KEDIRI, Kursus dalang digelar secara gratis di situs rumah masa kecil Bung Karno (BK) di Desa Pojok, Kecamatan Wates, Kabupaten Kediri.
Rico Daryanto (15), salah satu peserta kursus, tampak tekun menyimak penjelasan dari Ki Adi Sasongko terkait seluk beluk karakter tokoh pewayangan. Selesai menyimak, Rico kemudian mencoba memperagakan memegang tokoh wayang Bima.
Dengan lentur digerak-gerakkan wayang tokoh Bima. Termasuk saat adegan perang dan goro-goro sudah mampu dilakukan Rico yang baru belajar mendalang sejak tiga bulan terakhir.
Ki Adi Sasongko merupakan salah satu guru pengasuh kursus pedalangan di Ndalem Pojok.
KEDIRI, mastermind courses held for free on the site childhood home Bung Karno (BK) in the Village Corner, Wates Subdistrict, Kediri. Rico Daryanto (15), one of the course participants, looked diligently listening to the explanation of Ki Adi Sasongko related intricacies character puppet characters. Finished listening, Rico then tried to demonstrate holds the puppet Bima. By bending moved about Milky puppet characters. Including the current war scenes and Goro-goro already capable Rico just learning a performer since the last three months. Ki Adi Sasongko is one governess puppetry course in Ndalem Corner.