Album ini datang satu paket dengan sebuah novel. Untaian cerita yang d翻訳 - Album ini datang satu paket dengan sebuah novel. Untaian cerita yang d英語言う方法

Album ini datang satu paket dengan

Album ini datang satu paket dengan sebuah novel. Untaian cerita yang digarap oleh sang biduan sendiri, Addy Gembel. Terlepas dari pemaknaan rangkaian kata-kata yang membentuk-bangun ruang sebuah dimensi cerita, mengulas album ini berarti juga mengulas sastra selain dari pada musik itu sendiri. Artinya, memaknai album ini adalah juga memaknai apa yang hendak Addy Gembel utarakan dari judul ke judul cerita, dan antara “Bubuka” hingga “Pusara Beku” yang menjadi penanda berakhirnya rotasi CD. Tentunya Forgotten bukan Addy seorang. Perannya yang menonjol itu, baik yang ia sadari atau tidak, menciptakan Forgotten yang hanya Addy. Bukan Toteng, Gan Gan, Dicky, atau Rifki’13. Pula sebagaimana kita bercerita tentang almarhum Homicide yang hanya ada Ucok disitu. Bukan Aszi, Sarkasz, Lephe, dan E-One.

Bukan masalah besar. Kerja kolektif mereka berhasil menciptakan karya paling otentik ihwal budaya pembangkangan dari skena Bandung. Forgotten adalah pembangkang moral paling konsisten dari yang pernah ada. Sebagaimana awal kemunculannya di Ujung Berung hingga 17 tahun mengibarkan bendera, mereka masih setia menjadi penyeru paling pedas bagi kebudayaan yang hampir membusuk karena produk-produk miskin makna, bahkan yang tanpa makna. Produk-produk yang semakin lumrah kita konsumsi hari ke hari guna mengejawantahkan perihal identitas kita sebagai makhluk sempurna. Sempurna di depan kasir dan sempurna di depan Tuhan. Mereka yang kemudian bertaruh, siang dan malam, sembari terus merapal ayat-ayat dan pujian-pujian kepada Tuhan sebagai pelumas asa. Bahkan di saat mereka cuci tangan dari darah. Darah yang membeceki istana mereka dari koloni gembel dan jelata.

Inilah epos satirnya manusia dari Forgotten. Dengan dilengkapi doa-doa di abad pembusukan, membuat manual yang diotorisasi oleh negara menjadi miskin makna. Ia dirancang amat begitu gundah dengan bermuatan sesak gemuruh amarah di tiap riff dan konstannya rentetan snare. Menciptakan Laras Perlaya yang bermakna ‘tembang kematian’, menjadi serapah koloni yang telah dicampakkan oleh dewa. Khayangan yang demonik. Roman dan tragedi, cinta dan kebencian, juga tuhan dan setan. “Bubuka” yang berfungsi sebagai gerbang khayal memasuki khayangan menjalani tugasnya begitu mulia. Ia mengantarkan kita pada kengerian dalam perjalanan kita menelusuri setapak lajur menuju khayangan. Dimana ia menyediakan kita surga dan juga neraka. Kita tahu bahwa kita sesungguhnya enggan untuk beranjak. Namun ternyata kita dipaksa oleh situasi yang kelak kudu mengorbankan dan menggadaikan apa yang kita punya. Harga diri dan mimpi, tak terkecuali.

Senarai tembang dan rangkaian kata yang merefleksikan sebuah perjalanan menuju khayangan. Sebuah perjalanan untuk kematian itu sendiri. Karena sejatinya kita terlahir, sejatinya pula kita sedang dalam perjalanan untuk mangkat. Sungguh tragis. Sebut saja sang dewa Theos, yang juga berperan sebagai penjaga pintu surga itu. Atau nama-nama lain semisal Lilith, putri dari Theos dan Dewi Leto yang akhirnya meninggalkan segala gemerlap nirwana dan memilih pekarangan neraka bersama sang penjaga gerbangnya, Kobal. Hal ini dirancang amat ironis pada perkamen pengantar Laras Perlaya yang ternyata sudah Addy selesai tulis sejak 2008. Tutur bahasanya begitu jujur, lugas, dan miris. Kalimat-kalimat yang ia gunakan dalam novel ini kelak menjadi manifestasi dari lirik-lirik singkat yang terdapat dalam album ini. Menjadikan “Hajar Jalanan” hingga “Pusara Beku” tak sekedar jargon atau slogan-slogan simbol kekerenan belaka.

