Tarif Tenaga Listrik (TTL) periode Agustus 2014Tinggalkan Balasan Baga翻訳 - Tarif Tenaga Listrik (TTL) periode Agustus 2014Tinggalkan Balasan Baga英語言う方法

Tarif Tenaga Listrik (TTL) periode

Tarif Tenaga Listrik (TTL) periode Agustus 2014
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Bagaimana perkembangan kenaikan tarif tenaga listrik (TTL) hingga bulan Agustus 2014 ini? Berikut adalah lampiran dua tagihan rekening TTL (paskabayar) di rumah saya. Lampiran pertama adalah tagihan pemakaian daya bulan Juni 2014 yang harus dibayar di bulan Juli 2014, dan lampiran kedua adalah pemakaian daya bulan Agustus 2014 yang harus dibayar di bulan September 2014. Struk bulan Juni 2014 (sebelum terjadi kenaikan tarif) Keterangan :

Total tagihan sebelum pajak : (Rp. 214.733,- – Rp. 6.000,-) / 1,03 = Rp. 208.733,- / 1,03 = 202.653,39
Total pemakaian daya : 39869 – 39662 = 207
Harga Listrik per kwh untuk bulan Juni 2014 adalah Rp. 202.653,39,- / 207 = Rp. 979,- atau Rp. 979,- x 1,03 = Rp. 1.008,37,- setelah pajak.
Struk bulan Agustus 2014 (setelah terjadi kenaikan tarif) Keterangan :

Total tagihan sebelum pajak : (Rp. 276.733,- – Rp. 6.000,-) / 1.03 = Rp. 270.733,- / 1,03 = Rp. 262.847,57,-
Total pemakaian daya : 40323 – 40083 = 240
Harga Listrik per kwh untuk bulan Agustus 2014 adalah Rp. 262.847,57,- / 240 = Rp. 1.095,19,- atau Rp. 1.095,19,- x 1,03 = Rp. 1.128,05,- setelah pajak.
Berdasarkan tabel skenario kenaikan TTL yang saya buat, tidak ada perbedaan TTL untuk pemakaian daya di bulan Juni 2014. Namun, pada pemakaian daya di bulan Agustus 2014 terdapat selisih kelebihan tarif yang saya harus bayarkan sebesar Rp. 1.128,05,- – Rp. 1.122,92,- = Rp. 5,12,-. Jika dikalikan dengan 240 kwh, maka selisih kelebihan tarif yang saya harus bayarkan adalah : Rp. 5,12,- x 240 = Rp. 1.228,8,-.

Untuk kelebihan tarif sebesar itu, tidak terlalu banyak berarti nilainya. Tetapi, mohon di koreksi seandainya saya salah, perbedaan Rp. 5,12,- itu bukan diakibatkan pembulatan nilai / angka dibelakang koma. Apa artinya?

Selisih hasil perhitungan hingga melebihi nilai di atas 1, bagi saya, “bukan” sebuah kondisi yang bisa dikatakan akibat penyesuaian digit angka di belakang koma. Selisih nilai seperti itu merupakan hal yang memang diinginkan / sengaja dilakukan. Dengan demikian, nilai prosentase kenaikan tarif yang diberlakukan untuk gelombang pertama bukan sebesar 11,36%. Melainkan :

= ((1.128,05 – 1.008,37) / 1.008,37) x 100% = (119.68 / 1.008.37) x 100% = 0.118686593 x 100% = 11,87%

Apakah nilai prosentase sebesar 11,87% tersebut juga diberlakukan untuk kenaikan TTL di gelombang kedua dan ketiga?

Bisa dipastikan akan sama atau bahkan mungkin lebih besar.

Nah, sehari sebelum tulisan ini di publikasikan (19 September 2014), seorang pengunjung (saudara Yudi) menanyakan di bagian Q & A blog ini mengenai cara menghitung tarif listrik per kwh dari copy struk bukti pembayaran listrik-nya.

Hasil perhitungan yang saya dapatkan dari informasi yang tertera, cukup mengejutkan. Kasus perbedaan prosentase kenaikan tarif listrik yang dialaminya jauh lebih parah lagi. Yaitu, lebih mahal Rp. 62,68,- per kwh sebelum pajak atau Rp. 64,56,- setelah pajak.

