, meri翻訳 - Pembetot bas grup rock legendaris God Bless, Donny Fattah Gagola, meri英語言う方法

Pembetot bas grup rock legendaris G

Pembetot bas grup rock legendaris God Bless, Donny Fattah Gagola, merilis album Hitam Putih bersama dengan kedua adiknya, Jalu G Pratidina (perkusi) dan Maully Gagola (gitar). Album tersebut berisi tujuh buah lagu yang dicipta Donny dengan lirik lagu bernapas kritik sosial.

"Jadi lagu koleksi saya yang dulu-dulu, digarap bersama adik. Kebetulan mereka bisa dan oke-oke saja. Isi lagu tetap tentang kritik sosial, seperti zaman God Bless," ujar Donny dalam wawancara di Kafe Rolling Stone, Ampera Raya, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (10/6/2015).

Donny mengaku tidak melibatkan God Bless dalam proses kreatif pembuatan album indienya tersebut. Hanya saja, Donny tetap melibatkan anak-anak para personel God Bless sebagai band pendukungnya.

"Kebetulan ide saya mengajak generasi ketiga dari anak-anak teman saya di God Bless dan mantan personel. Bisa disebut kebersamaan. Ada putra saya juga," kata Donny.

Untuk lagu-lagu "Introduction", "Bintang", Suara Anak Negeri", Terpapar", "Cinta", "Uang", dan "Gaza", Donny tetap mengusung ruh progressive rock.

"Saya konsekuen, saya kembali ke jati diri di era 1970-an. Tidak bisa saya lepaskan," katanya.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The legendary rock group's bass Pembetot God Bless, Donny Fattah Gagola, released the album black and white along with her siblings, Jalu Pratidina G (percussion) and Maully Gagola (guitar). The album contains seven songs that were created with Donny lyrics breathe social criticism. "So my first collection of songs-first, tilled together sister. Incidentally they can and should be OK-OK only. The content of the songs remain about social criticism, like the time of God Bless, "said Ross in an interview in Rolling Stone Cafe, Ampera Raya, South Jakarta, Wednesday (10/6/2015). Donny pleads not involve God Bless in the creative process of making the album indienya. It's just that, Donny remains involving children as God Bless the members of the band of his supporters. "Happens to be my idea to invite third-generation children of my friend in God Bless and former personnel. Can be called togetherness. There is my son, too, "says Donny. For the songs "Introduction", "Star", the voice of the son of the country, "Exposed", "love", "money", and "Gaza", Donny still brings the spirit of progressive rock. "I am consistent, I returned to the identity in the 1970s. I can't let go," he said.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Bassist of the legendary rock group God Bless, Donny Fattah Gagola, released the album Black and White along with her ​​siblings, Jalu G Pratidina (percussion) and Maully Gagola (guitar). The album contains seven songs are created Donny with social criticism lyrics of the songs breathe. "So my collection of songs that had known, worked with his sister. Incidentally they can and okay. Fill keep track of social criticism, such as the time of God Bless , "Donny said in an interview in Rolling Stone Cafe, Ampera Raya, South Jakarta, Wednesday (06/10/2015). Donny claimed not involve God Bless the creative process of making the album indienya. However, Donny still involve children God Bless personnel as a band of supporters. "Incidentally, my idea to invite a third generation of children in God Bless my friend and former personnel. Could be called togetherness. There's my son too," said Donny. for the songs "Introduction", "Star", Voice Children Affairs ", Exposed", "Love", "Money", and "Gaza", Donny still carry the spirit of progressive rock. "I'm consistent, I returned to the identity in the 1970s. I can not let go, "he said.

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