Jakarta-PT Trans Retail Indonesia meluncurkan 'Transmart Carrefour' di Cimahi, Jawa Barat seluas 6.000 meter persegi. Kawasan ini menawarkan konsep hipermarket,entertainment, sertafood&fashiondalam satu kawasan.
Transmart Carrefour ini diresmikan oleh Wali Kota Cimahi Atty Suharti Tochija.
""Konsep ini lahir dari keinginan dan potensi masyarakat kelas menengah yang tumbuh di Indonesia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan gaya hidup modern mereka terhadap produk-produk terbaik dengan pelayanan yang melebihi harapan. Selain Transmart Carrefour, kami juga menyediakan restoran berkelas yang terintegrasi dalam satu bangunan,"" jelas Hendrik Adrianto, Head of External Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility, Trans Retail Indonesia, dalam keterangannya, Jumat (27/2/2015).
Transmart Carrefour, yang menempati 2 lantai mempunyai luas area penjualan 5.066,22 meter persegi.
Tempat belanja ini juga mengggunakan trolley belanja model baru yang lebih modern dan mudah digunakan, serta lebih ringan dibandingkan trolley biasa.
Trolley baru ini hanya 15 kg, dan mempunyai kapasitas lebih besar dibandingkan dengan trolley biasa yang mempunyai berat 23 kg. Hal tersebut tentunya akan memberikan kemudahan bagi pelangan dalam berbelanja, sehingga akan memberi pengalaman berbelanja yang menyenangkan dan praktis bagi semua keluarga Indonesia.
Konsep Transmart Carrefour dapat dilihat dari logo baru yang memiliki bentuk seperti dua anak panah yang menuju ke atas. Ini merupakan simbol bahwa perusahaan terus melakukan inovasi untuk maju menjadi yang teratas.
Adapun simbol dua anak panah pada huruf A melambangkan, Transmart Carrefour merupakan generasi kedua dan transformasi dari Carrefour yang sebelumnya dimiliki oleh orang Prancis, saat ini telah dimiliki oleh salah satu putra terbaik bangsa Indonesia yang dilambangkan dengan warna merah dan putih dalam logo baru tersebut. Sehingga dengan adanya kepemilikan 100% bangsa Indonesia, Transmart Carrefour berkomitmen agar dapat bersinergi dengan pelaku UMKM sekitar gerai.
Transmart Carrefour ini juga digunakan untuk membantu akses pasar pelaku UKM di Indonesia, khususnya di Cimahi.
Dilakukan kerjasama dengan Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan dan Koperasi Pemda Kota Cimahi untuk melakukan temu bisnis dan pemberian akses pasar kepada UMKM, yang potensial untuk menjadi pemasok di Pojok Rakyat yang ada di gerai Transmart Carrefour.
Jakarta – PT Trans Retail Carrefour Indonesia Launches ' Transmart ' in Cimahi, West Java area of 6000 square meters. This area offers the concept of a hypermarket, entertainment, sertafood & fashiondalam one area.Transmart Carrefour was inaugurated by the Mayor of Cimahi Atty Suharti Tochija."" This concept was born from the desire and potential middle-class community that grows in Indonesia in meeting the needs of the modern lifestyle of the best products with service that exceeds expectations. Besides Carrefour Transmart, we also provide a classy restaurant integrated in one building, "" explains Hendrik Adrianto, Head of External Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility, Trans Retail Indonesia, in his statement, Friday (27/2/2015).Transmart Carrefour, which occupies 2 floors has an area of 5066.22 square meters of sales.Shopping is also using a shopping trolley a new model that is more modern and easy to use, as well as lighter than regular trolley.The new trolley is only 15 kg, and had a larger capacity than with a regular trolley has a weight of 23 kg. This course will provide convenience for Subscriber in the shop, so will give a pleasant shopping experience and practical for all family of Indonesia.The concept of Transmart Carrefour can be seen from the new logo that has the form as two arrows leading to the top. This is the symbol that the company continued to innovate to advance into the top spot.As for the symbol of the two arrows on the letter A symbolic Transmart, Carrefour is second generation and transformation of Carrefour that was previously owned by the people of France, currently owned by one of Indonesia's best sons of the nation who is represented by the color red and white in the new logo. So by having the ownership of 100% of the nation of Indonesia, Transmart Carrefour is committed in order to synergize with perpetrators of SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES around the outlets.Transmart Carrefour is also used to help market access offender SMEs in Indonesia, especially in Cimahi.Carried out in cooperation with the Department of industry, trade and Cooperative local government Cimahi to do business and inventiveness of granting market access to SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES, potential to become suppliers in the corner of the people that are in the outlets of Carrefour Transmart.ォPREVNEXTサ (dnl/hen) "

Jakarta-Indonesia PT Trans Retail launches 'Transmart Carrefour' in Cimahi, West Java area of 6,000 square meters. This area offers the concept of hypermarkets, entertainment, sertafood & fashiondalam one area. Transmart Carrefour was unveiled by Mayor Cimahi Atty suharti Tochija. "" The concept was born from the desire and the potential of the middle class who grew up in Indonesia in meeting the needs of their modern lifestyle towards productivity best products with service that exceeds expectations. Transmart Carrefour addition, we also provide a classy restaurant that is integrated in one building, '"explains Hendrik Adrianto, Head of External Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility, Trans Retail Indonesia, in a statement on Friday (02/27/2015). Transmart Carrefour, which occupies the second floor has an area of 5066.22 square meters of sales area. The shopping is also a shopping trolley mengggunakan new models are more modern and easier to use and lighter than the regular trolley. Trolley currently only 15 kg, and has a larger capacity than the plain trolley which has a weight of 23 kg. It certainly will provide convenience for the customer in the shop, so it will provide a pleasant shopping experience and practical for all families in Indonesia. The concept Transmart Carrefour can be seen from the new logo which has a shape like two arrows toward the top. It is a symbol that the company continues to innovate to get ahead at the top. The symbol with two arrows at the letter A symbolizes, Transmart Carrefour is the second generation and transformation of Carrefour previously owned by the French, is now owned by one of the best sons of the nation Indonesia represented by the red and white colors in the new logo. So with the ownership of 100% of the Indonesian nation, Transmart Carrefour is committed to be able to work together with SMEs around outlets. Transmart Carrefour is also used to help market access for SMEs in Indonesia, especially in Cimahi. Do cooperation with the Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperative Local Government Cimahi to conduct business meetings and the provision of market access to SMEs, with the potential to become a supplier in the People's Corner in Transmart Carrefour outlets. ォサPREVNEXT (dnl / hen) "