Sehingga, bila diprosentasekan, nilai kenaikan tarif listrik dari struk bukti pembayaran yang dikirimkan oleh saudara Yudi adalah sebesar :

= ((1.187,48 – 1.008,37) / 1.008,37) x 100% = (179.11 / 1.008,37) x 100% = 0.177623293 x 100% = 17,76%

Dengan keberadaan informasi struk bukti pembayaran listrik yang saya terima itu, maka kasus prosentase kenaikan tarif listrik tahun 2014 ini menjadi semakin menarik dan rumit untuk diterima akal sehat.

Karena, sekarang, saya memiliki 3 (tiga) nilai prosentase kenaikan tarif yang berbeda, yaitu : 11,36%, 11,87% dan 17,76%.

Jadi, berapa nilai prosentase kenaikan listrik yang sebenarnya telah terjadi dan diberlakukan di masyarakat oleh PLN?

Hal yang pasti dan perlu dipahami oleh kita para pelanggan PLN adalah perbedaan nilai tersebut bukan dikarenakan kesalahan / ketidakbenaran instalasi jaringan kabel listrik di rumah pelanggan atau tindak pemakaian daya listrik oleh pelanggan. Sebab, hal-hal yang demikian akan berefek hanya pada jumlah pemakaian daya. Bukan harga tarif listrik per kwh.

Besaran harga tarif listrik per kwh adalah murni di tentukan oleh PLN dan tidak terpengaruh dengan total nilai pemakaian daya listrik pelanggan.

Memang, data / informasi yang disampaikan oleh saudara Yudi bukan dalam bentuk hasil foto digital. Sehingga, agak sulit untuk ditentukan ada atau tidaknya kesalahan pengetikan data yang disampaikan. Namun, saat ini, saya asumsikan tujuan penyampaian informasi tersebut adalah baik adanya dan untuk menyampaikan kondisi yang sebenarnya sedang terjadi.

Hingga saat ini, saya masih belum ter-pikir bagaimana cara menyampaikan keluhan mengenai perbedaan kenaikan tarif listrik seperti di atas ke pihak PLN. Kesalahan yang terjadi memang berasal dari pihak PLN. Namun, di bagian (departemen) mana yang menjadi letak sumber permasalahan, saya tidak tahu.

Pihak yang berinisiatif untuk mengerjakan dan memanfaatkan “situasi tarif-mengambang” akibat proses kebijakan kenaikan tarif seperti saat ini, menurut saya, sangat pintar dan benar-benar memahami kelemahan sistem informasi dan prosedur milik PLN.

Antisipasi bagi pelanggan yang hendak menyampaikan keluhan telah disiapkan dengan baik. Pelanggan yang menyadari telah menjadi korban dari “situasi tarif-mengambang” ini akan sulit untuk menyampaikan keluhan kepada pihak PLN. Dibutuhkan keahlian untuk merangkai bukti informasi yang bisa menunjukkan dengan jelas bahwa telah terjadi kesalahan dalam pengenaan tarif pelanggan.

Hanya sedikit pelanggan yang mengerti dan bisa melakukannya. Selain itu, belum tentu semua pelanggan tersebut “mau” mengadukan temuan mereka ke pihak PLN. Jadi, walaupun ada keluhan yang resmi masuk ke PLN, jumlahnya pasti sangat kecil. Dan itu akan dengan mudah dilenyapkan agar tidak terdengar dan mencapai ke permukaan.

Saya rasa, kekecewaan dari internal PLN sendiri juga terjadi di bagian yang telah merumuskan, menetapkan dan mensosialisasikan besaran prosentase kenaikan tarif sebagaimana beredar di masyarakat melalui media cetak / elektronik. Untuk apa mereka melakukan kerja keras sedemikian rupa jika kenyataan penerapan besaran nilai kenaikan tarif pada masyarakat diberlakukan semaunya di bagian pelaksana?

Saya cenderung menunggu hasil akhir dari nilai kenaikan tarif listrik yang sebenarnya hendak diterapkan di masyarakat oleh PLN. Argumen sekuat apapun yang menyatakan “ada kesalahan” dalam proses kenaikan tarif listrik saat ini, akan dengan mudah dipatahkan.

