Mendukung seluruh kegiatan operasional kantor dengan melakukan proses pengadaan seluruh peralatan kebutuhan kerja (seperti; ATK, komputer, meja/kursi kerja, AC, dst), maupun sarana atau fasilitas penunjang lain (seperti; kendaraan operasional, office boy, satpam, operator telpon, dst.) dengan cepat, akurat/berkualitas serta sesuai dengan anggaran yang ditentukan.
Melakukan analisa kebutuhan anggaran atas pengadaan dan pemeliharaan seluruh fasilitas dan sarana penunjang aktivitas kantor untuk kemudian diajukan kepada bagian keuangan dan manajemen perusahaan untuk dianggarkan dan disetujui.
Supports the entire operational activities of the Office with the entire procurement process equipment needs work (such as; ATK, a computer, a desk/Office Chair, air conditioning, etc.), as well as of the means or other supporting facilities (such as operational vehicles;, office boy, security guard, telephone operators, etc.) with fast, accurate/quality and in accordance with a specified budget.Perform a needs analysis of the budget over the procurement and maintenance of the whole facility and a means of supporting the activities of the Office and then presented to the financial and corporate management for budgeted and approved.

Supports all operational activities office to conduct the procurement process all the equipment needs of the work (such as ATK, computer, desk / work chair, air conditioning, etc.), as well as a means or other supporting facilities (such as operational vehicles, office boys, security guards, phone operator, ff.) with fast, accurate / quality and in accordance with the prescribed budget.
Conduct a needs assessment of the budget for the procurement and maintenance of the entire facility and supporting infrastructure for the office activity is then submitted to the finance department and corporate management to be budgeted and approved.