Jakarta,Gerakan minum jamu hendaknya diawali oleh diri sendiri. Menkes Nila F Moelek mengusulkan agar minum jamu lebih membudaya, maka minuman rapat di kantor bisa diganti dengan jamu. Cara lainnya adalah dengan membuka pojok jamu di tempat-tempat umum.
""Gerakan ini tentunya harus diawali oleh kita sendiri, misalnya dengan menyediakan jamu pada rapat-rapat di kantor, membuka pojok jamu di tempat-tempat umum (bandara, terminal), penyediaan mimuman jamu di hotel-hotel, termasuk penyediaan jamu di kantor kita,"" usul Menkes saat memberikan sambutan gerakan Bugar dengan Jamu (BuDe Jamu) di Kementerian Kesehatan, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Jumat (23/1/2015).
Nah, jika di tempat-tempat umum terdapat pojok jamu, apakah Anda berminat untuk singgah? Maklum, selama ini jamu kebanyakan dibawa ke sana ke mari oleh tukang jamu keliling. Kios jamu memang ada di beberapa tempat, dan kebanyakan jamu yang dijual dalam bentuk kemasan.
Jakarta, drinking jamu should be preceded by yourself. Menkes Nila F Moelek suggested that drinking more herbal medicine is widespread, then drinks a meeting at the Office can be replaced with herbal medicine. The other way is to open the corner of herbal medicine in public places."" This movement should certainly initiated by our own, for example by providing jamu in meetings at the Office, open corner of herbal medicine in public places (airports, terminal), the provision of mimuman herbs in hotels, including the provision of medicinal herbs in our Office, "" suggested Menkes when giving a welcome movement Fit with Herbs (BuDe herbal medicine) in the Ministry of health, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Friday (30/1/2015).Well, if in public places there is a corner of herbal medicine, do you interested to drop by? Understandably, during these herbs are mostly brought there to let by artisans herb tour. Herbal medicine stalls does exist in some places, and most herbs sold in the form of packaging.

Jakarta, herbal drink Movement should be preceded by yourself. Health Minister Nila F Moelek proposed that the herbal drink more entrenched, then drink a meeting in the office could be replaced with herbs. Another way is to open a corner of the herbs in public places. "" This movement must be initiated by our own, for example by providing herbs in the meetings in the office, opened the corner of herbal medicine in public places (airports, terminal), provision mimuman herbs in hotels, including the provision of herbal medicine in our office, '"says Menkes while giving a speech movement Fit with Jamu (Bude Jamu) in the Ministry of Health, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Friday (01/23/2015). Well , if in public places are herbs corner, do you want to stop? Understandably, this time herbs mostly brought thither by the builders of herbs around. Kiosk herbs do exist in some places, and most herbs are sold in packaged form.