Warna hitam putih mendadak jadi “identitas” Donny Fattah. Mengenakan k翻訳 - Warna hitam putih mendadak jadi “identitas” Donny Fattah. Mengenakan k英語言う方法

Warna hitam putih mendadak jadi “id

Warna hitam putih mendadak jadi “identitas” Donny Fattah. Mengenakan kemeja lengan panjang putih dipadu dengan celana panjang hitam, salah satu pentolan band legendaris God Bless itu naik ke panggung.

Tapi, dia tak cuma bermain bass, spesialisasinya di God Bless. Donny juga bernyanyi, berteriak, dan membacakan puisi, berorasi. Donny menjadi “orator”. “Ada manusia-manusia dengan Tuhan yang sama, saling membunuh. Apakah Tuhan menyuruh kita membunuh? Aneh!!!” suara Donny bergetar mengetuk nurani kita semua... ***
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The colors black and white suddenly so "identity" Donny Fattah. Wearing a white long-sleeved shirt combined with black pants, one of the legendary band God Bless pentolan it up onto the stage. But, he's not just playing bass in his speciality, God Bless. Donny also sang, screamed, and recited poetry, berorasi. Donny becomes "orator". "There are human-human beings with the same God, kill each other. If God told us to kill? Weird! "sound vibrating Donny rapping conscience of all of us ... ***
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Black and white suddenly became "identity" Donny Fattah. Wearing a white long sleeve shirt combined with black trousers, one of the legendary frontman God Bless went up to the stage. But, he's not just playing bass, specialization in God Bless. Donny also singing, shouting, and read a poem, oration. Donny became "orator". "There are human beings with the same God, to kill each other. Did God tell us to kill? Strange !!! "Donny voice quivering conscience knocked us all ... ***

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