Agro Lestari Mushroom Indonesia ( ALAMI) yang berkantor di Villa Jasmi翻訳 - Agro Lestari Mushroom Indonesia ( ALAMI) yang berkantor di Villa Jasmi英語言う方法

Agro Lestari Mushroom Indonesia ( A

Agro Lestari Mushroom Indonesia ( ALAMI) yang berkantor di Villa Jasmine 2, B-9 Sidoarjo merupakan Sentra Pengembangan Agribisnis Jamur Tiram yang dilakukan secara terpadu, mulai dari:

1. Penyediaan bibit & baglog ( bibit dan media tanam) jamur tiram
2. Budidaya jamur tiram
3. Penjualan jamur tiram segar ( fresh) dalam kemasan dan curah
4. Pengolahan jamur tiram ( pangan olahan)
5. Kemitraan jamur crispy, kripik, kerupuk, sate, lumpia, nugget jamur tiram, dll
6. Pelatihan/ pembinaan dan konsultasi agribisnis jamur tiram Baik perorangan, perusahaan, pesantren, organisasi atau komunitas, asosiasi, PNPM, PKK, dll
7. Penelitian dan pengembangan ( Litbang) produk ( bibit, baglog, nutrisi, jamur segar, olahan dan produk olahan limbah baglog seperti pupuk, pakan, dll)

Melalui program pelatihan dan pembinaan yang dilakukan secara berkala, hingga sekarang telah memiliki lebih dari 90 binaan pengusaha jamur tiram yang tergabung dalam komunitas bisnis jamur, yang meliputi daerah:
1. Sidoarjo,
2. Surabaya,
3. Gresik,
4. Jombang,
5. Lamongan,
6. Pasuruan,
7. Bangil,
8. Malang,
9. Jember,
10. Probolinggo,
11. Kalimantan,
12. NTT,
13. Medan,
14. Madura, dan
15. Bali

Berikut adalah beberapa amanah yang telah dipercayakan kepada Agro Lestari Mushroom Indonesi ( ALAMI) meliputi:
1. Wakil Jawa Timur dalam Konvensi Nasional Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia ( SKKNI) Budidaya Jamur di Kementrian Pertanian Republik Indonesia Balai Besar Pelatihan Pertanian ( BBPP) Lembang - Bandung
2. Ketua Masyarakat Agribisnis Jamur Indonesia ( MAJI) Kabupaten Sidoarjo periode 2011 - 2016
3. Trainer Agribisnis Jamur Tiram untuk skala perusahaan besar seperti PT. Indofood, Bogasari Surabaya
4. Instruktur Program PNPM Mandiri Budidaya Jamur di Kabupaten Sidoarjo
5. Pembicara/ Narasumber Agribisnis Jamur Tiram pada siaran radio ( RSPK) Radio Siaran Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo
6. Pembicara/ Narasumber Pelatihan Agribisnis Jamur Tiram, baik untuk skala perorangan, instansi, asosiasi, sekolah, karang taruna, PKK, organisasi/ komunitas, dll
7. Perintis dan pendiri Koperasi Pengusaha Jamur Tiram ( MAJI DELTA) untuk daerah Kabupaten Sidoarjo
8. Mitra Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo dalam pelaksanaan pameran UMKM dan produk unggulan berbasis Jamur Tiram
9. Anggota ASPARTAN ( Asosiasi Pasar Tani) untuk wilayah Sidoarjo, Surabaya, Gresik
10. Penyuluh Pertanian Kabupaten Sidoarjo dengan spesifikasi komoditas jamur
11. Pemilik usaha waralaba jamur crispy dan sate jamur SPECIAL ONE INDONESIA
12. Pemilik usaha kemitraan kripik dan kerupuk jamur SPECIAL ONE INDONESIA
13. Penggagas Program Masyarakat Mandiri ( PMM) berbasis Jamur dan ragam olahannya ( crispy, sate, kripik, kerupuk jamur, dll)
14. Penyedia Lapangan Kerja bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkan pekerjaan, khususnya di bidang agribisnis jamur

Anda bisa mengklik "Info Perusahaan", "Katalog Produk" dan "Hubungi Kami" untuk melihat isi dan informasi lain dari situs Agro Lestari Mushroom Indonesia ( ALAMI).
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
sustainable agro mushroom Indonesia (naturally) with offices in villa jasmine 2, b-9 is a center for agribusiness development sidoarjo oyster mushrooms are done in an integrated manner, starting from:

1. baglog & seed supply (seed and growing media) oyster mushrooms
2. Oyster mushroom cultivation
3. sales of fresh oyster mushrooms (fresh) in bulk packaging and
4. oyster mushroom processing (processed food)
5.partnership crispy mushrooms, chips, crackers, satay, spring rolls, oyster mushroom nuggets, etc.
6. training / coaching and consulting agribusiness oyster mushrooms both individuals, companies, schools, organizations or communities, associations, PNPM, PKK, etc.
7. research and development (R & D) products (seeds, baglog, nutrition, fresh mushrooms, processed and processed products such as fertilizer baglog waste, feed, etc.)