Karena, yang namanya “proses”, selalu memiliki kecenderungan untuk tidak 100% berjalan sesuai rencana. Itu adalah pernyataan paling “solid” untuk dijadikan sebagai alasan
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Electricity tariffs (TTL) period of August 2014Leave A Reply How the development of electric power rate increase (TTL) until August 2014 this? Here is the attachment of two bills account TTL (paskabayar) in my home. The first attachment is power consumption Bill June 2014 to be paid in the month of July, 2014, and the second attachment is a power consumption in August 2014 to be paid in September 2014. A stroke June 2014 (prior to going on tariff) Description:The total bill before tax: (Rp. 214.733,-– Rp. 6,000,-)/1.03 = Rp. 208.733,-/1.03 = 202.653,39 Total power consumption:-39869 39662 = 207 The electricity price per kwh for June 2014 is Rp.,39,-202.653/207 = Rp. 979,-or USD 979,-x 1.03 = 1.008 USD, 37,-after taxes. A stroke August 2014 (after tariff) Description:The total bill before tax: (Rp. 276.733,-– Rp. 6,000,-)/1.03 = Rp. 270.733,-/1.03 = Rp.,57,-262.847 Total power consumption: 40323 – 40083 = 240 The electricity price per kwh for the month of August 2014 is Rp.,57,-262.847/240 = Rp., 19, 1095-1095 or Rp., 19,-x 1.03 = IDR 1.128 .05,-after taxes. Based on TTL rise scenario table I made, there is no difference in the TTL for power consumption in June 2014. However, the power consumption in August 2014, there is a difference in excess of the rate that I had to pay Rp 1.128 .05, – – Rp 1.122 .92,-= Rp 5.12,-. If multiplied by 240 kwh, then a difference in excess of rates that I have to pay is: USD 5.12 x 240,-= Rp. .8, 1.228-.Rate for excess of it, not too much means its value. But, please correct if I am wrong, the difference of Rp. 5.12, – it is not due to rounding values/numbers behind the comma. What does it mean?The difference in the calculation result to exceed a value above 1, for me, "not" a condition that could be said as a result of adjustment of the decimal digits. Difference in value like that is indeed the desired/intentionally done. Thus, the value of the percentage rate increase that went into effect for the first wave instead of 11,36%. But Rather:= ((1.128 .05 – 1.008, 37)/1.008, 37) x 100% = (119.68/1.008.37) x 100% = 0.118686593 x 100% = 11,87%What is the value of a percentage of the enforced 11,87% to increase the TTL in the second and third waves?Certainly will be the same or maybe even bigger.Well, the day before the paper is published (September 19, 2014), a visitor (brother Yudi) asked in the Q & A section of this blog about how to calculate the price of electricity per kwh of electricity payment receipt copy stroke him.The calculation result that I got from the information provided, surprisingly enough. The case difference percentage increase in electricity rates that affect them far worse. That is, the more expensive Rp 62,68,-before tax per kwh or IDR 64,56,-after taxes.So, when diprosentasekan, the value of the electricity rate increase of stroke proof of payment sent by brother Yudi is equal to:= ((1,187, 48 – 1.008, 37)/1.008, 37) x 100% = (179.11/1.008, 37) x 100% = 0.177623293 x 100% = 17,76%In the presence of an electric stroke information proof of payment that I received it, then the electrical rate increase percentage of cases by 2014 is becoming more interesting and complicated for the accepted common sense.Because, right now, I have three (3) percentage of value of different tariff increase, namely: 11,36%, 11,87% and 17,76%.So, what is the percentage increase in the value of electricity that have actually occurred and imposed in the community by a PLN?Sure thing and need to be understood by our customers PLN is the difference that value not because of error/power line networking installation untruth at home customers or follow up the electric power consumption by customers. This is because such things will be just arthritis on the amount of power consumption. Not the price per kwh electricity rates.Quantity price per kwh electricity rates is purely set by PLN and is not affected by the total electrical power consumption value customers.Indeed, data/information submitted by brother Yudi is not in the form of digital photo results. So, it is rather difficult to determined or no typing error data that is submitted. However, at this time, I assume the purpose of the submission of such information is a good presence and to convey the actual conditions is taking place.Up to now, I still haven't figured how to ter-delivered a complaint regarding electric rate increase like the one above to PLN. mistakes were indeed stemming from the PLN. However, in part (Ministry) where the location of the source of the problem, I don't know.The initiative to exercise and utilize the "floating-rate situation" resulting from the process of tariff policy as currently, in my opinion, very smart and really understood the weakness of the information systems and procedures belonging to PLN.The