Dikatakan Deugalih, album ‘Anak Sungai’ ini bukanlah akhir, melainkan awal dari sebuah perjalanan mengarungi sungai baru. Hal ini karena, baginya menjadi musisi bukanlah pertanyaan soal apakah bisa hidup dari musik atau tidak. “Tapi, soal apakah kita bisa hidup tanpa musik atau tidak,” ujarnya.
Setelah albumnya rilis, Deugalih & Folks akan mengadakan konser dengan tajuk yang sama dan sesuai dengan albumnya. Deugalih akan berbagi dan bercerita tanpa jarak, tanpa basa-basi tentang keluarga, tentang kehidupan, dan banyak cerita remeh-temeh lainnya yang tercipta mengalir seperti anak sungai, dari hulu, hilir, menuju muaranya.
Setelah bertahun-tahun ‘bersolo karier’ pasca-band Schizophones bubar/vakum, pada 2010, Deugalih resmi membentuk sebuah big-band bertalenta untuk mengakomodir arah musik folk yang sedang ia tuju. Band tersebut bernama The Folks, hingga namanya digabung menjadi ‘Deugalih & Folks’. Anggota The Folks pun sembarangan orang, karena beberapa dari mereka adalah eksponen scene country-music Bandung. Lalu satu di antaranya adalah dosen di fakultas tempat Deugalih dulu belajar.
Said Deugalih, the album ' Tributary ' this is not the end but rather the beginning of a new river wading trips. This is because, for him to become a musician is not a question of whether can live from the music or not. "But, the question of whether we can live without music or not," he said. After the album release, Deugalih & Folks will hold a concert with the same headings and in accordance with the album. Deugalih will share and storytelling without distance, without further ado about family, about life, and many other insignificantly created flowing like tributaries, upstream, downstream, towards the estuary. After years of ' career ' post-bersolo band Schizophones disbanded/vacuum, in 2010, the official Deugalih to form a big-band music direction to accommodate talented folk who're headed. The band named The Folks, until its name was merged into ' Deugalih & Folks '. Members of The Folks any vain people, because some of them are exponents of country-music scene. Then one of them is a lecturer in the Faculty of Deugalih used to be a place of learning.

It is said Deugalih, the album 'Creeks' this is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey across the river. This is because, for him to be a musician is not a question of whether they could live off the music or not. "But, regardless of whether we could live without music or not," he said. After the album release, Deugalih & Folks will hold a concert with the same headline and in accordance with the album. Deugalih will be shared and talked without distance, without ado about family, about life, and many other frivolous stories created by flowing like tributaries, upstream, downstream, towards the estuary. After years 'solo' post Schizophones band broke up / vacuum, in 2010, the official Deugalih form a big-band to accommodate talented folk musical direction he was headed. The band called The Folks, to name merged into 'Deugalih and Folks'. Member of The Folks also careless people, because some of them are country-music scene exponent Bandung. Then one of them is a lecturer in the faculty where Deugalih first study.