Sedari “Musim Panas Menghitam”, tokoh antagonis sudah menjelma dengan sendirinya tanpa perlu kita tafsir berulang-ulang. Ia menyerupa dunia yang hari ini kita tempati dengan segala ampas hidup. Dari rentenir, makelar, korporasi, dan dunia yang tragis. Dibuka dengan dialog makhluk berbekal sapu terbang dan penjaga warung dengan gambaran suasana yang dingin, pagi, dan sekejap menghangat. Mereka bertukar embun dengan menghamburkan kata yang tak jua membebaskan sang Kurcaci bertudung hitam; si pengendara sapu terbang. Pagi yang amat revolusioner. Celoteh sang pemilik warung, Moksa, dengan sengnya yang doyong tersebut, mampu membangun imaji resureksionis diantara jejaring kosmis yang berkelindan lewat bagaimana sang penulis membentuk dimensi cerita.

Di balik medan wacana antara Moksa dan Kurcaci tersebut, saya teringat tentang apa yang dikatakan Evey Hammond (Tokoh utama dalam film V For Vendetta). Ia mengatakan bahwa “Seniman menggunakan kebohongan untuk mengungkap kebenaran” sebagai negasi dari, “Politisi memakai kebohongan untuk menutupi kebenaran”. Sekarang, hal tersebut kudu dikonfrontir dengan debat yang muluk dari Moksa dan Kurcaci: “Hey, seniman bukan bebas berekspresi tapi bebas menipu. Atas nama estetika dan makna semua hasil karya adalah pundi-pundi berharga...”. Sampai disini, dunia kita sesak akan hal apapun itu yang dapat menjadi seonggok seni. Bahkan kotoran anjing menggulung bak obat nyamuk dengan disoroti cahaya temaram, kemudian ditempatkan dalam sebuah galeri milik kurator terkemuka maka, kun fayakun! Jadilah ia sebuah seni.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
This album came bundled with a novel. The strands of the story that is rendered by the singers themselves, Addy's Hobo. Regardless of the definition of the set of words that make up-wake up the space a dimension of the story, reviewing this album means also reviewing literature apart from the music itself. That is, interpret this album is also interpret what was about to point out the title of Hobo Addy to the title of the story, and between "Bubuka" to "Freeze" the Tomb became a marker of the end of the rotation of the CD. Surely not Forgotten an Addy. The prominent role it, whether he realized it or not, creating the only Forgotten Addy. Not the Toteng, Gan Gan, Dicky, or William ' 13. Anyway as we tell you about the deceased Homicide only Ucok. Instead of Aszi, Sarkasz, Lephe, and E-One.Not a big deal. Their collective work managed to create the most authentic works of cultural happenings from the scene of a mutiny. Forgotten is the most consistent moral dissidents than ever. As the beginning of his appearance at the end of Berung to 17 years flying the flag, they are still loyal to be spicy for most: a culture almost rotting due to poor products of meaning, even without meaning to. Products that are increasingly commonplace we consume daily to embody subject our identity as being perfect. Perfect in front of the cashier and perfect in front of God. Those who then bet, day and night, while continuing to merapal the verses and praise-praise to the Lord as a lubricant. Even in their hand-washing of the blood. Blood membeceki Court of the colony of snot and commoners.This is the epoch of the human satirnya of the Forgotten. Equipped with prayers in centuries of decay, making manual authorised by the State to be poor meaning. He designed very congested so the roar of gundah charged with anger at every riff and snare the sequence konstannya. Creating Barrel Perlaya which means ' death ', the song became a colony of swearing has been dumped by the gods. The interface of demonik. Romance and tragedy, love and hatred, as well as God and Satan. "Bubuka" that serves as the interface enters an imaginary gate was undergoing its work so noble. She ushers us to the horrors in our journey toward setapak traces the path interface. Where he provides us heaven and hell also. We know that we are indeed reluctant to depart. But it turns out we were forced by the situation later kudu sacrifice and give up what we've got. Self-esteem and a dream, was no exception. Song list and a series of words that reflect a journey to the interface. A journey to death itself. Due to the fact we are born, in fact, we were on our way to death. Truly tragic. Call it the God of Theos, which also serves as the keeper of the gate of heaven was. Or other names such as Lilith, the daughter of Theos and goddess Leto who ended up leaving everything glitters Nirvana and pick up yard of hell gate, a guard with the Cobalt. It is designed very ironic on parchment introduction to Barrel Perlaya who turns out to have already completed the write Addy since 2008. Said its language was so honest, straightforward, and sad. The sentences that he used in the novel would become a manifestation of short lyrics contained in this album. Making "the black Street" to "the frozen Tomb" is not mere jargon or slogans symbol kekerenan.There are, "Blackened Summer", antagonist already incarnated by itself without the need for our interpretation of it. He menyerupa the world we inhabit today, with all the dregs of life. From moneylenders, Realtor, corporations, and a tragic world. The dialogue opened with the creatures armed with brooms fly and keeper of the stall with the image of a cold morning, and an instant warms up. They exchange words with dew scatter not also released the Dwarves bertudung black; the rider flying broom. The morning was very revolutionary. The babble of the owner of the stall, Moksha, sengnya with the doyong, were able