through training and coaching programs are conducted regularly, until now has had more than 90 target employers who are members of the oyster mushroom fungus in the business community, which includes areas of:
1. sidoarjo,
2. Surabaya,
3. gresik,
4. handsome,
5. Lamongan,
6. Pasuruan,
7. Bangkil,
8. unfortunate,
9. muddy,
10. Probolinggo,
11. Kalimantan,
12. ntt,
13. field,
14. Madura, and
15. bali

here are some of the trust that has been entrusted to a sustainable agro mushroom indonesi (naturally) include:
1. representatives of eastern Java at the national convention Indonesian national competency standards work (SKKNI) mushroom cultivation in the agricultural ministries of the Republic of Indonesia agricultural training centers (BBPP) dent - bandung
2.chairman of the Indonesian agribusiness mushrooms (employers) Sidoarjo regency period from 2011 to 2016
3. oyster mushrooms agribusiness trainer for large-scale enterprises such as pt. Indofood, Bogasari surabaya
4. PNPM program instructors independently mushroom cultivation in the district of Sidoarjo
5. speaker / speaker agribusiness oyster mushrooms on radio broadcasts (rspk) radio broadcast Sidoarjo district
6.speaker / resource person oyster mushrooms agribusiness training, both for the scale of individuals, institutions, associations, schools, youth, PKK, organization / community, etc.
7. pioneer and founder of the oyster mushroom cooperative employers (employers delta) for Sidoarjo regency
8. Sidoarjo regency government partners in the implementation exhibits superior product-based SMEs and oyster mushrooms
9.aspartan members (farmers market associations) to the area of ​​Sidoarjo, Surabaya, Gresik
10. Sidoarjo district agricultural extension agent with the specifications of the commodity mold
11. franchise owners crispy mushrooms and mushroom satay Indonesian special one
12. partnership business owners chips and crackers one special mushroom Indonesia
13.initiator of the program standalone (PMM) and wide mushroom-based dairy (crispy, satay, chips, crackers mushrooms, etc.)
14. provider of jobs for people who need a job, especially in the field of agribusiness mushrooms

you can click the "company info","Product catalog" and "contact us" to browse and see other informations of sustainable agro mushroom Indonesia (naturally).
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Agro Lestari Mushroom Indonesia (natural) based in Villa Jasmine 2, B-9 Development of agribusiness Centers is Sidoarjo Oyster Mushrooms that are integrated, ranging from:

1. The provision of seeds & baglog (seeds and planting media) Oyster Mushrooms
2. Cultivation of Oyster Mushrooms
3. Sales of fresh Oyster Mushrooms (fresh) in packaging and bulk
4. Processing of Oyster Mushrooms (processed food)
5. Crispy mushrooms, make partnerships, crackers, spring rolls, satay, a nugget of Oyster Mushrooms, etc.
6. Training/coaching and consultancy sustainability Oyster Mushrooms kind of person, company, organization, or community of religious schools, associations, the PNPM, PKK, etc.
7. Research and development (r & d) products (seeds, baglog, nutrition, fresh mushrooms, processed and processed products such as fertilizers, baglog waste feed, etc)

Through training programs and coaching is done periodically, until now had over 90 small-scale entrepreneurs Oyster mushrooms in mushroom business community, which includes the areas of:
1. Sidoarjo,
2. Surabaya,
3. Gresik,
4. Jombang,
5. Lamongan,
6. Pasuruan,
7. Terezi
8. Malang,
9. Jember,
10. Probolinggo,
11. Borneo,
12. NTT,
13. Medan,
14. Madura, and
15. Bali

here are some mandate that has been entrusted to Agro Lestari Mushroom Indonesia (natural) include:
1. The representative of East Java in the National Convention of the national standard of Competence Workplace Indonesia (SKKNI) the cultivation of Mushrooms at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia in large Agricultural Training Hall (BBPP) Lembang-Bandung
2. Chairman of the Agribusiness Community Indonesia Fungus (MAJI) Sidoarjo period 2011-2016
3. Trainer Agribusiness Oyster mushrooms to scale larger companies such as PT Indofood, Bogasari Surabaya
4. Instructor Program PNPM Mandiri Cultivating mushrooms in Sidoarjo Regency
5. Speakers/Interviewees Agribusiness oyster mushroom on a radio broadcast (RSPK) in Sidoarjo Regency Government Broadcast Radio
6. Speaker/Speaker Training Agribusiness Oyster Mushrooms, either to scale individuals, agencies, associations, schools, youth clubs, coral PKK, organization/community, etc.
7. Pioneer and founder of a cooperative of entrepreneurs Oyster Mushrooms (MAJI DELTA) to the Sidoarjo
8. Sidoarjo Regency Government partners in the implementation of SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES and exhibition featured product-based Oyster Mushrooms
9. ASPARTAN members (Association of farmers markets) for the region of Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik
10. Agricultural extension officers Sidoarjo with commodity specifications mushrooms
11. Crispy mushroom franchise business owners and satay mushrooms SPECIAL ONE INDONESIA
12. Partnership business owners to make SPECIAL mushroom ONE and crackers INDONESIA
13. The author of the Independent Community Program (PMM) and Yeast-based range of petrol (crispy, satay, make a yeast, crackers, etc)
2. Provider of employment for people who need a job, especially in the field of agribusiness fungus

you can click the "Company Info", "Product catalog" and "contact us" to browse and see other informations of Agro Lestari Mushroom Indonesia (naturally).
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