anticipation for customers wishing to convey complaints has been prepared properly. Customers who are aware have been victims of "floating-rate situation" it will be difficult to pass on complaints to the Required expertise for PLN. stringing the evidence information that could show clearly that there has been an error in the imposition of tariff customers.Only a handful of customers who understand and can do. In addition, not all the customers "want" their findings to sue party PLN. so although there is an official complaint into PLN, the amount must be very small. And it will easily cut off so as not to sound and reaching to the surface.I think, the disappointment of internal PLN myself also happened in the section have been formulating, establishing and disseminating the rate increase as a percentage of quantities marketed in the community through the medium of print/electronic. For what they are doing hard work in such a way if the fact the application of quantity value rate increase goes into effect at will on the community in the executing?I tend to wait for the final results of the value of the actual electricity tariff increase will be applied in the community by any Argument as strong as PLN. stating "an error" in the process of electric rate increase at this time, would be easily broken.Because of the name, "process", has always had a tendency to not 100% goes according to plan. It is a statement of most "solid" as the reason
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Rates of Electricity (TTL) period August 2014
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How is the development of electric power tariff increase (TTL) until August 2014? Here is the attachment of two bills TTL (postpaid) in my home. The first attachment is the power consumption bill in June 2014 to be paid in the month of July 2014, and the second attachment is the power consumption of the month August 2014 to be paid in September 2014. Receipt month June 2014 (before the rate increase) Description: The total bill before tax (Rp. 214 733, - - Rp. 6.000, -) / 1.03 = USD. 208 733, - / 1.03 = 202,653.39 Total power consumption: 39869-39662 = 207 Electricity price per kWh for the month of June 2014 was Rp. 202,653.39, - / 207 = Rp. 979, - or USD. 979, - x 1.03 = Rp. 1008.37, - after taxes. Receipt month of August 2014 (after the rate increase) Description: The total bill before tax: (Rp. 276 733, - - Rp. 6.000, -) / 1.03 = USD. 270 733, - / 1.03 = USD. 262,847.57, - Total power consumption: 40323-40083 = 240 The first attachment is the power consumption bill in June 2014 to be paid in the month of July 2014, and the second attachment is the power consumption of the month August 2014 to be paid in September 2014. Receipt month June 2014 (before the rate increase) Description: The total bill before tax (Rp. 214 733, - - Rp. 6.000, -) / 1.03 = USD. 208 733, - / 1.03 = 202,653.39 Total power consumption: 39869-39662 = 207 Electricity price per kWh for the month of June 2014 was Rp. 202,653.39, - / 207 = Rp. 979, - or USD. 979, - x 1.03 = Rp. 1008.37, - after taxes. Receipt month of August 2014 (after the rate increase) Description: The total bill before tax: (Rp. 276 733, - - Rp. 6.000, -) / 1:03 = Rp. 270 733, - / 1.03 = USD. 262,847.57, - Total power consumption: 40323-40083 = 240 The first attachment is the power consumption bill in June 2014 to be paid in the month of July 2014, and the second attachment is the power consumption of the month August 2014 to be paid in September 2014. Receipt month June 2014 (before the rate increase) Description: The total bill before tax (Rp. 214 733, - - Rp. 6.000, -) / 1.03 = USD. 208 733, - / 1.03 = 202,653.39 Total power consumption: 39869-39662 = 207 Electricity price per kWh for the month of June 2014 was Rp. 202,653.39, - / 207 = Rp. 979, - or USD. 979, - x 1.03 = Rp. 1008.37, - after taxes. Receipt month of August 2014 (after the rate increase) Description: The total bill before tax: (Rp. 276 733, - - Rp. 6.000, -) / 1:03 = Rp. 270 733, - / 1.03 = USD. 262,847.57, - Total power consumption: 40323-40083 = 240 -) / 1.03 = USD. 208 733, - / 1.03 = 202,653.39 Total power consumption: 39869-39662 = 207 Electricity price per kWh for the month of June 2014 was Rp. 202,653.39, - / 207 = Rp. 979, - or USD. 979, - x 1.03 = Rp. 1008.37, - after taxes. Receipt month of August 2014 (after the rate increase) Description: The total bill before tax: (Rp. 276 733, - - Rp. 6.000, -) / 1:03 = Rp. 270 733, - / 1.03 = USD. 262,847.57, - Total power consumption: 40323-40083 = 240 -) / 1.03 = USD. 208 733, - / 1.03 = 202,653.39 Total power consumption: 39869-39662 = 207 Electricity price per kWh for the month of June 2014 was Rp. 202,653.39, - / 207 = Rp. 979, - or USD. 979, - x 1.03 = Rp. 1008.37, - after taxes. Receipt month of August 2014 (after the rate increase) Description: The total bill before tax: (Rp. 276 733, - - Rp. 6.000, -) / 1:03 = Rp. 270 733, - / 1.03 = USD. 262,847.57, - Total power consumption: 40323-40083 = 240

