Hari Patmono (membelakangi kamera) diperiksa Panwas/IrvanBlitar- Ketua KPPS TPS 19 Dusun Sugihan, Desa Pojok, Kecamatan Garum, Hari Patmono, akhirnya dipecat dengan tidak hormat oleh KPUD Blitar. Hari terbukti telah melakukan kecuranagan dengan mencoblosi 110 surat suara untuk Caleg DPR RI dan caleg DPRD.
""Yang bersangkutan diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat,"" tegas Ketua KPUD Kabupaten Blitar Miftakhul Huda kepada wartawan, Rabu (9/4/2014).
Menurut Huda, KPUD akan menyerahkan sepenuhnya kasus tersebut kepada pihak berwajib. ""Kami menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada pihak berwajib terkait langkah hukum apa yang akan diambil. Jika memenuhi unsur pidana, maka silahkan dibawa ke meja hijau,"" ujar Huda.
Day Patmono (backs to camera) review Panwas/IrvanBlitar-Chairman of the KPPS Sugihan Village 19 POLLING STATIONS, the village Corner, Garum, a day of Patmono, finally fired with no respect by NOVEMBER Blitar. Yesterday proved to have done kecuranagan with mencoblosi 110 ballots for parliamentary candidates and REPRESENTATIVES of REGIONAL parliamentary candidates."" In question was dismissed with no respect, "" assertive Chairman on NOVEMBER Miftakhul Blitar Regency Huda told reporters, Wednesday (9/4/2001).According to Huda, NOVEMBER 24 be fully handed over the case to law enforcement authorities. "" We submit fully to law enforcement authorities any legal steps related to be taken. If it meets the elements of crime, then please green brought to the table, "said Huda.

Patmono day (to the camera) is checked Panwas / IrvanBlitar- Chairman KPPS TPS 19 Sugihan Hamlet, Village Corner, District Garum, Patmono day, finally fired with disrespect by the Election Commission Blitar. Day proved to have done kecuranagan with mencoblosi 110 ballots for candidates DPR and DPRD candidates. "" The question is dismissed with no respect, '"said the Chairman of the Election Commission Blitar Miftakhul Huda told reporters on Wednesday (04/09/2014). According to Huda , the Election Commission will submit the case fully to the authorities. "" We are fully devolved to the relevant authorities what legal action will be taken. If you meet the criminal element, then please be brought to justice, '"said Huda.