Awal diet sangat susah dan terasa berat, tapi aku sudah bertekat dan b翻訳 - Awal diet sangat susah dan terasa berat, tapi aku sudah bertekat dan b英語言う方法

Awal diet sangat susah dan terasa b

Awal diet sangat susah dan terasa berat, tapi aku sudah bertekat dan berkeinginan untuk memulai hidup sehat dan memiliki tubuh ideal. Demi kesehatan diriku sendiri aku mulai dalam diriku sendiri dan berkata dalam diriku bahwa aku pasti bisa. aku pasti bisa menghindari makanan junk food dan memulai hidup sehat. Aku mulai menghindari mie instan, cemilan snack, jung food, fast food,minuman es dan bersoda. Sebagai gantinya cemilan snack aku menggantinya dengan kentang, tela, dan singkong rebus. Sedangkan es dan bersoda aku menggantinya dengan air putih dan perasan jeruk nipis hangat yang setiap pagi aku minum.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Early diet is hard and feels heavy, but I'm already raring and eager to start a healthy life and have the body ideal. For the sake of the health of myself I started in myself and say in myself that I can make it. I can certainly avoid foods junk food and start living healthy. I started avoiding the instant noodles, beverages, snack, junk food, fast food, fizzy drinks and ice. Instead snacks snack I replaced it with potatoes, boiled cassava, and Palm. While the ice and I replaced it with sparkling water and lemon juice, warm every morning I drank.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Diet beginning very hard and heavy, but I was determined and willing to start a healthy life and have the ideal body. For the health of myself I started in myself and said to me that I can do it. I can certainly avoid junk food and start a healthy life. I began to avoid instant noodles, snacks snack, junk food, fast food, ice and carbonated drinks. Instead snacks snack I replace it with potatoes, tela, and boiled cassava. While ice and carbonated I replace it with water and warm lime juice every morning I drink.
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