Subdirektorat Inspeksi Produk Berlabel Halal Subdirektorat Inspeksi Pr翻訳 - Subdirektorat Inspeksi Produk Berlabel Halal Subdirektorat Inspeksi Pr英語言う方法

Subdirektorat Inspeksi Produk Berla

Subdirektorat Inspeksi Produk Berlabel Halal

Subdirektorat Inspeksi Produk Berlabel Halal mempunyai tugas melaksanakan penyiapan bahan perumusan kebijakan teknis, penyusunan pedoman, standar, kriteria dan prosedur, evaluasi dan pelaksanaan inspeksi produk berlabel halal

Subdirektorat Inspeksi Produk Berlabel Halal menyelenggarakan fungsi :

penyusunan rencana dan program inspeksi produk berlabel halal

pelaksanaan penyiapan bahan perumusan kebijakan teknis, penyusunan pedoman, standar, kriteria dan prosedur, serta pelaksanaan inspeksi makanan berlabel halal

pelaksanaan penyiapan bahan perumusan kebijakan teknis, penyusunan pedoman, standar, kriteria dan prosedur, serta pelaksanaan inspeksi minuman berlabel halal

evaluasi dan penyusunan laporan inspeksi produk berlabel halal

Subdirektorat Inspeksi Produk Berlabel Halal terdiri dari :

Seksi Inspeksi Makanan Berlabel Halal

Seksi Inspeksi Minuman Berlabel Halal

Seksi Inspeksi Makanan Berlabel Halal mempunyai tugas menyiapkan bahan perumusan kebijakan teknis, penyusunan rencana dan program, penyusunan pedoman, standar, kriteria dan prosedur, evaluasi dan penyusunan laporan, serta melakukan inspeksi makanan berlabel halal

Seksi Inspeksi Minuman Berlabel Halal mempunyai tugas menyiapkan bahan perumusan kebijakan teknis, penyusunan rencana dan program, penyusunan pedoman, standar, kriteria dan prosedur, evaluasi dan penyusunan laporan, serta melakukan inspeksi minuman berlabel halal

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Subdirektorat Inspection of products Labelled Halal

Halal Label Product Inspection Subdirektorat has the task of carrying out the preparation of material for policy formulation, preparation of technical guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, evaluation and implementation of inspections of products labeled kosher

Subdirektorat Inspection of products Labeled Kosher hold function:

preparation of plans and the inspection of products labeled kosher program

implementation and the preparation of material for policy formulation, preparation of technical guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, as well as the implementation of inspection of food labeled halal

implementation and the preparation of material for policy formulation, preparation of technical guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, as well as the implementation of inspection drinks labeled halal

evaluation and preparation of the report on the inspection of products labelled halal

Halal Label Product Inspection Subdirektorat consists of:

Food Inspection Section Labeled Halal

Halal Label Beverage Inspections Section

the section Labeled Halal Food Inspections have the task of preparing the technical policy formulation, preparation of plans and programmes, preparation of guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, evaluation and the preparation of reports, as well as conducting inspections of food labeled halal

Halal Label Drinks Inspection Section has the task of preparing the technical policy formulation, preparation of plans and programmes, preparation of guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, the evaluation and the preparation of reports, as well as conducting inspections drinks labeled halal

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Products Labelled Halal Sub Inspection Inspection Products Labelled Halal Sub has the tasks of preparing the formulation of technical policies, development of guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, evaluations and inspections of products labeled halal Halal Sub Labeled Product Inspection the following functions: preparation of plans and inspection programs labeled products lawful execution of preparing materials for the formulation of technical policies, development of guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, as well as the implementation of the Halal food inspection preparing the implementation of technical policy formulation, development of guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, as well as the implementation of drinks labeled halal inspection evaluation and preparation of inspection reports products labeled halal Halal Sub Labeled Products Inspection consists of: Section Inspection Labelled Halal Food Inspection Section Halal Beverages Labeled Labelled Halal Food Inspection Section has the task of preparing the materials for the formulation of technical policies, plans and programs, development of guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, evaluation and preparation of reports, and conduct inspections of food labeled kosher and conduct inspections of food labeled kosher

Labeled Beverages Halal Inspection Section has the task of preparing the materials for the formulation of technical policies, plans and programs, development of guidelines, standards, criteria and procedures, evaluation and preparation of reports, and conduct inspections drinks labeled halal

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