to build the melody resureksionis between cosmic networks intertwined through how the author shaping the dimension of the story.Behind the field of discourse between Moksha and the Dwarf, I am reminded of what Evey Hammond (the main character in the film V For Vendetta). He said that "artists use lies to uncovering the truth" as a negation of, "Politicians wear a lie to cover up the truth." Now, it is a debate with dikonfrontir kudu muluk from Moksa and Dwarf: "Hey, the artist is not free expression but non deceptive. On behalf of the aesthetics and the meaning of all the work was worth coffers ... ". Up here, our world would be any thing that tightness that can become seonggok art. Even the dog shit roll bak insect repellent with Dim light highlighted, then placed in a gallery belonging to the leading curator then, kun fayakun! Be it an art.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The album comes as a package with a novel. Individual stories produced by the singer himself, Addy Gembel. Regardless of the meaning of a series of words that form-dimensional geometry of a story, to review this album means also review the literature other than the music itself. That is, to make sense of this album is also going to interpret what Gembel Addy uttered from title to title of the story, and between "Bubuka" to "Frozen Cemetery" which became a marker of the end of the rotation of the CD. Forgotten Addy is certainly not alone. The prominent role, whether she realized it or not, creating Forgotten only Addy. Not Toteng, Gan Gan, Dick, or Rifki'13. Similarly, as we talked about the deceased Homicide that only Ucok there. Not Aszi, Sarkasz, Lephe, and E-One. No big deal. Collective work they managed to create the most authentic works of cultural happenings defiance of skena Bandung. Forgotten is the most consistent moral dissidents than ever. As inception in Ujung Berung to 17 years waving flags, they are still loyal become most seasoned campaigners for culture almost rotted due to poor products meaning, even without meaning. The products we consume more and more common day by day in order to embody about our identity as perfect beings. Perfect in front of the cashier and perfect before God. They were then bet, day and night, while continuously chanting the verses and praise to God as a lubricant despair. Even when they wash their hands of the blood. Blood membeceki their palace of colonies trash and commoners. This is the epoch of human satirnya of Forgotten. Equipped with prayers in centuries of decay, making manual authorized by the state to be poor meaning. It was designed so so upset with tightness charged rumble of anger in each riff and a constant barrage of snare. Laras create Perlaya which means 'song of death', being cuss colony that has been thrown by the gods. Khayangan the demonic. Romance and tragedy, love and hatred, are also gods and demons. "Bubuka" that serves as a gateway to enter the heavenly imagination undergo so noble duties. He led us to the horror of the way we trace the path towards the heavenly lanes. Where it provides us heaven and hell. We know that we are actually reluctant to move. But apparently we are forced by the situation that would have to sacrifice and pawn what we got. Dignity and dreams, not the exception. A list of songs and a series of words that reflect a journey toward the heavenly. A trip to the death itself. Because actually we are born, we are actually well on the way to his death. It is tragic. Call it the god Theos, who also acts as the gatekeeper of heaven. Or other names such as Lilith, the daughter of Theos and Goddess Leto who eventually left everything sparkling nirvana and selecting the yard of hell along the guard gate, Kobal. It is designed so ironic on parchment introduction Perlaya barrel that was already Addy finished writing since 2008. Said language is so honest, straightforward, and sad. Sentences he uses in this novel would become a manifestation of short lyrics contained in this album. Making "Hajar Street" to "Frozen Cemetery" not just jargon or slogans kekerenan mere symbol. From the "Summer Blackened", the antagonist has transformed itself without our interpretation repeatedly. He menyerupa world that today we live with all the dregs of life. From moneylenders, brokers, corporations, and the tragic world. Opened with dialogue being armed with broomsticks and shop keepers with the description of the cold, morning, and an instant warm. They exchanged moisture dissipating said that nevertheless did not liberate the black hooded dwarf; broomstick rider. Am very revolutionary. Chirped the shop owner, Moksha, with tin are inclined, is able to build images resurrectionists among networking cosmic intertwined through what the author form a dimension to the story. Behind the terrain of discourse between Moksha and Dwarves, I was reminded of what was said Evey Hammond (Figures in the film V For Vendetta). He said that "Artists use lies to uncover the truth" as the negation of, "Politicians are taking a lie to cover up the truth". Now, it must be confronted with a grandiose debate of Moksha and the Dwarf: "Hey, the artist is not free expression but free deceptive. In the name of aesthetics and meaning all work is valuable coffers ... ". Up here, our world would shortness any case it can be a piece of art. Even the dog dirt repellent roll tub with highlighted dim light, then placed in a gallery belonging to the leading curator then, kun Fayakun! Be it an art.

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