SENTUL, containing sugar can indeed become a source of energy for the body. However, consumption of sugar should be limited because of the negative effect to health, especially the health of teeth.Sugar is the biggest enemy for teeth. Sugar in the cavity of the mouth will be "" food "" for bacteria and converted into acid. This acid can damage the lining of the teeth and cause email cavities.The research also found that the hole in the tooth will continue to widen if we mengasup a lot of sugary foods or added sugars on food."" Because that is the latest to suggest the WHO recommendation to limit sugar intake to less than 5 percent of the total calories daily, or the equivalent of 25 grams sugar or 6 teaspoons, "" said drg. Queen Mirah Afifah, Head of Professional Relationship Oral Care PT. Unilever Indonesia.Earlier, in 2012 the WHO recommends to lower sugar intake to less than 10 percent of the total daily intake. But then the rules were revised again."" If we reduce the sugar is less than 5 percent of total daily calories, the benefits are lower the risk of cavities for life, "" imbuh Mirah.Sugar intake can be in the form of sucrose, glucose, or fructose. This means not just the sticky sweets that can damage teeth, but also sparkling beverages, energy drinks (sports drink), honey, fruit juices, etc.Salah satu kiat untuk mengurangi asupan gula adalah dengan menggabungkan waktu makan dengan waktu ngemil. ""Jadikan makanan manis itu sebagai dessert agar produksi asamnya tidak terlalu banyak dibandingkan dengan jika kita mengonsumsi makanan manis di antara waktu makan,"" katanya.Orangtua juga perlu membatasi konsumsi gula pada anak. Jaga kesehatan gigi anak dengan selalu membersihkan gigi anak setelah mereka mengonsumsi susu. ""Paling tidak berkumur dengan air putih. Selain itu jangan biasakan anak mengedot botol susu sebelum tidur karena itu sama saja dengan merendam gigi anak ke dalam susu,"" ujarnya.Selain mengurangi konsumsi gula, jaga kebersihan gigi dan mulut dengan menyikat gigi dua kali sehari pada pagi setelah sarapan dan malam sebelum tidur. Periksakan gigi ke dokter gigi setiak 6 bulan sekali dan minum cukup air putih."