Electricity price per kWh for the month of August 2014 was Rp. 262,847.57, - / 240 = Rp. 1095.19, - or USD. 1095.19, - x 1.03 = Rp. 1128.05, - after taxes.
According to the table TTL rise scenario that I made, there was no difference in the TTL for the power consumption in the month of June 2014. However, the power consumption in the month of August 2014 there is a difference in excess of the rates I had to pay Rp. 1128.05, - - Rp. 1122.92, - = Rp. 5.12, -. If multiplied by 240 kwh, then the difference between the advantages that I have to pay rates are: Rp. 5.12, - x 240 = Rp. 1228.8, -. For the excess rate of it, not so much mean value. However, please be corrected if I am wrong, the difference of Rp. 5.12, - it is not due to rounding values ​​/ decimal places. What does it mean? The difference calculation result to exceed the value above 1, for me, "not" a condition that can be said as a result of the adjustment digits behind the comma. Difference in value as it is the case that is desired / deliberately done. Thus, the percentage increase in tariffs applied for the first wave instead of 11.36%. Rather:

= ((1128.05 to 1008.37) / 1008.37) x 100% = (119.68 / 1.008.37) x 100% = 0.118686593 x 100% = 11.87% Is the percentage of 11.87% is also TTL applied to rise in the second and third wave? It could certainly be the same or maybe even bigger. Well, the day before this article was published (19 September 2014), a visitor (Yudi brother) asked in the Q & A blog about how calculating the electricity tariff per kWh of electricity payment proof receipt copy it. The results of calculations that I got from the information provided, it is surprising. Cases the percentage difference in electricity tariff increase was experiencing much worse. Ie, more expensive USD. 62.68, - per kwh before tax or Rp. 64.56, - after taxes. So, if diprosentasekan, the value of electricity tariff increase of receipt of proof of payment sent by you Yudi is: = ((1187.48 to 1008.37) / 1008.37) x 100% = ( 179.11 / 1008.37) x 100% = 0.177623293 x 100% = 17.76%

In the presence of receipt of proof of payment of electricity information I received it, the case of the percentage increase in electricity rates in 2014 have become more interesting and complicated to accept common sense. Because, now, I have three (3) the percentage increase in the value of different rates, namely: 11.36%, 11.87% and 17.76%. So, what is the percentage increase in actual electricity has occurred and imposed on society by PLN? It is for sure and need to be understood by our customers PLN is the difference in value is not due error / inaccuracy installation of electrical wiring in the customer's home or acts of power consumption by the customer. Therefore, such things will have an effect only on the amount of power consumption. Not the price per kWh of electricity tariff. The amount of electricity tariff price per kwh is purely determined by PLN and is not affected by the total electric power consumption of customers.

Indeed, the data / information submitted by you Yudi not in the form of the digital photo. Thus, it was difficult to determine whether or not the data submitted typing errors. However, this time, I assume that is the purpose of delivering information to convey both the existence and condition is really going on. Until now, I still have not ter-think how to make a complaint about the differences increase in electricity tariffs as above to PLN. Errors that occur are derived from the PLN. However, in the (department) which became the location of the source of the problem, I do not know. The initiative to work and take advantage of "floating-rate situation" due to the increase in tariff policy as it is today, in my opinion, very clever and really understand weakness of information systems and procedures PLN. Anticipation for customers who want to make a complaint has been prepared properly. Customers who realizes has become a victim of "floating-rate situation" will be difficult to submit a complaint to the PLN. It takes skill to assemble evidence of information that can show clearly that there has been an error in the imposition of tariff customers.

Only a few customers who understand and can do. In addition, not all customers are "willing" denounce their findings to the PLN. So, although no official complaint into the PLN, the amount must be very small. And it will easily be eliminated so as not to be heard and reach to the surface. I think, the disappointment of his own internal PLN also occur in the part that has been formulated, establish and disseminate massive percentage rate increase as circulating in the community through print / electronic. For what they are doing hard work in such a way if the fact the application of a rate increase in the amount of community values ​​arbitrarily imposed on the executive? I tend to wait for the outcome of the value of the actual increase in electricity tariffs to be applied in the community by PLN. How strong argument that states "no fault" in the current electricity rate increase, will be easily broken. Therefore, the name "process", always have a tendency to not be 100% gone according to plan. It is a statement of the "solid" to be used as a reason

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